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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter January 6, 2021

Pain sensitivity increases more in younger runners during an ultra-marathon

  • James W. Agnew EMAIL logo , Alexandre L. Roy , Steven B. Hammer and Frederick F. Strale



Ultra-endurance research interest has increased in parallel with an increased worldwide participation in these extreme activities. Pain-related data for the growing population of ultra-endurance athletes, however, is insufficient. More data is especially needed regarding the variation in the aging populations of these athletes. We have previously shown that peripheral and central pain sensitivity increases during an ultra-marathon. To further clarify these changes in pain sensitivity during ultra-endurance competition we investigated these variations in two age populations: Younger runners ≤ 39-year-old (younger) and an older group of runners being ≥ 40 years of age (older).


Subjects were recruited from ultra-marathon competitions held over a three-year period in Florida, USA. All courses were flat with either hard macadam surface or soft sandy trails; run in hot, humid weather conditions. Pressure pain threshold (PPT) was measured with a pressure algometer on the distal, dominant arm before and immediately after an ultra-marathon. Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) was also measured pre and post, immediately after the PPT by placing the non-dominant hand in a cold-water bath maintained at 13.5 ± 1.5 °C. The difference between the pre and post measurements for both PPT and CPM were calculated and referred to as ΔPPT and ΔCPM, respectively for analysis. Data were analyzed with a Mixed 2 × 2 (Within X Between) MANOVA.


Both PPT and CPM decreased during the ultra-marathons (p<0.05) in the younger group of runners. In the older runners there was not a statistically significant decrease in PPT during the ultramarathons whereas CPM did significantly decrease statistically (p=0.031). The ΔPPT was less in the older group compared to the younger group (p=0.018). The difference between the younger and older groups ΔCPM approached statistical significance at p=0.093.


This statistical evidence suggests that the overall increase in peripheral and possibly central pain sensitivity was different between our age groups. Pain sensitivity during the ultra-marathon increased more in our younger group of runners than in our older group. This study suggests that there is an unidentified factor in an older population of ultra-marathon runners that results in an attenuated increase in pain sensitivity during an ultra-endurance activity. These factors may include a decreased innate immune response, lower fitness level, lower exertion during the ultra-marathon, variation in endorphin, enkephalin, endocannabinoid and psychological factors in the older age runners.


Research interest has increased regarding ultra-endurance athletes over the past decade but pain-related data for this growing population remains insufficient [1]. Participation in ultra-endurance activities is increasing exponentially. According to [2], in the year 2000 there were close to 44,000 combined male and female runners in ultra-marathon events worldwide. In 2018 that increased to a total of almost 300,000 combined male and female ultra-marathon runners. That is a 680% increase in ultra-marathon participants in 18 years.

In just 10 years male and female ultra-endurance runners between 23 and 40 years old have increased from 64,576 runners to 257,882 runners. In runners between 41 and 65 years of age the increase, during that same time period, was from 49,393 to 167,039. That is a 399% increase in younger runners and a similar 338% increase in older runners. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: 
          Data derived from DUV – ultramarathon statistics in 2018.
Figure 1:

Data derived from DUV – ultramarathon statistics in 2018.

Despite the increase in both the numbers of ultra-marathon participants as well as the increasing number of older runners, there is very little data on variation in pain resulting from ultra-marathon competition for these growing populations.

Pressure pain threshold (PPT) has been shown to increase with aging [3], [, 4]. A decrease in endogenous pain modulation, previously introduced as descending noxious inhibitory control [5] and now measured in humans as conditioned pain modulation (CPM) has also been seen to occur with aging [6]. Our research group has recently shown that PPT and CPM decrease during an ultra-marathon, thus increasing central and peripheral pain sensitivity [1]. Based on the well-known increase in pro-inflammatory markers during an ultra-endurance event [7], [8], [9] we suggested that the decreased PPT and CPM observed resulted from the effects of these inflammatory markers on nociceptor plasticity during the ultra-marathon competition [1].

