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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 2, 2022

Adolescent mental health during covid-19 pandemics: a systematic review

  • Seideh Hanieh Alamolhoda , Elham Zare ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Atena HakimZadeh , Asma Zalpour ORCID logo , Fatemeh Vakili , Razie Mohammadi Chermahini , Reyhane Ebadifard , Masoumeh Masoumi , Niayesh Khaleghi and Malihe Nasiri



The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging outcomes on adolescents’ well-being. However, less attention has been paid to the adolescent’s mental health during the pandemic. The pandemic may impair adolescents’ mental health through stress spillover from other family members, contextual and policy changes, and the disruption of everyday life routines. Therefore, our research is motivated by a need to address the relative scarcity of research examining adolescent mental health during the pandemic.


This systematic review was conducted through the medical database, Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, Embase, Google Scholar, and Cochrane databases for peer-reviewed, cross-sectional, cohort studies assessing the mental health status of adolescents during the Covid-19 virus pandemic from May 2020 till Dec 2022 without language restriction. Keywords were selected based on the Mesh terms and Emtree.


Studies on coronavirus have revealed many significant psychological effects on teens of all ages. The most commom problems were on the stress and anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder. Risk factors were concidered as prior mental health problem, female sexuality, fear of covid-19, nutrition, physical activity and listening the covid 19 news.


Considering the critical age of teenagers, the role of parents is vital. Health policy maker should support parents as a key factors to approprate care for adolescent. Parents should be educated on parenting methods during the covid pandemic to avoid irreparable damage of adolescent’s mental health.

Corresponding author: Elham Zare, PhD, Midwifery and Reproductive Health Research Center, Department of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Cross of Vali-Asr and Hashemi Rafsanjani Highway, Opposite to Rajaee Heart Hospital, 1996835119, Tehran, Iran, Phone and Fax: 009821 88655376, E-mail:

Award Identifier / Grant number: (IR.SBMU.PHNM.1397.161)


The etical code of research is: (IR.SBMU.PHNM.1397.161) from shahid beheshti university of medical sciences,Tehran, Iran. Let us express our deep gratitude toward all dear colleagues taking part in this study for their sincere cooperation.

  1. Research funding: This study is funded and sponsored by the Midwifery and Reproductive Health Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.

  2. Author contributions: This research project has been designed by Dr. E. Zare and Dr.SH.Alamolhoda; collecting data and methodolojical subjects were done by A.zallpour, A.Hakimzade, N.Khaleghi, F.Vakili, M.Masoumi R. Mohammadi chermahini, R.Ebadifar. data extract supervision was done by M.Nasiri. Preparing articles and submitting them were done by Dr.E.Zare and Dr.H.Alamolhoda.

  3. Competing interest: All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

  4. Inform consent: The research conducted did not related to human and animal use.

  5. Ethical approval: The research proposal was approved by ethical research committee of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences and approval code is: (IR.SBMU.PHNM.1397.161).


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Received: 2022-07-01
Accepted: 2022-09-23
Published Online: 2022-11-02

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