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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter November 20, 2021

A macro-level analysis of language learning and migration

  • Silke Uebelmesser ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Ann-Marie Sommerfeld and Severin Weingarten
From the journal German Economic Review


This article investigates the macro-level drivers of adult-age language learning with a focus on migration based on a new dataset on German language learning in 77 countries (including Germany) for 1992–2006. Fixed-effects regressions show that language learning abroad is strongly associated with immigration from countries of the European Union and the Schengen Area whose citizens enjoy free access to Germany, while language learning in Germany is strongly associated with immigration from countries with restricted access. The different degrees of uncertainty about access to Germany seem to be of importance for preparatory language learning. To shed light on country heterogeneities, we substitute the location fixed effects with a vector of country characteristics, which include several distance measures among others, and we estimate a random-effects model. Last, we provide some tentative arguments in favour of a causal interpretation. The main results related to the role of uncertainty are mostly unaffected. The Skilled Immigration Act from 2020 removes part of this uncertainty with potential positive effects on preparatory language learning and economic and social integration.

JEL Classification: F22; J24; J61

1 Introduction

Language skills are a crucial prerequisite for communication across country borders and for the international mobility of people and goods. There are obvious benefits for migrants and linguistic minorities to learn the primary language in their country of residence. Related to the labour-market, language skills have a large positive effect on wages (Dustmann and Soest 2001, 2002) and employment probabilities (Dustmann and Fabbri 2003) with possible gender differences (Yao and Ours 2015).[1] The effects are, however, not limited to the factor labour. They have been found for social integration (Aldashev et al. 2009) more broadly as well as for education and health (Aoki and Santiago 2018). Better language skills increase the probability of intermarriage and reduce the likelihood of living in an ethnic enclave (Bleakley and Chin 2010). In addition, common language skills positively affect trade as shown by Lohmann (2011), Isphording and Otten (2013) and Melitz and Toubal (2014) among others.

Overall, the literature has long recognized the importance of language skills for migration choice and subsequent integration by controlling for common languages of origin and destination countries (e. g. Belot and Hatton 2012; Grogger and Hanson 2011; Mayda 2010; Ortega and Peri 2013). More recently, Adserà and Pytliková (2015) and Belot and Ederveen (2012) show that linguistic distance, which can be interpreted as the difficulty associated with learning another language, has an important effect on international migration flows. However, studies which focus on the concept of linguistic distance neglect the possibility that migrants acquire the language of the host country and overcome the negative effects of linguistic distance. An exception is Aparicio Fenoll and Kuehn (2016) who find evidence that language education at school can affect migration decisions. Their results show that the study of language learning can add value to a literature which has previously focused on linguistic properties. While linguistic properties are beyond the reach of policy makers, language learning is not. It can be part of school curricula; similarly, employers or the governments of destination countries can encourage or require it.

The aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of language learning of adults in the context of migration, using data for German language learning for the period 1992–2006. Based on earlier research on migration choice and migrants’ language skills, we hypothesize that language learning is positively associated with migration flows and migration stocks. Furthermore, we put a focus on the interplay of language learning and the ease of access to the German labour market. We hypothesize that uncertainty about the access affects language learning. If potential migrants are not certain that they will ultimately migrate, they also cannot know for sure that that their language learning investment will pay off. As uncertainty is larger for migrants from countries with restricted access than for migrants from countries with free access, we separately look at language learning for these two groups. We are, in particular, interested in understanding whether more uncertainty leads to more language learning in the home country, that is before migration, or in Germany after arrival. This is a topic of large policy relevance, especially against the background of the new Skilled Immigration Act effective since March 2020, which aims at facilitating migration of skilled workers from third countries to Germany.

To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to explore the determinants of adult-age language learning at the country-level in the context of migration.[2] There is, however, a large number of studies in the migration field that explore the determinants of individual migrants’ language skills. Chiswick and Miller (2015: section 4) offer an extensive review of the literature and divide the determinants of language skills into three categories, which they dub “the three E’s”: exposure summarizes the environment in which migrants live and communicate, efficiency captures age at migration, level of education and similar characteristics that enhance individuals’ abilities to learn, and, lastly, economic incentives cover a mix of internal and external factors such as planned duration of stay and expected earnings gains. Since most of “the three E’s” vary on the level of the individual migrant, studies on the determinants of migrants’ language skills often use censuses or surveys to obtain micro-level data.

While these studies provide important insights into the relationship between individual characteristics and language skills, they have one important limitation: typically, they explain self-reported language skills of the respondents at the time of the collection of the data. By doing so, they ignore the timing of language learning: Foreign language acquisition at early ages occurs primarily at school or as a consequence of parents’ preferences. For adults on the contrary, the decision to learn a language is more likely made in light of a specific migration decision. This difference between early-age and adult-age learning has implications for the causal interpretation of the relationship between language skills and migration. Early-age learning is unlikely affected by migration decisions that are made later in life; rather it is quite plausible that early-age learning builds up language skills. Migrants may very well sort into the destination countries where these skills are most useful. On the contrary, migration decisions very likely affect the incentives for adult-age learning. Studies that are based on measures of language skills at some point in time after migration cannot distinguish between early-age and adult-age learning. As a consequence, they cannot disentangle pre-migration language skills that caused migrants to sort into a particular destination country and language learning that occurred as a consequence of the migration decision. For convenience, we will refer to these channels as the sorting channel and the incentive channel. From the point of view of the policy maker, an understanding of the incentive channel is highly relevant, because it allows the targeting of language learning opportunities at groups of immigrants who are more likely to lack necessary language skills due to a lack of incentives.

Our study wants to isolate the incentive channel by using participation in language courses and exams rather than individual language skills as the dependent variable. The data were collected from the yearbooks of the Goethe-Institut (GI), a German association that maintains cultural institutes and provides German language courses in many countries of the world (see Uebelmesser et al. 2018a for details).[3] From this dataset, we use the number of language exam participants in 137 institutes located in 76 countries for the period from 1992 to 2006 and, separately, the number of language course participants of 157 nationalities in Germany for the same period. We argue that especially the exam participation data from the GI are a reasonably good proxy for language learning in the wider populations of the countries where the institutes are located. The exams are widely recognised, do not require participation in a language course at a Goethe institute, and the institutes themselves are accessible to learners of all demographics.

Results from fixed-effects panel-data estimations indicate that language learning abroad is strongly associated with total immigration and immigration of students from countries whose citizens enjoy free access to Germany. On the contrary, immigration from countries with restricted access is associated with language learning in Germany. The different degrees of uncertainty about access to Germany seem to be of importance. The positive association of migrant stocks with language learning, which we find for countries with restricted access, can also be related to uncertainty considerations as a large stock indicates that in the past, immigrants of a given country were successful in entering Germany. In order to also shed some light on the country heterogeneities, we extend the analysis in two ways: We substitute the location fixed effects with a vector of time-invariant country characteristics, which include linguistic, geographic and cultural distance measures among others. Furthermore, we estimate a random-effects model that separates within and between-country effects. While a few between-country differences show up, the main results related to the migration variables are mostly unaffected.

