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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 25, 2017

A Bayesian semiparametric factor analysis model for subtype identification

  • Jiehuan Sun , Joshua L. Warren and Hongyu Zhao EMAIL logo


Disease subtype identification (clustering) is an important problem in biomedical research. Gene expression profiles are commonly utilized to infer disease subtypes, which often lead to biologically meaningful insights into disease. Despite many successes, existing clustering methods may not perform well when genes are highly correlated and many uninformative genes are included for clustering due to the high dimensionality. In this article, we introduce a novel subtype identification method in the Bayesian setting based on gene expression profiles. This method, called BCSub, adopts an innovative semiparametric Bayesian factor analysis model to reduce the dimension of the data to a few factor scores for clustering. Specifically, the factor scores are assumed to follow the Dirichlet process mixture model in order to induce clustering. Through extensive simulation studies, we show that BCSub has improved performance over commonly used clustering methods. When applied to two gene expression datasets, our model is able to identify subtypes that are clinically more relevant than those identified from the existing methods.


We thank the editor and reviewers for careful reading of our paper and for their insightful and constructive comments, which have greatly helped improve our work. Jiehuan Sun and Hongyu Zhao were supported by National Science Foundation grant DMS-1106738 and National Institutes of Health grants R01 GM59507 and P01 CA154295. Joshua L. Warren was supported by CTSA Grant Number UL1 TR001863 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of NIH.


Here, we provide details of the MCMC sampling algorithm used for fitting our proposed method. Let ei be the cluster membership indicator, i.e. ei = k means subject i belongs to cluster k. Let K be the largest possible cluster indicator in the most recent step. Let 𝚯 be the set of all parameters. Based on the model specification and the prior distributions given in the main text, we can write out the joint distribution of all parameters given data as follows.


where c = 1 is the concentration parameter in the DP prior, v1 = v2 =0.01 are the parameters in the Inverse Gamma prior distributions for the diagonal elements of 𝚺 and 𝛀, nk=i=1nδ(ei=k) is the number of subjects in cluster k in the current step, and [⋅]gm denotes the element in the gth row and mth column of the matrix. Then, MCMC sampling proceeds in the following steps:

  1. The gene specific variances are sampled as follows.

    [𝚺]gg|Inverse Gamma(v1+n2,v2+12in[(Yi𝚲𝜼i)(Yi𝚲𝜼i)T]gg),

    where |… means conditional all the other parameters and data.

  2. The diagonal elements of the covariance matrix 𝛀 are sampled as follows.

    [𝛀]mm|Inverse Gamma(v1+n2,v2*),

    where v2*=v2+12ik=1Kδ(ei=k)[(𝜼i𝝁k)(𝜼i𝝁k)T]mm.

  3. The subject specific factor scores 𝜼i are sampled as follows.


    where Ω*=(𝚲T𝚺1𝚲+Ω1)1.

  4. The loading matrix 𝚲 are sampled as follows.


    where Ωg*=([𝚺]gg1𝜼T𝜼+σ2IM)1, σ2 is the prior variance for elements in 𝚲 ,𝜼T=[𝜼1,,𝜼n], and [Y]g is the gth column of Y,= [Y1, …, Yn]T. For constrained rows of 𝚲, where we only need to update m elements, the updating rule is similar except that 𝜼 is constrained to the first m columns and the contribution of the (m + 1)th column of 𝜼 is deducted from the corresponding column of [Y].

  5. The cluster specific means 𝝁k are sampled as follows.


    where Ωk*=(nk𝛀1+(ρIM)1)1.

  6. The cluster membership indicator for each subject is sampled as follows. For cluster k, which is occupied by some subjects excluding subject i, we have


    where l is some positive constant shared across all clusters, Φ(⋅; 𝝁, 𝚺) is the density function for Multivariate Normal distribution with mean 𝝁 and covariance matrix 𝚺, nk(i)=j=1,jinδ(ej=k) is the number of subjects in cluster k excluding ith subject, and 𝝁~k(i) and 𝛀~k(i) are the cluster specific means and variances for the factor scores respectively, which can be calculated as


    For a new cluster K + 1, we have


    Then, the cluster membership indicator is drawn from a multinomial distribution, that is

  7. The variance parameter ρ in the base distribution of the DP prior can be sampled as follows. For convenience, we first transform the variance parameter to avoid the positive constraint on the variance parameter and the posterior sampling is conducted on the transformed variance parameter. Specifically, let τ=log(aρρb), where a and b are the parameters in the prior distribution for ρUniform(a,b) (a = 0 and b = 2 in our case). Then, a Metropolis Hasting updating step can be performed to draw τ using N (τ,ω2) as the proposal distribution, where τ′ is the current value and ω2 can be used to tune the acceptance rate. The acceptance probability can be calculated as


    where P(τ)=exp(τ)(exp(τ)+1)2 and P({𝝁k}k=1K|τ)k=1KΦ(𝝁k;M,(bexp(τ)+aexp(τ)+1)IM).


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Published Online: 2017-3-25
Published in Print: 2017-4-25

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