Religion, Spirituality and Implicit Religion in Psychotherapy


  • James Gollnick University of Waterloo



psychotherapy, implicit religion, spirituality, mental health


This article examines psychotherapy’s changing attitude toward religion and spirituality, a change that signals a greater openness not only to explicit religion and spirituality, but also to the key elements of implicit religion. Recent studies indicate that the primary psychological elements of implicit religion are identity, values, worldview, and meaning. To the degree that psychotherapy helps people rewrite their personal story and redraw their cognitive and moral maps of reality, it deals directly with these core aspects of their implicit religion and spirituality. This essay explores how these dimensions of implicit religion are essential factors, dealt with in the course of psychotherapy.


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How to Cite

Gollnick, J. (2004). Religion, Spirituality and Implicit Religion in Psychotherapy. Implicit Religion, 7(2), 120-141.