The estimation approach allows identifying correlations between language learning and immigration. Based on these results, a causal interpretation is not possible as immigration can affect language learning, but language learning can also affect immigration. We address this point in more detail and provide some arguments in favour of a causal interpretation, including an instrumental variable (IV) estimation. In light of several important caveats, which we discuss, we are careful, however, to abstain from seeing this as anything more than a first exercise.

While the focus of this paper is on immigrants’ acquisition of the host country’s language, the paper can be more broadly related to the literature on returns to language skills. This includes, first, studies of the returns to foreign language skills (relative to the main language of the country of residence). Whereas there are no or only very small returns to foreign language skills in the US (Fry and Lowel 2003; Saiz and Zoido 2005), high returns to foreign language skills have been found for immigrants in some European countries (Isphording 2013; Toomet 2011) as well as for natives (Ginsburgh and Prieto-Rodriguez 2011).[4]

Second, studies have pointed out differences of the returns to acquired versus native language skills. Melitz and Toubal (2014) analyse the impact of common native language versus common spoken language versus common official language for bilateral trade. The focus lies on identifying the separate roles of language as a means to ease communication and as a proxy for a shared ethnicity and resulting trust. Despite the important cultural component of a common native language (for a discussion of culture and language against the background of a common ancestry, see Spolaore and Wacziarg 2016), they suggest that common spoken languages and the larger ease of communication play a substantial role for bilateral trade (see also Egger and Toubal 2016). Ginsburgh et al. (2017) consider the role of bilateral trade for language learning. Our paper can be seen as transferring this to a setting with a focus on the role of migration.

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the datasets used in our analysis, in particular of the language-learning data, and outlines our hypotheses. Section 3 describes our empirical set-up. In Section 4 we discuss our main results. Section 5 considers country heterogeneities and identification issues. Section 6 concludes with a summary and policy recommendations.

2 Data and hypotheses

Our data on language learning activities on the one hand, and migration on the other hand are drawn from several sources. We begin by introducing our dataset on language learning at the Goethe institutes and continue with other variables. We finally derive hypotheses as the basis for the subsequent analyses.

2.1 Dependent variables: The Goethe-Institut dataset

The Goethe-Institut (GI) is a German association that promotes the study of the German language and culture abroad. Since its foundation in 1951, it has been maintaining institutes worldwide. At many of these institutes, locals can study the German language and obtain language certificates which are widely recognised. The GI is mainly funded by the German government and through course fees (Goethe-Institut e.V. 2019). The GI reports key statistics about language learning in its yearbooks. The datasets from which our dependent variables are taken were created by digitizing these statistics.[5]

The first dataset covers language learning abroad. It reports yearly observations of course and exam participation at Goethe institutes around the world. We use the exam participation variable from this dataset, because it has two advantages over course participation: First, the exams are standardised, cover fixed amounts of learning content (e. g. the A1/1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR) and are therefore not affected by decisions of individual Goethe institutes. Second, exam participation is open to learners who did not participate in a language course at one of the Goethe institutes. As a consequence, it may act as a better proxy for the extent of language learning activities in the respective country.

The second dataset reports the yearly number of language course participants summed up for all Goethe institutes in Germany and disaggregated by the nationality of the participants. Figure A1 shows the distribution of the German institutes and informs about their presence during the time period from 1992 to 2006. This is the period of our analysis as data from both datasets and migration data for a large number of countries are available. At the same time, this period pre-dates regulation about the “A1 requirement” for family reunification, which was introduced in 2007.

While the aim of the analysis in this paper is to address language learning and its relation with migration in general, our data are limited to learners that come into contact with a Goethe institute. Naturally, there are a number of other language learning opportunities, including universities, private language schools, and internet platforms. We want to address two possible issues. First, there could be concerns about the general importance of the GI as a provider of language courses and exams and about a link with migration to Germany. Figures 1 and 2 provide an overview of the numbers of exams and course participants in our dataset and relate them to the number of migrants to Germany. As our sample is not balanced, the numbers are averages per countries per continent and year. For illustration, let us look at the numbers for Europe for 2006: With the ‘Germany’ specification, we find that in 2006, there were on average almost 230 course participants in each of the 36 European countries in our sample (amounting to a total of close to 8,200 course registrations). In the same year, about 10,000 individuals migrated on average to Germany from the respective countries. Analogously with the ‘Abroad’ specification, there were on average almost 490 exams taken in each of the 20 European countries with one or more institutes in our sample (amounting to a total of almost 9,800 exams). In the same year, about 25,600 individuals migrated on average to Germany from the respective countries.[6]

Figure 1 
Germany specification – averages per continent and year.
Figure 1

Germany specification – averages per continent and year.

Figure 2 
Abroad specification – averages per countries per continent and year.
Figure 2

Abroad specification – averages per countries per continent and year.

Even though the data on exams and courses do not allow any conclusion about the market shares of the GI in the different countries, the data show that the numbers of exams and courses taken is non-negligible. Furthermore, in the context of our study, our language data, which very likely only cover part of German language learning, make it less likely to find any association. To say it differently, any association which we might find can be seen as an ‘a fortiori’ association. Also note that for language learning abroad, we partially alleviate this problem by using exam numbers. They cover a larger group of learners who may have learned the language elsewhere but have their skills certified at a Goethe institute (for language learning in Germany, this data is not available).

Second, the multitude of alternative learning opportunities gives rise to further concerns regarding the self-selection of language learners into courses offered by the Goethe institutes. Three characteristics on which self-selection may be based are willingness or ability to pay, location, and age.

Selection on willingness to pay could occur if the prices of courses at the Goethe institutes differed significantly from the costs of other equally suitable learning options. On the one hand, one might suspect the Goethe institutes to be somewhat of a premium provider of language courses, because they are part of a semi-official German organization with a long tradition and a good reputation. Such a status would allow them to charge higher prices. On the other hand, one might suspect courses to be particularly cheap, because the majority of the Goethe institutes’ funds comes from the German government. There are several reasons why both concerns might not be warranted. First, in conversations with us, employees of the GI have stated that language courses are priced to be self-financing and that government funding is used for non-language-course-related activities only. Second, prices of language courses do not point towards any systematic deviation relative to competitors’ prices. Historical price data on language courses are not available to the best of our knowledge. For a rough idea, Table B1 in appendix B.1 contains current price data on comparable language courses offered by the Goethe institutes and by other institutes in six cities in different countries.[7] While the data are far from complete or representative, they do not indicate that the Goethe institutes are usually the most expensive provider in the market. Additionally, according to employees of the GI, the price policies of the individual institutes take the prices of local competitors into account and are at least indirectly related to the countries’ income levels. It should also be noted that we have 137 institutes in 76 countries in our sample; courses offered by institutes in Germany are attended by 157 nationalities. At the country-level, there is no indication that the demand for courses comes from higher-income countries only; this does, however, not rule out that within countries, participants might be self-selected. Still, a priori there is no reasons to expect that results are upward biased.

