Online ISSN : 1884-8788
Print ISSN : 0374-3527
ISSN-L : 0374-3527
西岡 利夫関口 利和町田 守也草野 元康小暮 道夫松崎 勉加藤 良一堀越 勤深川 博淳田島 弘久大嶋 寛土岐 宗利菊地 一真河村 修茂木 文孝杉山 雅大和田 恒夫飯塚 明男小林 節雄
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 22 巻 2 号 p. 103-112


Manometric study was performed to investigate the effects of cisapride, a new nonantidopaminergic gastrointestinal prokinetic compound, on interdigestive lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP) and gastroduodenal motility using infused catheter technique. The subjects consisted of 9 healthy volunteers and 29 patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (19), reflux esophagitis (8) and others (2). 4 mg of cisapride was given by bolus injection, continuous infusion or oral administration.
The following results were obtained:
1) Intravenous and oral cisapride increased LESP compared with basal pressure. Especially, bolus injection of cisapride caused a significant elevation of LESP during 30 minutes after administration.
2) After administration of cisapride, gastroduodenal motility was accelerated gradually, then inducing IMC-like contractions. By bolus injection, IMC-like contractions were induced in healthy subjects more frequently than in patients group.On the other hand, motility index of stomach and duodenum showed persistent increase in patients group compared with healthy subjects.
3) Cisapride-induced IMC-like contractions initiated from LES and upper part of stomach and mediated to duodenum, though aborad migration was not confirmed in the present study.


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