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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton May 10, 2014

Numerals and number words in Shua

  • William B. McGregor EMAIL logo


This paper is concerned with expressions of numerical concepts in Shua, an endangered Khoe-Kwadi language spoken in north-eastern Botswana. It is demonstrated that a range of different systems of number representation are available to speakers. These differ in terms of the degrees to which they are integrated into the system of the language. A set of defining criteria for numerals as a lexical category is proposed, and it is argued that only members of one of the paradigmatic sets of number expressions satisfy all of the criteria. This is a “restricted” system of numerals distinguishing just ‘1, 2, 3, 4, few, many’. A detailed description of the morphosyntactic features of the members of this system is provided. Similarly, a detailed description is provided of features of the modern elaborated and extended set of number words, which are based primarily on borrowings from English, but also include extensions of terms for monetary units. The range of senses and uses of the numerals and other expressions of numbers is overviewed, including distributive and collective senses.

Published Online: 2014-5-10
Published in Print: 2014-5-1

©2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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