Goethe institutes are usually located in capitals and other major cities. The lack of institutes in rural areas is likely to lead to an under-representation of language learners from these areas among participants at the Goethe institutes. However, the bias need not be as large as one would initially expect: Goethe institutes offer both extensive and intensive language courses. Extensive courses are based on weekly lessons and last for several months, but intensive courses are taught en-block. Participants of intensive courses do not necessarily have to live in the vicinity of the respective institute. They may also stay there for the duration of the course only. This holds even more so for exam participation where a day-trip to the institute might not be so uncommon.

The language courses taught by the Goethe institutes are a traditional “offline” form of language learning (at least during the years of our analysis). At the other end of the spectrum, there are pure online courses like those offered by “myngle” or “babble”. The latter kind of courses may be more attractive to a younger generation of language students, which is more familiar with using the internet in general. While this difference may lead to an over-representation of older participants in language courses at the GI, the advent of online language learning platforms in the late 2000s falls in the very last years of the period of observation (1992–2006) of our analysis. Consequently, we are confident that the age bias only has a small, if any, effect on our results.

Last, in order to isolate the incentive channel, i. e. how migration intention affects language learning incentives, the possible relation between children-age and adult-age language learning needs to be discussed. Participating in a course or exam at a Goethe institute does not rule out that some language skills have already been acquired before and possibly for reasons not related to migration. Rather it provides a complementary perspective to the sorting channel with a focus on deliberate decisions by adults who want to continue learning, brush up their skills and possibly work towards a certificate. Furthermore, there is evidence that a substantial part of course and exam participants start learning the German language as an adult. The number of courses offered at the basic A level exceeds by a factor of at least 4 the number of courses offered at the advanced C level in most institutes.[8]

More generally, it should be noted that systematic differences across countries, for example, related to the organization of courses or the composition of the group of language learners are captured by our fixed-effect approach. In addition, using exam numbers in our ‘Abroad’ specification alleviates some of the concerns mentioned above.

2.2 Explanatory variables

In the ‘Abroad’ specification, the explanatory variables are characteristics of the countries where the respective institutes are located or characteristics of the relationships of these countries with Germany. In the ‘Germany’ specification, we use the characteristics of the countries of origin of the language course participants and these countries’ relationships with Germany instead.


Data on migrant flows and stocks come from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). Yearly immigration flows for our period of observation from 1992 to 2006 are available from the German “Wanderungsstatistik”. It documents the number of citizens of each country that relocate their primary residence to Germany in a given year. Since residence registration is mandatory in Germany, we expect this measure to appropriately reflect legal immigration. Data on migrant stocks are taken from the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (“Ausländerzentralregister”, AZR).

Student migration

Data on student migration come from Destatis as well. A direct measure of the number of immigrants, who migrate for the purpose of studying, is not available for Germany. Instead, we rely on aggregate university statistics (“Hochschulstatistik”) and use the number of foreign students who are enrolled in their first semester at a German university as a proxy for student immigration flows. Focusing on first-year students implies that this number very likely does not include Erasmus or other exchange students as those students normally do not go abroad during their very first year.[9]

Other control variables

We proxy the intensity of trade relationship by total trade revenues, imports plus exports, including tourism, with each country of interest in a given year. Trade revenues are provided by Destatis. Data on country and city populations come from the UN World Population Prospects and World Urbanization Prospects datasets, respectively. As a measure of countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) we use the expenditure-side real GDP (‘rgdpe’) from the Penn World Table (v8.0).

In some specifications, we add further country-specific characteristics (instead of country or institute fixed effects). They comprise geographic, linguistic and cultural distance measures as well as information about the educational level or the literacy rate and the sectoral composition. We also use data on the prevalence of the German language in the origin country and of the immigrants’ native language in the world. In addition, we control for political rights and civil liberties and the presence of a visa required for entry into Germany. A detailed description of these and all other variables and the respective sources can be found in Table A1.

Merging the datasets for our dependent and explanatory variables for the time period 1992–2006 leaves us with 137 institutes in 76 countries for our ‘Abroad’ specification resulting in 1,479 observations and 157 nationalities for our ‘Germany’ specification resulting in 2,261 observations.[10] As the ease of access to Germany and the German labour market is an important factor for immigration (see also Section 2.3.2 below), Tables 1 and 2 report descriptive statistics for the ‘Abroad’ and the ‘Germany’ datasets separated for countries with free movement, i. e. countries which belong to the EU or to the Schengen area, and countries with restricted movement vis-à-vis Germany.

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics ‘Abroad’.

Free Move Restr. Move

Variable Mean Std Dev. Mean Std Dev.
Exam Participants (abroad) 244.61 505.88 139.34 222.08
Immigration ( × 10 3 ) 16.35 20.06 8.86 15.70
Migrant Stock ( × 10 3 ) 179.49 201.15 111.92 377.87
Student Immig. ( × 10 3 ) 1.32 0.93 0.55 0.85
Trade ( × 10 6 ) 56.90 34.96 11.57 22.17
GDP per capita ( × 10 3 ) 25.74 5.65 11.11 11.43
Population ( × 10 6 ) 37.02 23.78 180.71 323.84
Population City ( × 10 6 ) 2.33 2.37 5.06 5.53
Num. obs. 360 1119
  1. Note: All values are rounded to two decimal places. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. See Table A1 in the Appendix for descriptions of the variables.

Table 2

Descriptive Statistics ‘Germany’.

Free Move Restr. Move

Variable Mean Std Dev. Mean Std Dev.
Course Participants (in DE) 411.91 501.90 107.41 300.70
Immigration ( × 10 3 ) 10.52 17.34 3.14 9.80
Migrant Stock ( × 10 3 ) 119.46 153.05 31.38 169.76
Student Immig. ( × 10 3 ) 0.84 0.78 0.17 0.46
Trade ( × 10 6 ) 36.78 33.09 2.95 9.88
GDP per capita ( × 10 3 ) 27.37 9.69 7.77 9.82
Population ( × 10 6 ) 19.69 21.32 39.32 141.17
Num. obs. 236 2025
  1. Note: All values are rounded to two decimal places. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. There are occurrences of zero-values in the ‘Free Move’ subsample for Language Students (in DE) (0.42 % Zeros), and in the ‘Restricted Move’ subsample for Language Students (in DE) (14.37 % Zeros), Immigration ( × 10 3 ) (0.20 % Zeros), and First-year Students ( × 10 3 ) (11.80 % Zeros). See Table A1 in the Appendix for descriptions of the variables.

2.3 Hypotheses

Previous studies that explore the relationship between language and migration fall into one of two groups as outlined in Section 1: The first group connects linguistic characteristics or aggregate measures of language skills to migration flows between locations, usually between countries (see, for example, Adserà and Pytliková 2015; Belot and Ederveen 2012). The seconds group connects individual language skills to migration decisions or to a measure of migration success (examples are Dustmann and Soest 2001, 2002, for the effect of language skills on wages). None of these studies look at language learning decisions explicitly, but a clear set of predictions regarding the motivation of those decisions emerges from their results. While both groups of studies form the basis for our theoretical considerations, our empirical approach is closer to that of the first group because we look at aggregate data. As a consequence our hypotheses aim to establish links between aggregate measures on the basis of individual motivations.

