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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 14, 2018

Physical activity and physical fitness as protective factors of adolescent health

  • Andrea Lukács EMAIL logo , Péter Sasvári and Emőke Kiss-Tóth



This quantitative correlational design study aimed to examine the variation in adolescent health and lifestyle characteristics across self-reported physical activity (PA) and physical fitness (PF) levels.


Data were collected from 422 students (50.2% males) (16.33 SD = 1.66 y/o) attending a high school. An online questionnaire was used to gather data on the following characteristics: self-reported well-being, overall life satisfaction, depression (including self-harm and suicidal ideation), perceived health status, eating disorders, sleepiness, substance use (alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use), body mass index, PA participation and PF levels.


Of the participants, 42.4% reported at least 5 days of PA a week for 60 min per day. These high active individuals had significantly better well-being, health status, life satisfaction, PF and consumed fewer alcohol beverages. High PA and better PF inversely correlated with depression.


It seems that high PA and better PF have a positive impact on adolescent perceived health, health-risk behaviors and mental health. Increased levels of PA can play a vital role in the primary care, prevention of health risks and in adolescent health promotion. Accordingly, educational institutions are an excellent setting to promote and provide sport facilities and encourage students to be more physically active.


The described article/presentation/study was carried out as part of the EFOP-3.6.1-16-00011 “Younger and Renewing University – Innovative Knowledge City – institutional development of the University of Miskolc aiming at intelligent specialization” project implemented in the framework of the Szechenyi 2020 program. The realization of this project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.


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Received: 2018-01-16
Accepted: 2018-05-22
Published Online: 2018-08-14

©2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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