Recently the terms “Inflammaging” [10], [11], [12] and “immunosenescence” [13], [14], [15] have been introduced from research on changes in the immune system due to aging. This research has predominantly indicated that there is a progressive chronic inflammatory condition occurring with age that is referred to as inflammaging. A greater amount of research on the adaptive immunity changes occurring with age vs. the innate immunity changes with aging, has been done. This research has revealed that both cellular and humoral immunity decrease with age [15] and is now referred to as immunosenescence.

More recently there has been research indicating that, as with immunosenesence, there is a decreased ability to mount an acute, innate inflammatory response to both infection and tissue damage with aging [16].

Given the known innate inflammatory response of ultra-endurance exercise [1], [7], [8], [9], [17]; the well-established mechanism of hyperalgesia [18], and the known variation in pain sensitivity shown to occur with aging [3], [19], [20], we speculated that there may likely be differences in the pain response during an ultra-endurance event due to aging. To investigate the age variation in pain sensitivity during ultra-endurance activity we measured PPT and CPM before and immediately after an ultra-marathon in two age groups: A younger group of runners ≤ 39 years (younger) and older group of Master athletes ≥ 40 years old (older).



Subjects with ages ranging from 26 years old to 61 years of age were recruited over a three-year period from participants entered into three separate ultra-marathons held in Fellsmere, FL and the Florida Keys during the months of November and May, 2016 and 2017. Our subjects either volunteered in response to a pre-race email describing our research projects or were recruited at the race during the pre-race meeting. All subjects were provided with informed consent to the research protocol reviewed by the Indian River State College Institutional Review Board. Exclusion criteria included age below 18 years old and any pre-existing condition that would prohibit them from participating in our measurements such as previous cold injury or Raynaud’s Syndrome for example.


All ultra-marathon courses were predominantly flat and run during hot, humid conditions. There were two different courses in Fellsmere, FL, both run over on very similar soft, sandy trails in the Saint Sebastian Preserve on either a 10 mile or 25 mile loop. The Keys 100 ultra-marathon is run in May almost entirely on concrete sidewalks and gravel paths along the road or on the road itself starting in Key Largo and going 100 miles straight to Key West along route A1A.


Pressure pain threshold (PPT) and conditioned pain modulation (CPM) were assessed prior to the start of the race and again immediately after completion of either a 50 or 100-mile ultra-marathon. At the finish the subjects were immediately escorted to the testing area located within 50 yards of the finish line. All testing was completed for all subjects within 20 min of their finish. Our data was collapsed across both distances for analysis of the age group variations.

A pressure algometer (Fabrication Enterprises, P.O. Box 1500, White Plains, NY 10602, USA) with a scale ranging from 0 to 10 kg, with 0.25 kg increments, was used to assess PPT. These kilogram/square millimeter data were converted to kilopascals (kPa) for the analysis. The dominant arm was used for the PPT measure. The flat circular probe of the pressure algometer with a surface area of 1.52 cm2 was pressed three separate times on the distal, dorsal surface of the radius and ulna, equidistant from the medial and lateral styloid processes. The subjects were instructed to signal when the pressure of the pressure algometer changed from a sensation of pressure to what they sensed as pain.

The technician performing the pressure algometer measurements did not observe the pressure algometer dial during or after the measurements. Another technician was dedicated to recording all pressure algometer measurements.

After the three consecutive PPT measures, the subjects placed their non-dominant hand into a bath of cold water manually maintained at 13.5 ± 1.5 °C to assess the CPM utilizing the cold-pressor test (CPT) as the conditioning stimulus [21]. The PPT measure was then repeated on the dominant hand in the same location at 90 s and again at 120 s, while the non-dominant hand remained in the cold-water bath. The same procedure, described above, was employed.

Together with PPT and CPM analysis the change, or “Delta” values, for both PPT and CPM were calculated by subtracting the POST data from the PRE PPT and CPM data to further assess the variation in nociceptor sensitivity and in the descending pain inhibition, respectively, during the ultra-marathon. These results are designated the ΔPPT and ΔCPM, respectively.