2.3.1 Migration flows and stocks


We begin with our most basic hypothesis: In line with the literature, we regard language learning as an investment (cf. Chiswick and Miller 2007b).[11] Given the large number of potential benefits of language proficiency and the robust results regarding the effect of proficiency on migration success in terms of economic and social integration, migrants should have an incentive to learn the language spoken in their host country.

Previous survey-based studies find that a considerable number of migrants speak their host country’s language (see Section 1). These language skills may have been acquired as a result of the decision to migrate (incentive channel), or they may pre-date the migration decision if they have originally been required for another reason (sorting channel). Typically, survey studies cannot distinguish between the two channels, because the surveys are taken in the host country and do not ask when and how the language was learned.

In our study, we observe language learning directly. A positive association between immigration and course and exam participation would isolate the incentive channel, where individuals at adult-age actively acquire skills of the language of their (prospective) host country. While individuals may, of course, learn a language as a child and continue to learn as an adult, we argue in section 2.1 that our data are a good proxy for adult-age language learning as the number of courses offered at the basic A level exceeds in most institutes the number of courses offered at the advanced C level by a factor of at least 4.

It remains an open question whether individuals decide to acquire host-country language skills before or after migration. We will return to this issue in Section 2.3.2.

Student migration

Students from other countries who immigrate to study at German universities are a special subgroup of immigrants, but a similar incentive rationale applies to them. As most study programs are offered in German, German language skills are a precondition for study success (and a minimum level of skills is normally required). In addition, students may even be more motivated to learn the language than other groups of immigrants, because German law makes it easy for them to stay if they can find employment within 18 months after completing their studies.

Again, a positive association between student immigration and course and exam participation would isolate the incentive to learn German in the context of the decision to study in Germany. As for immigrants, the timing of language learning remains an open question, i. e. whether students decide to acquire host-country language skills before or after migration. We will return to this issue in Section 2.3.2.

Migrant stocks

There are several reasons why not only current migration flows, but also the presence of migrants from a particular sending country in Germany should increase language learning by those who live in that country or who migrated from that country to Germany.

For language learning in Germany, migrants who arrived in previous years may still be taking language courses; either because they did not have the opportunity or motivation to do so earlier or because they are continuing their education.

For language learning abroad, a large migrant community in Germany may lead to increased interest in the German language by those who remained at home, but belong to the social circle of those who migrated to Germany. These individuals may simply be curious about the German culture, but the migration experience of others may also lead them to prepare their own (potential) migration to Germany in the long-term.

We expect the presence of a large number of migrants from a particular sending country in Germany to be positively associated with language learning.

Migration and minority language concentrations

Minority language concentration[12] is often considered to improve the ability of migrants to find work in their host country and build social ties to others who speak their native language. As a consequence, speaking the host country’s language may be less important for migrants who live in minority language concentrations. Several studies find that minority language concentrations are associated with lower levels of language proficiency (Chiswick and Miller 2007a; Espenshade and Fu 1997; Isphording and Otten 2013; Lazear 1999). This finding may be the result of a reduced incentive to learn the host country’s language or a result of the sorting of migrants with lower language skills into minority language concentrations.

We use the migrants stock, i. e. the number of citizens of a sending country who live in Germany, as a proxy for the size of the respective minority language concentration. If we find that the presence of a larger number of migrants from a particular sending country in Germany or, similarly, a larger number of students, weakens the association between migration and language learning, this would isolate the incentive channel and provide evidence of a decreased incentive to learn for migrants from countries with large minority language concentrations in Germany. If, on the contrary, the association is strengthened this might point towards early-cohort migrants in Germany informing potential migrants about the benefits of German language skills supporting the incentive channel.

2.3.2 Freedom of movement

Previous studies have found evidence that host country’s language skills yield considerable wage premia and provide other integration-related benefits to migrants. Language learning can thus be seen as an investment. However, migrants from different sending countries face different degrees of access to the German labour market. In particular, EU citizens can work freely anywhere in the EU; citizens from non-EU countries, which are part of the Schengen area, also enjoy freedom of movement. Citizens from other countries, on the contrary, face considerable restrictions.[13] Overall, citizens of countries which are members of the EU or the Schengen area benefit from the right to enter Germany visa-free to look for work and easier recognition of their degrees. This goes often hand in hand with higher cultural similarities, and not the least, a smaller travel time to Germany compared to most migrants from other countries.

One can think of two opposing mechanisms when it comes to how this difference in access affects language learning incentives of migrants. On the one hand, citizens who enjoy freedom of movement may find it easier to simply come to Germany and look for employment without having acquired language skills beforehand. As a consequence they may delay their language learning until after their arrival. Instead, citizens from countries where the movement is restricted may try to build up language skills before their arrival to facilitate the process of finding employment from abroad and to bridge the restrictions described above. We will refer to this mechanism as bridge-the-gap.

On the other hand, citizens of countries belonging to the EU or the Schengen area can safely invest into language skills before migrating to Germany, because they can be sure to access Germany once they plan to do so. This allows them to find employment more easily and reap the benefits of their investment.[14] On the contrary, citizens from other countries face the uncertainty of not being able to work in Germany even if they acquire the necessary language skills. They may therefore delay the investment until this uncertainty has resolved and prefer to learn German after their arrival. We will refer to this mechanism as certainty-of-investment.

Since our data cover both language learning abroad and in Germany, it will allow us to identify which mechanism is more important. If the bridge-the-gap mechanism is more important, we should find a stronger association between migration and language learning in the home country, i. e. before migration, for citizens who face restrictions and a stronger association between migration and language learning in Germany, i. e. after migration, for citizens who enjoy free movement. If the certainty-of-investment mechanism is more important, we should find the opposite. This latter mechanism is also relevant against the background of the new Skilled Immigration Act effective since March 2020, which facilitates migration of skilled workers from third countries to Germany and thus reduces uncertainty related to the migration decision.

3 Empirical setup

We are interested in the relationship between language learning on the one hand and several migration-related variables on the other hand, where language learning is proxied by two different variables: exam participation at institutes abroad and course participation at institutes in Germany.

In the estimations where the dependent variable is language learning abroad (‘Abroad’ specification), we observe one exam participation number for each institute in each year. This gives rise to a two-level geographical structure, where most explanatory variables are available at the country-level, but where each country may contain several institutes. This approach also avoids the problem of abrupt changes in country-level aggregates of our dependent variable when institutes open and close. In the estimations where the dependent variable is language learning in Germany (‘Germany’ specification), the geographical structure is more straightforward. We observe one number of course participants in Germany for each nationality in each year and run our estimations at the country level.

