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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton March 27, 2015

Reading Deleuze through the lens of Hermeticism

  • Inna Semetsky

    Inna Semetsky (b. 1948) is an adjunct professor at University of Waikato <>. Her research interests include semiotics, philosophy of education, transpersonal psychology, and futures studies. Her publications include Deleuze, education, and becoming (2006); “Nomadic education” (2008); “Semiotics education experience” (2010); and “Jung and educational theory” (2012).

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From the journal Semiotica

About the author

Inna Semetsky

Inna Semetsky (b. 1948) is an adjunct professor at University of Waikato <>. Her research interests include semiotics, philosophy of education, transpersonal psychology, and futures studies. Her publications include Deleuze, education, and becoming (2006); “Nomadic education” (2008); “Semiotics education experience” (2010); and “Jung and educational theory” (2012).

Published Online: 2015-3-27
Published in Print: 2015-4-1

©2015 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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