Data analysis

A Mixed 2 × 2 (within × between) MANOVA was performed using SPSS 26.0. Nominal alpha was set at 0.05 (α=0.05). These analyses were performed on PPT and CPM scores to determine statistically significant multivariate mean differences on factor A: time (pre/post) and factor B: age (younger vs. older) as well as an interaction within subjects and between subjects relative to factor A: time (pre/post) and factor B: age (younger vs. older) on the two dependent variables (PPT) and (CPM).

Tests of Assumptions were performed with Box’s test of Equality of Covariance Matrices which enable us to, if satisfied, reduce likelihood of Type I error, therefore inferring more valid conclusions. In the case of multiple comparisons (multiplicity), satisfied assumptions reduce likelihood of familywise error (FWER).

Resampling methods using Bootstrapped paired t-tests (1,000 replications) were performed to mitigate potential multiplicity thereby reducing FWER likelihoods.

Sphericity is always satisfied at two levels of a repeated measures factorial analyses, therefore Mauchly’s test of sphericity is unnecessary to evaluate.

Two-independent sample t-tests (Welch’s t-test) was done on the ΔPPT and ΔCPM data.


Population parameters are included in Table 1.

Table 1:

Population parameters.

Age groups Age range Mean age Actual total time (min) 50 miles Actual mile pace (miles/min) 50 miles Age-graded total time (min) 50 miles Age-graded mile pace (miles/min) 50 miles Actual total time (min) 100 miles Actual mile pace (miles/min) 100 miles Age-graded total time (min) 100 miles Age-graded mile pace (miles/min) 100 miles
Younger 26–39 33.8 n=8 n=9 685 13.4 668 13.2 1,452 14.3 1,438 14.2
Older 41–61 48.2 n=12 n=8 811 16.1 722 14.2 1,621 16.1 1,486 14.5

Sample characteristics: age group, pre-post, mean, standard deviation and sample size are presented below in Table 2.

Table 2:

Sample characteristics.

Age group Mean, kPa SD N
PrePPT Younger 506.1 126.1 17
Older 463.5 154.7 20
Total 483.0 141.9 37
PostPPT Younger 349.2 86.1 17
Older 417.0 88.4 20
Total 385.9 92.7 37
PreCPM Younger 538.6 114.5 17
Older 509.7 191.7 20
Total 522.9 159.5 37
PostCPM Younger 370.2 96.2 17
Older 427.3 100.9 20
Total 401.1 101.5 37

Test of assumptions were done. Box’s M indicates homogeneity of covariance matrices (M=15.339; p=0.202; df=10, 5488) is above the criterion α=0.001 for Box’s M, therefore the assumption of equal variances is satisfied.

Normality tests, i.e. tests of the data distribution, indicated pre and post data relative to age groups all satisfy or violate the normality assumptions based on p<0.05 (violate) and p>0.05 (satisfy) and are presented in Table 3.

Table 3:

Tests of normality.

Tests of normality
Kolmogorov–Smirnova Shapiro–Wilk
Stat. df p-Value Stat. df p-Value
PrePPT-younger 0.152 17 0.200* 0.938 17 0.297
PostPPT-younger 0.116 17 0.200* 0.971 17 0.831
DeltaPPT-younger 0.118 17 0.200* 0.949 17 0.445
PreCPM-younger 0.205 17 0.057 0.920 17 0.146
PostCPM-younger 0.161 17 0.200* 0.952 17 0.484
DeltaCPM-younger 0.175 17 0.174 0.893 17 0.051
PrePPT-older 0.199 17 0.072 0.897 17 0.060
PostPPT-older 0.129 17 0.200* 0.965 17 0.719
PreCPM-older 0.147 17 0.200* 0.953 17 0.507
PostCPM-older 0.176 17 0.169 0.905 17 0.083
DeltaPPT-older 0.192 17 0.094 0.914 17 0.117
DeltaCPM-older 0.168 17 0.200* 0.934 17 0.253

There were statistically significant within subjects effects on time – pre/post (F=22.094; p=0.001; df=3, 105; ES=0.387 and for the Time x Age Group Interaction (F=3.921; p=0.011; df=3, 105; ES=0.101). This indicates that the ultramarathon race may have had a statistically significant effect on reducing pain sensitivity in both younger and older cohorts as measured by PPT and CPM.