We use OLS regressions with institute/country-fixed effects and year-fixed effects for our main estimations. For exam participation abroad (not in Germany), we estimate

(1) P i j t j = α + β 1 Immig j t + β 2 StudImmig j t + β 3 MigStock j t + β 4 x j t + + γ 1 Immig j t × MigStock j t + γ 2 StudImmig j t × MigStock j t + η t D t + η i D i + u i j t

and for course participation in Germany, the estimation equation is

(2) P j t D E = δ + μ 1 Immig j t + μ 2 StudImmig j t + μ 3 MigStock j t + μ 4 x j t + + λ 1 Immig j t × MigStock j t + λ 2 StudImmig j t × MigStock j t + ν t D t + ν j D j + u j t

where the indices reflect the dimensions across which variables vary. The country where the institute is located is indicated with superscript j in the ‘Abroad’ specification and D E in the ‘Germany’ specification. Index i denotes the city of the institute in the ‘Abroad’ specification, while the city is not known for institutes in the ‘Germany’ specification. Index j refers to the country of residence or the home country of course and exam participants as well as migrants, respectively, and t is the time index. Whenever variables capture a bilateral relation, like trade or migration, or are related to a distance measure, like geographic distance, this refers to country j and Germany.

With P representing exam or course participation, the ‘Abroad’ specification (1) is about the correlation of exam participation in institute i in country j in year t by individuals from the same country j with the right-hand variables; analogously, the ‘Germany’ specification (2) examines the correlation between course participation in D E by individuals from country j in year t with the right-hand variables.

I m m i g j t and S t u d I m m i g j t denote, respectively, general and student migration flows from country j to Germany in year t and M i g S t o c k j t denotes the stock of migrants from country j in Germany in year t. γ 1 and γ 2 capture, respectively, the interaction between general migration flows and stocks and between student migration flows and stocks. This holds analogously for λ 1 and λ 2 . Further control variables related to country j in year t (trade revenues with Germany, country GDP and country population size) are captured by the vector x j t . In equation (1), we further control for the population of the city where the institute is located.[15]

D i , D j , and D t are institute, country, and year dummies, respectively. In equation (1) institute-level dummies capture both country-fixed and institute-fixed effects. α and δ are intercepts and u i j t and u j t are error terms. In both estimations, the errors are clustered at the country level.[16]

With the chosen fixed-effects approach, we want to capture possible country-specific, time-invariant effects. This allows reducing the possible problem of omitted variable bias as we might not be able to directly control for all relevant country characteristics. The drawback is that the coefficients are only identified by variation within institutes/countries and that the role of country characteristics is concealed. To address these issues and to assess the robustness of the results, in Section 5.1, we substitute the country and institute dummies with a vector c j of time-invariant country characteristics, which include linguistic, geographic and cultural distance measures among others. Furthermore, we extend the analysis to a random-effects model that separates within and between-country effects in Section 5.2.

The estimation approach outlined so far allows identifying correlations between language learning and immigration. A causal interpretation is however not possible as immigration can affect language learning, but language learning can also affect immigration. We have called the former the incentive channel and the latter the sorting channel (see the Introduction where we relate this to adult-age language learning and children-age language learning, respectively).[17] In Section 5.3, we address this point in more detail and provide some arguments in favour of a causal interpretation, including an instrumental variable (IV) estimation. In light of several important caveats, which we discuss, we are careful, however, to abstain from seeing this as anything more than a first exercise.

All non-dummy, non-rate and non-scale variables in our regressions are in logs so that coefficients can be interpreted as elasticities (see Table A1 for a detailed description of the variables). Our main variables related to language learning and migration enter in levels, which are then logged. The main advantage of this log-level approach is that it allows variation from countries of different sizes and with completely different magnitudes of language learning and migration to drive the results of our model. An estimation in non-logged levels would suffer from considerable heteroskedasticity and the results would necessarily be driven by a small number of countries that send a large number of migrants to Germany. While immigration from these countries may be economically more relevant because of its magnitude, our main interest is in identifying the mechanisms that drive language learning more generally and, thus, in using variation from as many countries as possible to identify our coefficients. Additionally, an estimation in non-logged levels would require that we specify to which extent institutes in cities of different sizes are exposed to changes in our country-level explanatory variables. For example, an absolute change in immigration from France should, in absolute terms, have a larger effect on exam participation in Paris than on exam participation in Nancy. Paris is a larger city and the institute there has a larger catchment area. A log-log estimation does away with this concern, because it assumes that both institutes experience the same relative rather than absolute change in exam participation as a result of a relative increase in migration.[18]

4 Results

In this section, we present the results of our fixed-effects estimations. All regressions cover the time period 1992–2006 and are run separately for countries without restrictions of movement vis-à-vis Germany (‘Free Move’), i. e. countries which are members of the European Union or belong to the Schengen area, and countries with restricted movement (‘Restricted Move’).[19]

4.1 Main estimation results

Table 3

Stepwise estimation results for exam participation abroad.


Move 1

Move 2

Move 3

Move 1

Move 2

Move 3
Immigration 0.54∗∗∗ 0.37∗∗∗ 0.32∗∗∗ 0.07 −0.31 −0.27
(0.19) (0.12) (0.12) (0.17) (0.16) (0.17)
Imm. × Mig. Stock 0.28∗∗∗ 0.18 −0.14 −0.12
(0.08) (0.09) (0.08) (0.09)
Imm. × GDP per capita 0.22 0.25∗∗ −0.03 −0.06
(0.16) (0.10) (0.12) (0.12)
Student Imm. 0.55∗∗∗ 0.44∗∗∗ 0.19 0.13
(0.14) (0.14) (0.12) (0.11)
Student Imm. × Mig. Stock −0.40∗∗ −0.19 0.05 0.03
(0.16) (0.18) (0.05) (0.05)
Migrant Stocks −0.51 −0.10 0.81∗∗∗ 0.66∗∗∗
(0.43) (0.37) (0.22) (0.24)
GDP per capita −1.62∗∗ −1.48∗∗ 0.43 0.29
(0.66) (0.74) (0.24) (0.26)
Trade −0.17 0.26
(0.35) (0.19)
Population 3.54 −1.96
(3.13) (1.78)
Population City 3.47 1.68
(3.07) (1.23)
Institute-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.69 0.71 0.72
Num. obs. 360 360 360 1119 1119 1119
Num. institutes 38 38 38 111 111 111
Num. countries 17 17 17 67 67 67
Num. years 15 15 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. Institute-fixed effects capture also country-fixed effects.

Table 4

Stepwise estimation results for course participation in Germany.


Move 1

Move 2

Move 3

Move 1

Move 2

Move 3
Immigration 0.20 0.14 0.16 0.22∗∗∗ 0.24∗∗∗ 0.26∗∗∗
(0.15) (0.12) (0.14) (0.07) (0.09) (0.09)
Imm. × Mig. Stock 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.03
(0.05) (0.04) (0.02) (0.02)
Imm. × GDP per capita 0.37 0.46∗∗ 0.04 0.04
(0.25) (0.22) (0.04) (0.04)
Student Imm. 0.43∗∗ 0.32 0.18∗∗∗ 0.17∗∗∗
(0.21) (0.19) (0.05) (0.04)
Student Imm. × Mig. Stock −0.03 −0.05 0.00 −0.00
(0.06) (0.06) (0.02) (0.02)
Migrant Stocks 0.04 −0.08 −0.06 −0.07
(0.54) (0.45) (0.12) (0.11)
GDP per capita 0.37 −0.77 0.44∗∗ 0.39∗∗
(0.47) (0.79) (0.18) (0.17)
Trade 0.61 0.09
(0.43) (0.06)
Population 1.01 −0.50
(3.24) (0.61)
Country-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.89 0.89 0.89
Num. obs. 236 236 236 2025 2025 2025
Num. countries 25 25 25 145 145 145
Num. years 15 15 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession.

