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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter March 2, 2013

Distinct Neopterin Excretion Patterns after Vaccination

  • Dietmar Fuchs , Arno Hausen , Gilbert Reibnegger , Ernst R. Werner , Gabriele Werner-Felmayer and Helmut Wachter
From the journal Pteridines


To compare the involvement of cellular immunity in response to vaccination we have investigated urinary neopterin levels in daily follow-ups of children after vaccination with live measles/mumps vaccine and of adults after boosting with the soluble antigen tetanus toxoid. Neopterin levels distinctly peaked 8 - 11 days after vaccination with measles/mumps vaccine. In contrast, after boosting with soluble antigen tetanus toxoid neopterin levels remained unaffected. Large amounts of neopterin are produced by human monocytes/ macro phages on stimulation with gamma interferon. In patients neopterin concentrations reflect activation of cell mediated immunity. The data imply that distinct pathways of T cell activation are triggered in humans after immunization with live vaccine and with soluble antigen .

Published Online: 2013-03-02
Published in Print: 1990-09

© 2013 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.

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