Tests of between-subjects effects indicates a non-significant mean difference between age groups on PPT and CPM (F=0.161; p=0.691; df=1, 35; ES=0.005).

Paired t-tests indicate a statistically significant mean difference for (PrePPTyounger vs. PostPPTyounger; t=4.670; p=0.001; df=16), and a statistically significant mean difference for (PreCPMyounger vs. PostCPMyounger; t=4.803; p=0.001; df=16), as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: 
          PPT and CPM were significantly decreased during both the 50 and 100 mile ultra-marathons in the younger group.$\text{group}.$ *p<0.001.
Figure 2:

PPT and CPM were significantly decreased during both the 50 and 100 mile ultra-marathons in the younger group. *p<0.001.

Paired t-tests indicate a statistically non-significant mean difference for (PrePPT-older vs. PostPPT-older; t=1.611; p=0.124; df=19), and a statistically significant mean difference for (PreCPM-older vs. PostCPM-older; t=2.335; p=0.031; df=19), as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: 
          In the older group there were no significant difference pre vs. post PPT (p=0.12) during both the 50 or 100 mile ultra-marathons. Pre vs. post CPM was significantly lower post ultra-marathon. *p=0.031.
Figure 3:

In the older group there were no significant difference pre vs. post PPT (p=0.12) during both the 50 or 100 mile ultra-marathons. Pre vs. post CPM was significantly lower post ultra-marathon. *p=0.031.

Bootstrapped paired samples statistical significance/non-significance rates were consistent with non-bootstrapped paired t-test results presented below in Table 4.

Table 4:

Bootstrapped paired t-tests.

Mean Bias S.E. Bootstrapa sig. (two-tailed) Lower Upper
Pair 1 prePPT-younger – postPPTyounger 156.9 506.00.146 32.8 0.002 96.78 223.02
Pair 2 prePPT-older postPPT-older 51.6 0.936 32.3 0.163 −4.39 121.91
Pair 3 preCPM-younger – postCPM - younger 168.4 0.337 35.0 0.004 99.06 236.56
Pair 4 preCPM-older – postCPM-older 96.9 0.978 40.5 0.041 26.24 183.15
  1. aUnless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1,000 bootstrap samples.

Welch’s t-tests (two-independent sample) indicate a statistically significant mean difference (ΔPPT-younger vs. ΔPPT-older; t=2.494; p=0.018; df=33) on pressure pain threshold and a mean difference approaching significance (ΔCPM-younger vs. ΔCPM-older; t=1.727; p=0.093; df=35) on conditioned pain modulation as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: 
          There were near significant differences in the ∆PPT (p=0.018). ∆CPM was not significantly different between the age groups (p=0.093). This illustrates the differences in changes of peripheral pain sensitivity as measured by PPT between age groups.
Figure 4:

There were near significant differences in the ∆PPT (p=0.018). ∆CPM was not significantly different between the age groups (p=0.093). This illustrates the differences in changes of peripheral pain sensitivity as measured by PPT between age groups.


Participation in ultra-endurance events has expanded exponentially during the previous five decades [22]. A large percentage of participants are considered “Master” athletes with ages of 40 years and older [2]. To the best of our knowledge, there is no research focused on pain variation in older ultra-endurance athletes during an ultra-marathon.

