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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 31, 2009

Class numbers of group extensions

  • Peter Schmid
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


Let N be a normal subgroup of the finite group X and let G = X/N. It is well known that the number k(X) = |Irr(X)| of conjugacy classes (irreducible characters) of X is bounded above by the product k(N)k(G). For more precise results one has to determine, for any θ ∈ Irr(N), the number of G-conjugates of θ and the number kθ(G) of irreducible characters of X lying above θ. Clifford theory reduces the computation of kθ(G) to the situation where N = Z is central in X, and then it only depends on the Clifford obstruction μ = μG(θ). The class number kμ(G) is defined for any μ ∈ H2(G, ℂ*), and behaves well when passing to isoclinic central extensions. Suppose that μ ≠ 1. There are examples where kμ(G) = 1, in which case X is a group of central type, and examples where kμ(G) = k(G) is as large as possible. In the first case G must be solvable (Howlett–Isaacs). The latter case can happen when G is perfect but not when G is a simple or, more generally, a quasisimple group.

Received: 2008-10-13
Revised: 2009-06-08
Published Online: 2009-08-31
Published in Print: 2010-March

© de Gruyter 2010

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