Tekhnologiya i Konstruirovanie v Elektronnoi Apparature, 2020, no. 5-6, pp. 16-19.
DOI: 10.15222/TKEA2020.5-6.16
UDC 535.23:628.98:535.31:621.383.52:537.312.51:631.382
High-resistivity p-type silicon-based p-i-n photodiode with high responsivity at the wavelength of 1060 nm
(in English)
Kukurudziak M. S., Andreeva O. P., Lipka V. M.

Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Rhythm Optoelectronics Shareholding Company.

The paper presents the results of development, optimization and improvement of p–i–n photodiode technology based on high-resistance p-type silicon with increased responsivity at a wavelength of 1060 nm. The optimal material was selected and the technological modes optimal for solving the set task were established and worked out ³n the course of research.

Keywords: photodiode, silicon, sensitivity, technological mode.

Received 10.10 2020
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