Pain sensitivity has been shown to increase during an ultra-marathon [1]. This present study extends those findings by investigating these same changes in different age groups. In this study we have seen that an older group of runners had less decrease in PPT and CPM when compared to the younger group during an ultra-marathon. Our present data suggests that older runners complete an ultra-marathon without the same increased sensitivity to pain as younger runners.

In this present study there is a decrease in PPT and CPM in our younger group of runners during an ultra-marathon (Figure 2). While we saw the same decrease in our older group (Figure 3) that decrease in PPT was not statistically significant (p=0.124), whereas the CPM did significantly decrease (p=0.031).

As revealed with our ΔPPT values the amount of decrease in pain sensitivity was less in our older group (p=0.018) when compared to the younger group as seen in Figure 4. Despite a substantial mean difference in ΔCPM between the young and old groups this difference only approached statistical significance (p=0.093) most likely due to lack of power with n=17 in our younger groups and n=20 in the older group.

The increased sensitivity to pain during an ultra-marathon may result from the effects of the well-documented increases in inflammation shown to occur during the extreme exertion of an ultra-marathon [17], [, 23]. Increased inflammatory biomarkers have been shown to result in increased pain sensitivity [18], [24], [25], [26], [27]. Inflammation has repeatedly been shown to occur during ultra-endurance activities [7], [9], [17].

Inflammation is a fundamental response from the innate immune cells that detect tissue injury [28]. Both the adaptive and innate systems of immunity have been shown to be involved in immunosenescence which is defined as the decreased immune response due to aging [29], [, 30]. It has been shown that there is a decreased lymphocyte function of the acquired immune system with aging [31]. The innate immune system involves the initial line of defense of the body that encompasses the inflammatory response to injury typically including neutrophilia. The observation of neutrophilia during intense running is not new. In 1901, Larrabee observed this in four Boston Marathon runners [32]. He referred to the neutrophils then as the “inflammatory” type of leukocytes. Larrabee concluded that “Violent, prolonged, exhausting work produces leukocytosis [sic]”, referring to neutrophilia [32]. Aging has been shown to result in an ineffective innate immune response mediated primarily by the declining neutrophil response [33]. It has been suggested that the age-related failure of the innate immune system may result in increased risk of secondary infection after infection or physical insult [33]. As with the acquired immune system the efficacy of the innate immune system has also been shown to decrease with aging [34].

One very plausible cause for the decreased change in pain sensitivity seen in the older group in the present study may be the documented variation of the innate immune response as we age. Inflammatory biomarkers were not measured in our subjects during their races so we can only hypothesize that a blunted innate immune response, as reported previously with aging [34], may have resulted in the decreased pain sensitivity that we have observed in our older population of ultra-marathoners.

The investigation of pain in an aging population can be challenging as studies of the effects of aging on the response to pain have been disparate. A review on the effects of age on pain sensitivity in 2012 [35] noted that in the 25 studies on the age-related variations in pain sensitivity reviewed there was a decrease in sensitivity in nine out of those 25 studies; 12 out of the 25 showed an increased sensitivity and the remaining four showed no change in sensitivity. They noted the many different factors that must be considered including the research design and the research population.

In this study our research population is unique. Our research design had no delineation of characteristics for our subjects other than being 18 years or older, no previous cold injury and entered into the ultra-marathon with the intention of completing at least 50 or 100 miles within a defined time period. This suggests that these individuals routinely train to achieve this kind of result by including significant submaximal exercise – most likely running – in their daily schedules. With this assumption we expected our subjects to demonstrate similar systemic inflammatory responses that have previously been shown to occur during an ultra-marathon, including: 90-fold increase in CPK, 23-fold increase in CRP and 121-fold increase in IL-6 [17], all inflammatory biomarkers previously shown to result in hyperalgesia [17], [, 18]. Given these previous findings we were confident that our subjects had, in fact, had a significant inflammatory response to their ultra-marathon run. Likewise we shared that same confidence that our subjects had developed the well-documented hyperalgesia that results from these levels of acute inflammation [18], [24], [25].