Table 3 shows the results of our ‘Abroad’ estimations. For institutes in the ‘Free Move’ countries, we find a positive coefficient for immigration flows. It reduces in size as we add further migration-related variables, but remains significant in all specification. We also find a similarly sized significant coefficient for student immigration. In our preferred specification ‘Free Move 3’, a 1 % change in immigration corresponds to a 0.3 % change in exam participation, while a 1 % change in student immigration corresponds to a 0.4 % change. The correlation is stronger for countries with a larger migrant stock in Germany and with a higher GDP per capita. In contrast to the results for the ‘Free Move’ countries, neither general nor student immigration flows are significantly associated with exam participation in the ‘Restricted Move’ countries. Instead, we find a large and highly significant coefficient for migrant stocks. After adding controls in ‘Restricted Move 3’, a 1 % change in migrant stocks corresponds to a 0.7 % change in exam participation. In summary, our abroad estimations indicate a strong link between language learning and migration flows for ‘Free Move’ countries, which is replaced by a strong link between migrant stocks and language learning for ‘Restricted Move’ countries.

Table 4 shows the results of our ‘Germany’ estimations. We find no significant results for ‘Free Move’ countries. Furthermore the R 2 of even the most basic specification ‘Free Move 1’ is 97 %, indicating that country and year-specific fixed effects already explain most of the variation in language course participation by citizens of ‘Free Move’ countries in Germany.[20] For citizens from ‘Restricted Move’ countries, we find a positive coefficient for immigration flows. It remains stable in size and significance as we add our additional migration-related variables. In our preferred specification ‘Restricted Move 3’, a 1 % increase in immigration flows corresponds to a 0.3 % increase in language course participation. The coefficient for student immigration is also positive, significant and of similar magnitude as the coefficient for general immigration.

When comparing our preferred specifications from Tables 3 and 4, we observe a clear mirror pattern in the results for migration flows. For ‘Free Move’ countries, both general and student migration are significantly associated with language learning outside of Germany, while for ‘Restricted Move’ countries[21] there is a significant correlation between both general and student migration and language learning in Germany. This pattern is in line with our expectation (see Section 2.3.2) that individuals from countries with unrestricted and with restricted access to Germany face different trade-offs when it comes to the decision whether to learn German before or after migrating to Germany. The results suggest that there is a strong certainty-of-investment mechanism at play, where membership in the EU or in the Schengen area encourages pre-migration language learning by guaranteeing access to the German labour market. In contrast, we find no evidence of a bridge-the-gap mechanism that encourages citizens of countries outside the EU or the Schengen area to invest into language skills early to facilitate job seeking before their arrival in Germany.

The positive association of migrant stocks with language learning abroad, which we find for ‘Restricted Move’ countries (see Table 3), can also be related to uncertainty considerations: A large stock indicates that – at least in the past – many immigrants of a given country were successful in entering Germany. At the same time, these settled immigrants can help potential new immigrants to reduce uncertainty. Both can be expected to be positively related to preparatory language learning.

4.2 Capitals and large cities

Table 5

Estimation Results: Largest and Other Cities.

Free Move Restr. Move

Largest Other Largest Other
Immigration 0.22 0.03 −0.03 −0.46
(0.15) (0.22) (0.18) (0.30)
Imm. × Mig. Stock 0.33∗∗∗ 0.57∗∗∗ −0.14 0.04
(0.11) (0.21) (0.09) (0.10)
Imm. × GDP per capita 0.75∗∗ −0.76∗∗∗ 0.02 −0.16
(0.29) (0.22) (0.12) (0.21)
Student Imm. 0.19 0.75∗∗∗ 0.24 −0.08
(0.21) (0.22) (0.13) (0.14)
Student Imm. × Mig. Stock −0.04 0.17 0.10 −0.07
(0.18) (0.46) (0.05) (0.10)
Migrant Stocks 0.26 0.94 0.73∗∗∗ −0.53
(1.02) (0.84) (0.25) (0.38)
GDP per capita −1.40 −4.49 0.35 0.93
(1.14) (2.62) (0.22) (0.74)
Trade −0.33 0.36 0.30 0.36
(0.54) (0.79) (0.22) (0.34)
Population 1.15 21.39∗∗∗ −1.27 0.84
(5.41) (4.14) (2.07) (2.27)
Population City 4.37 −0.50 1.83 −0.29
(2.60) (2.50) (1.43) (0.91)
Institute-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.95 0.93 0.75 0.68
Num. obs. 169 191 737 382
Num. institutes 17 21 67 44
Num. countries 17 10 67 21
Num. years 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. Institute-fixed effects capture also country-fixed effects.

A potential concern with our ‘Abroad’ specification is that institutes in cities with different characteristics attract language learners from different sub-groups of the population of the respective country and that our estimations throw all of these sub-groups together. In particular, institutes in large cities may attract a large number of language learners that work for the government or for large businesses. While we cannot control for the individual characteristics of different language learners in our macro-level study, we can use city-level data to shed light on these differences. Table 5 presents the results of four estimations for language learning abroad, where we split the sample based on city population. ‘Largest’ includes the largest city in each country; ‘Other’ contains the remaining cities.

The sample split does indeed reveal a difference between cities that are and cities that are not the largest in their country. For the relationship between migration flows and language learning in ‘Free Move’ countries, the largest cities seem to be responsible for the results regarding general flows when looking at those countries with a larger migrant stock and those with higher GDP per capita. While for the smaller cities, the positive correlation between migration flows and language learning is also there for countries with a larger migrant stock, we observe a negative correlation for countries with higher GDP per capita. Language learning may be particularly important for migrants connected to large businesses or the government which are more common in the largest cities of each country, especially in high-GDP countries. The smaller cities are, however, responsible for the results regarding student migration. This may be the case because smaller cities have higher relative student populations.

This last point may also apply to language learning outside of the EU or the Schengen area, where the positive association between migrant stocks and language learning is driven entirely by the largest cities. Growing migrant stocks in Germany may create additional demand for language skills among those individuals in big business or the government who establish ties with Germany through the diaspora.

5 Country heterogeneities and identification issues

While our fixed-effects approach eliminates potential biases from time-invariant institute-specific and country-specific factors that are correlated with language learning and our explanatory variables, it also prevents us from exploring between-country differences. However, these differences may be interesting in their own right. Within-country changes in our variables are often smaller than the between-country differences and a pure within-country analysis could therefore miss important parts of the “bigger picture”. Naturally, between-country comparisons have to be interpreted very carefully, because they are not robust to the omission of time-invariant variables that are correlated with both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the estimation equation. To address these points, we proceed in two ways: First, we run OLS regressions where we substitute the institute and country fixed-effects with time-invariant country characteristics. Second, we estimate a within-between model.

