
This study aims to identify the determinants on the implementation level of e-Trade of Chinese exporters in Shandong Province, China. From the review of previous studies, a research model and six hypotheses were set up and tested by the multiple regression analysis with total 127 effective survey data. Among the company characteristics, the company size was statistically significant to the utilization range and the utilization level. But unlike former studies in Korea, the utilization range showed the (-) mark. On the other hand, the innovative attitude of CEO didn't show statistical significance to both the utilization range and the utilization level. Among the information characteristics, the IT infrastructure was not statistically significant to both the utilization range and the utilization level. On the other hand, the education and training of technical personnel didn't have a significant effect on the utilization range, but it had a statistically significant effect on the utilization level. Among the external environment, the intensity of competition had a statistically significant effect on both the utilization range and the utilization level. In summary, the implementation level of e-Trade of Chinese exporters in Shandong Province, China is still behind that of Korea. But the fact that the small and medium-sized Chinese exporters are using Internet more actively than large companies suggests some implications for those of Korea.


e-Trade, Internet, EDI, Chinese Exporters, Shandong Province


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