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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 4, 2021

The suite of Taylor–Galerkin class schemes for ice transport on sphere implemented by the INMOST package

  • Sergey S. Petrov EMAIL logo and Nikolay G. Iakovlev


Realizations of the numerical solution of the scalar transport equation on the sphere, written in divergent form, are presented. Various temporal discretizations are considered: the one-step Taylor–Galerkin method (TG2), the two-step Taylor–Galerkin method of the second (TTG2), third (TTG3), and fourth (TTG4) orders. The standard Finite-Element Galerkin method with linear basis functions on a triangle is applied as spatial discretization. The flux correction technique (FCT) is implemented. Test runs are carried out with different initial profiles: a function from C (Gaussian profile) and a discontinuous function (slotted cylinder). The profiles are advected by reversible, nondivergent velocity fields, therefore the initial distribution coincides with the final one. The case of a divergent velocity field is also considered to test the conservation and positivity properties of the schemes. It is demonstrated that TG2, TTG3, and TTG4 schemes with FCT applied give the best result for small Courant numbers, and TTG2, TTG4 are preferable in case of large Courant number. However, TTG2+FCT scheme has the worst stability. The use of FCT increases the integral errors, but ensures that the solution is positive with high accuracy. The implemented schemes are included in the dynamic core of a new sea ice model developed using the INMOST package. The acceleration of the parallel program and solution convergence with spatial resolution are demonstrated.

MSC 2010: 76M10; 86A05


The authors are grateful to the staff of the INM RAS: Gordey Goyman, Pavel Perezhogin, Vladimir Shashkin, Vasily Kramarenko, and Alexander Danilov for valuable advice and comments, help with the construction of grids and with mastering the INMOST and Ani3D software packages.

  1. Funding: The study was carried out at the INM RAS with the support of the Russian Science Foundation (project 21-71-30023).


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Received: 2021-05-27
Accepted: 2021-05-31
Published Online: 2021-10-04
Published in Print: 2021-08-26

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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