Rev Bras Oftalmol.2008;67(6):281-286

Cost-effectiveness of prostaglandin analogues in Brazil

Ricardo Augusto Paletta , Vanessa Maria Paletta , Alfredo

DOI: 10.1590/S0034-72802008000600003

PURPOSE: Assess cost-effectiveness of glaucoma and/or ocular hypertension medical therapy using prostaglandin analogues in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated the cost (average wholesale price) of different prostaglandin analogues (bimatoprost, latanoprost, travoprost) in relation to its effectiveness in reducing intra-ocular pressure. Monthly, annually and 5-year cost to achieve 1% and 20% of IOP reduction was calculated. Monthly, annually and 5-year cost to reduce 1 mmHg and 8 mmHg from baseline IOP was also calculated. RESULTS: Monthly cost to achieve 1% and 20% of IOP reduction was, respectively, R$ 1.35 and R$ 27.00 for bimatoprost 5 ml, R$ 1.50 and R$ 30.00 for bimatoprost 3 ml, R$ 1.53 and R$ 30.60 for travoprost and R$ 2.22 and R$ 44.40 for latanoprost. Monthly maximum cost to reduce baseline IOP 1 mmHg and 8 mmHg was, respectively, R$ 6.01 and R$ 48.08 for bimatoprost 5 ml, R$ 6.67 and R$ 53.36 for travoprost, R$ 6.70 and R$ 53.60 for bimatoprost 3 ml and R$ 9.83 and R$ 78.64 for latanoprost. CONCLUSION: Cost-effectiveness was better for bimatoprost 5 ml. The medication, which had the worst cost-effectiveness relationship, was latanoprost. Travoprost and bimatoprost 3 ml showed similar and intermediate results.

Cost-effectiveness of prostaglandin analogues in Brazil

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