5.1 OLS estimations with country characteristics

For the OLS specification with time-invariant country characteristics, we consider the ‘Free Move’ countries and the ‘Restricted Move’ countries separately as different characteristics might be relevant for the two groups of countries. Also data availability is a larger issue for the countries with restricted access to Germany; this is also the reason why some of the variables are included as time-invariant variables even though they possibly vary across time (Table A1 informs about the chosen years).

For the ‘Free Move’ countries, we include different geographic, linguistic and cultural distance measures as well as information about the educational level and the sectoral composition. Following Ginsburgh et al. (2017), we also add information about the importance of the German language in the origin country and of the immigrants’ native language in the world. For the ‘Restricted Move’ countries, we also include distance measures (due to data availability we cannot control for cultural distance, however). The importance of the German and the native language as well as the sectoral composition are also captured. The educational level is extended by the literacy rate. In addition, we control for a political rights index and a civil liberties index and the presence of a visa requirement for Germany. Tables A2 and A3 provide the descriptive statistics.

We would expect that linguistic and cultural distance is negatively correlated with language learning in general, while geographic distance might differently affect where to learn the language and this might also depend on whether access to Germany is free or restricted. More German speakers in the home country, which indicates some closer economic and social links with Germany, should lead to larger incentives to learn German; more speakers of the native language in the world should, on the contrary, decrease the benefits of learning a foreign language. A higher educational level in the origin country might be positively correlated with learning German. If a visa is required, this makes migration and the benefits from language learning more uncertain and should thus be negatively related to language learning, especially abroad.

Tables A4 and A5 present the results. As the samples become smaller because of the data issues mentioned above, the fixed-effect estimations for the smaller sample are shown next to the respective OLS specifications for easier comparison. We find that the results for the immigration variables do not differ in an important way for the fixed-effect and the OLS specifications. It shows that the coefficients of the population and population-city variables are now highly significant in the OLS estimation; this was apparently absorbed by the institute and country fixed-effects. Looking at the country characteristics, a few patterns can be observed. The linguistic and cultural distance measures mostly show the expected negative link, while the picture for geographic distance is more mixed. The share of German speakers in the home country is not significantly correlated with learning German, while the result for the world speakers of the immigrants’ natives language is mixed. Visa requirements decrease the incentives to learn German abroad in the ‘Restricted Move’ countries in line with the certainty-of-investment mechanism discussed above. Overall, the OLS specification allows gaining further insights into the role of heterogeneities across countries. At the same time, the main results related to the migration variables are mostly unaffected.

5.2 Within-between estimations

To further explore between-country differences, we complement our fixed-effects models with a random-effects (RE) specification. We use Bell and Jones’ (2014) re-formulation of an RE estimator proposed by Mundlak (1978). Instead of removing all between country variance from the data, the RE estimator uses it to identify the between coefficients (subscript B). As with the FE estimator, the within coefficients (subscript W) are only identified by within-country variation. For exam participation abroad, we estimate

(3) P i j t j = α + β W ( x j t x ¯ j ) + β B x ¯ j + γ WW ( Z j t Z j ) × ( MigStock j t MigStock j ) + γ WB Z j × ( MigStock j t MigStock j ) + γ BW ( Z j t Z j ) × MigStock j + γ BB Z j × MigStock j + δ W ( Pop i j t Pop i ) + δ B Pop i j + u i + u j + u t + u i j t

and for course participation in Germany

(4) P j t D E = δ + μ W ( x j t x ¯ j ) + μ B x ¯ j + λ WW ( Z j t Z j ) × ( MigStock j t MigStock j ) + λ WB Z j × ( MigStock j t MigStock j ) + λ BW ( Z j t Z j ) × MigStock j + λ BB Z j × MigStock j + u j + u t + u j t

where Z stands for I m m i g and S t u d I m m i g and bars indicate averages.[22] This within-between specification also disentangles the interaction between immigration (and analogously for student immigration) and migrant stocks into three components: One component that is driven by the within variation of both variables ( WW) and two additional components, each of which is driven by the within variation of one but by the between variation of the other variable ( WB and BW). For example, the within-between interaction “Immigration (B) × Migrant Stocks (W)” can be interpreted as the change in the effect of the country-average of immigration on language learning that is brought about by growing (or shrinking) migrant stocks. A fourth interaction term is identified by the between variation of both variables ( BB), but this term has no equivalent in the FE estimation, where it would have been captured by the institute-fixed or country-fixed effects. u i , u j , u t , u j t and u i j t are error terms (random effects). These specifications are extensions of Bell and Jones’ (2014) equation (12). We add the interaction terms and the additional error term u i to account for our nested geographical structure of institutes within countries.

Table 6

Estimation Results: Within-between Random-effects Specification.

