
A Translation of the First Chapter of the Tibetan Udanavarga


  • Peter Skilling Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok




Udānavarga, Tibetan translation, Buddhist verse, impermanence and death


The Udanavarga is a grand compendium of Buddhist verse, compiled by a Dharmatrata about whom we know next to nothing. In Sarvastivadin and Mulasarvastivadin circles the Udanavarga was as popular as is the Dhammapada in Theravadin circles, and it circulated widely in South and Central Asia. Here I give an English translation from the Tibetan of the first chapter, ‘Impermanence’.


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How to Cite

Skilling, P. (2020). ‘Impermanence’: A Translation of the First Chapter of the Tibetan Udanavarga. Buddhist Studies Review, 37(1), 15–25. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsrv.18494