Development of the unified technique for the monitoring of occupational hazards at Kryvbas mining enterprises (Ukraine)




production factors, industrial injuries, occupational diseases, occupational risk management


The basic indexes of efficiency of the HSE management system were estimated. The algorithm is the basis for mathematical modeling of a control occupational health and safety management system. The developed algorithm, in contrast to the existing ones, involves a series of steps to determine the effectiveness of the system of labor protection management and identification of the factors of injury at an enterprise. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the resulting method makes it possible to determine the level of the OH and the effectiveness of the HSE management system.

We have formed a mathematical optimization model to increase the security of the working environment, taking into account the nonlinearity of the dependencies between the effectiveness of measures, which normalize the factors of the work environment, and their cost.

The analysis of seniority and age groups was conducted, as well as dust, noise, vibration, and temperature gradients in the underground conditions. The analytical relations between the coefficients of the state of occupational health and safety and risk levels were established, which provides an opportunity to determine the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management system in the future. It has been shown that the social effect when using the proposed method is 11 %.

The developed unified technique differs from the existing ones by the next proposed additional steps:

– the of hazardous and harmful production factors were proposed;

– a generalized ratio of the condition of occupational health and safety was proposed.

All of these components, in turn, will allow improving the assessment of working conditions at an enterprise and determining whether the HSE management system is functioning properly.

The developed method is useful in the development of mathematical and software modeling in occupational health and safety management. The results of the study can be used by implementing the recommendations proposed for the mining industry and other industries.

Author Biography

Darya Zaikina, Kryvyi Rih National University V. Matusevych str., 11, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50027

Postgraduate student

Department of the mining aerology and the occupational health and safety


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How to Cite

Zaikina, D. (2017). Development of the unified technique for the monitoring of occupational hazards at Kryvbas mining enterprises (Ukraine). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(10 (87), 18–27.