Other potential causes for the decreased change in pain sensitivity seen in our older group of runners may have been due to variation in fitness level as well as levels of exertion during the ultra-marathon. Inflammatory biomarkers have indeed been shown to be inversely related to maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) in healthy men [36]. A recent meta-analysis has shown that there is an anti-inflammatory effect seen in aging populations that have consistently high levels of physical activity [37]. The inflammatory response to different degrees of ultra-endurance exercise has been investigated comparing these factors between athletes in a full vs. a half Ironman Triathlon [38]. In that study IL-6, an inflammatory biomarker, was essentially the same post-exercise for the full Ironman vs. the Half Ironman (18.9 ± 13.1 pg/mL vs. 18.9 ± 13.7 pg/mL, respectively). Other inflammatory biomarkers varied between the different length events: CRP was lower in the half Ironman whereas TNF was surprising higher in the half Ironman.

Fitness level as measured by VO2max may also affect pain sensitivity. A decreased central and peripheral pain sensitivity has been seen when comparing endurance athletes with a VO2max > 60 mL/kg/min to a healthy control group while at rest [39]. In the present study each subject was their own control and there was no statistical difference in the PRE PPT and CPM measurement between the age groups (Figure 3). This suggests that if there was a difference in fitness levels between our age groups this did not manifest in differences in pain sensitivity at least at the start of the race.

Exercise-induced hypoalgesia has been seen to actually increase as exertion level increases as during an incremental exercise test [40]. The focus of this present study is to investigate how the pain response in our different age populations may vary during an ultra-marathon. Despite an ultra-marathon being substantially different than a single bout of incremental exercise it is reasonable to address the possibility that exertion level throughout the race may be the driving factor for alterations in pain sensitivity between our age groups. To approximate the degree of exertion in our age groups we calculated the “Age-Graded Times” for each runner in the 50 mile and 100 mile races. Age-graded times have been developed to standardize race times for gender and age groups. As can be observed in Table 1. the age-graded mile pace was 13:42 in our young group compared to 14:18 in our older group during the 50 miles. During the 100 mile race the younger runners the age-graded mile pace was 14:24 and the older group ran at a very similar 14:49 age-graded mile pace.

One important limitation with these data is of course the limitation inherent in field studies. While there is a sacrifice of laboratory control in these data there is a great advantage in being able to obtain data during the actual extreme stress characteristic to these types of ultra-endurance activities [41]. One example of this was in collecting data often in relatively remote locations during a race. The cold water bath required for our CPM measurement was maintained between 12 °C and 15 °C offering logistical challenges to obtain a constant supply of ice in the hot, humid conditions of Florida. Despite the somewhat higher water temperatures we continued to observe the appropriate increased PPT during our cold water immersion at this somewhat higher water temperature seen in related studies [42]. It has been shown that there is no difference in the CPM data with variation in subjective pain ratings during the CPT [43]. Wewould not proceed with the measurement unless the water temperature was equal to or less than 15 °C.

In conclusion we have shown that during either a 50 mile or 100 mile ultra-marathon our runners 40 years or older exhibited less increase in pain sensitivity compared with the younger runners.

Corresponding author: James W. Agnew, Indian River State College, Fort Pierce, FL, USA, E-mail:


We would like to acknowledge the crucial contributions from the student members of the Indian River State College Florida Ultra-Endurance Academic Research Club. Without their help in data collection during this paper would not have been possible.

  1. Research funding: There were no grant monies used in this research. This research has been partially funded by the Foundation budget of the Indian River State College Biology Department.

  2. Author contributions: All authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.

  3. Competing interests: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Informed consent: The Informed consent document was reviewed and approved by the Indian River State College Institutional Review Board prior to conducting this research and was provided to all subjects used in this study.

  5. Ethical approval: This study was approved by the Indian River State College Institutional Review Board prior to collecting any data.


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Received: 2020-03-05
Accepted: 2020-10-29
Published Online: 2021-01-06
Published in Print: 2021-04-27

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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