
The goal of the present study was to examine the causal relationships among factors affecting successful listening comprehension for 285 Korean EFL learners through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Model specification for the SEM procedure was guided by theoretical consideration as well as empirical evidence obtained from a separate multiple regression analysis. Results of the present study showed that linguistic knowledge measured by students’ knowledge in grammar and vocabulary made a significant direct effect on Korean EFL students’ listening comprehension ability. Similarly, language anxiety, which was assessed through the lack of perceived listening competence and anxiety, was found to make a significant negative influence on listening comprehension ability. Listening strategy, however, showed no significant relationship to listening comprehension ability, contrary to the previous literature. Instead, listening strategy was found to make an indirect relation to listening comprehension ability through language anxiety. Intrinsic motivation was directly related to language anxiety and listening strategy, whereas attitudes toward learning English showed a direct relation only with linguistic knowledge. Implications for researchers and educators are also addressed.


구조 방정식 모형, 듣기 능력, 동기, 불안감, 태도, 전략


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