Abroad Germany

Free Move Restr. Move Free Move Restr. Move
Immigration (W) 0.32∗∗∗ −0.27∗∗∗ 0.21 0.31∗∗∗
(0.10) (0.09) (0.11) (0.05)
Immigration (B) −0.12 0.47 −0.07 0.28∗∗
(0.88) (0.23) (0.66) (0.12)
Imm. (W) × GDP per capita (W) 0.04 1.62∗∗∗ −0.43 0.08
(0.60) (0.44) (0.66) (0.14)
Imm. (W) × GDP per capita (B) 0.20 −0.09 0.96∗∗∗ 0.13∗∗∗
(0.34) (0.07) (0.35) (0.03)
Imm. (B) × GDP per capita (W) 0.26 −0.01 0.29 −0.01
(0.25) (0.11) (0.24) (0.03)
Imm. (B) × GDP per capita (B) 0.26 −0.12 −0.73 0.01
(0.82) (0.08) (0.48) (0.02)
Imm. (W) × Mig. Stock (W) −1.22 −0.02 −0.15 0.14
(0.93) (0.28) (0.85) (0.13)
Imm. (W) × Mig. Stock (B) 0.20∗∗∗ −0.06 0.07 0.07∗∗∗
(0.08) (0.05) (0.09) (0.02)
Imm. (B) × Mig. Stock (W) 0.02 −0.61∗∗∗ 0.58 −0.05
(0.39) (0.13) (0.51) (0.06)
Imm. (B) × Mig. Stock (B) 0.07 0.15 0.03 −0.05
(0.42) (0.14) (0.16) (0.02)
Student Imm. (W) 0.49∗∗∗ 0.07 0.23 0.17∗∗∗
(0.13) (0.05) (0.15) (0.03)
Student Imm. (B) 0.57 0.54∗∗∗ −0.41 0.38∗∗∗
(0.78) (0.16) (0.39) (0.06)
Student Imm. (W) × Mig. Stock (W) 2.40 −0.89∗∗∗ 1.09 −0.03
(1.63) (0.16) (1.82) (0.13)
Student Imm. (W) × Mig. Stock (B) −0.27∗∗ 0.01 −0.08 0.02
(0.13) (0.03) (0.08) (0.01)
Student Imm. (B) × Mig. Stock (W) 0.06 0.45∗∗∗ −0.69 0.00
(0.38) (0.12) (0.55) (0.06)
Student Imm. (B) × Mig. Stock (B) −0.34 −0.16 −0.12 0.04
(0.55) (0.15) (0.16) (0.03)
Migrant Stocks (W) −0.24 0.52∗∗∗ −0.19 −0.05
(0.42) (0.12) (0.49) (0.08)
Migrant Stocks (B) 0.22 −0.50∗∗∗ −0.49 −0.20
(0.75) (0.18) (0.42) (0.10)
GDP per capita (W) −1.53∗∗∗ 0.51∗∗∗ −1.31∗∗ 0.31∗∗∗
(0.55) (0.15) (0.53) (0.09)
GDP per capita (B) −2.79 −0.31 1.31 0.39∗∗∗
(2.07) (0.21) (1.27) (0.09)
Trade (W) −0.17 0.13 0.68∗∗∗ 0.08∗∗
(0.29) (0.09) (0.25) (0.04)
Trade (B) 1.14 −0.02 −1.21∗∗∗ 0.12∗∗
(0.67) (0.16) (0.41) (0.06)
Population (W) 2.99 −2.86∗∗∗ −1.60 −1.36∗∗∗
(2.36) (0.68) (2.37) (0.33)
Population (B) −1.59 −0.27∗∗ 2.78∗∗∗ 0.33∗∗∗
(0.93) (0.13) (0.44) (0.06)
Population City (W) 2.58∗∗ 1.47∗∗∗
(1.02) (0.43)
Population City (B) 0.66∗∗∗ 0.36∗∗∗
(0.18) (0.10)
Num. obs. 360 1119 236 2025
Num. institutes 38 111
Num. countries 17 67 25 145
Num. years 15 15 15 15
Var: institute-level 0.41 0.54
Var: country-level 0.45 0.20 0.69 0.30
Var: year-level 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.03
Var: Residual 0.08 0.32 0.09 0.49
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors were calculated from a bootstrap ( n = 10 , 000); significance levels are based on basic confidence intervals calculated from the same bootstrap sample. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession.

We would expect most of the coefficients that are identified by within variation to be the same in our RE and FE estimations, because the regression models are very similar. The two differences are the disentangled interaction terms discussed above and the different error structure. In addition to the FE models’ idiosyncratic error term, u i j t or u j t , the RE models allow for random errors on the levels of institutes, countries, and years. When looking at Table 6, we see our expectation of identical within coefficients largely confirmed. In particular, we find highly significant within-coefficients for general immigration and student immigration in the ‘Abroad, Free Move’ specification and in the ‘Germany, Restricted Move’ specification (cf. also Tables 3 and 4). This also holds for the within-coefficient of migrant stock in the ‘Abroad, Restricted Move’ specification.

The within-between model adds several insights. First and in addition to the significant within-coefficient of immigration and student immigration discussed above, the between-coefficients of both, immigration and student immigration, are large and significant in both the ‘Abroad’ and the ‘Germany’ specification for ‘Restricted Move’ countries. This implies that countries that, averaged across the entire period of observation, sent more students to Germany also showed more language learning activity, both abroad and in Germany. There are at least three potential explanations for this result. First, in the long term, (student) migration may lead to increased interest in the German language and culture abroad. Second, strong cultural links may not be the consequence but the cause of both language learning activities and migration. While time-invariant cultural links are controlled out of our within coefficients, they do enter into the between-coefficients. Third, (student) migrants may learn German several years before or after staying in Germany. As discussed above, this effect would not be picked up by our unlagged within-coefficient, but may show up in the between-coefficient.

Second, we see a significant within-between-coefficient for the interaction of immigration and student immigration, respectively, with the migrant stock in the ‘Abroad, Free Move’ specification (and partially in the ‘Germany, Restricted Move’ one). In countries with, on average, a larger migrant stock, a change in immigration is positively associated with language learning, while the opposite holds for a change in student immigration. The incentive effects thus diverge. Minority language concentration decreases students’ incentives to learn the language in the home country before migration. This could indicate that they rely more on help from fellow citizens at the beginning of their stay in Germany. On the contrary, immigrants with a likely larger labour-market interest increase their language learning effort in the presence of a larger stock of migrants. One reason could be that the fellow citizens make them aware of the importance of language skills.

Third, the random effects model allows us to explicitly compare the variances of its various error terms. The comparison shows that most of the variance that is not attributed to our explanatory variables can be attributed to time-invariant factors on the city level in the ‘Abroad’ estimations and on the country level in both estimations. The variances of the respective error terms are larger than the variances of the other entity-level error terms and also larger than the residual variance in all but the ‘Germany, Restricted Move’ sample. Fixed effects on the year-level do not seem to play a role as the variance of the respective error term is very small in all estimations.

5.3 Causality issues

Above, we present evidence of a positive association between language learning and several migration-related variables. For a causal interpretation, the issue of reverse causality needs to be addressed. In this section, we provide arguments why we think that this association might be driven by a causal effect of those variables on language learning and complement this by an instrumental-variable (IV) exercise.

With respect to language learning in Germany, a reverse causal effect of course participation on our migration-related variables is unlikely, because language learners are already located in Germany by definition. Theoretically, the availability of post-migration language courses might affect the decision whether and where to migrate. However, since courses that teach migrants the language of the destination country are likely to be available in any potential destination, the effect of availability on migration can be neglected in our application.

With respect to language learning outside of Germany, three channels of reverse causality could be particularly relevant: the opening and closing of institutes, the participant recruitment and capacity planning of the institutes, and changes in the individual motivation of participants. First, the opening and closing of institutes may be motivated by the presence of migration flows. This channel of causality would affect the results of our estimations if these estimations “compared” participation in cities in which language courses or exams were offered with zero participation in cities where this was not the case. However, our dataset only includes observations for city-year combinations where language courses were offered and is, thus, not susceptible to the endogenous opening and closing of institutes.[23] Second, the presence of large migration flows from a particular country may motivate institutes in that country to advertise more heavily to “capture” a larger share of the outgoing migrants. While we cannot measure the intensity of advertising of individual institutes, there is no indication that the institutes follow such a strategy. In our conversations with officials at the Goethe institutes, they repeatedly stated that they attempt to adjust to local demand rather than to actively encourage outgoing migrants to participate in courses. Third, the language learning experience at the Goethe institutes may motivate individuals, who initially take the course for non-migration related reasons, to move to Germany. While this may be a good description of the experience of a small number of language learners, the migration choice literature seems to agree that the key determinants of migration decisions are others, income differentials and migration policies in particular (Bertoli and Fernández-Huertas Moraga 2015; Grogger and Hanson 2011; Ortega and Peri 2013).

In the next step, we want to address this in a somewhat more systematic way. We are fully aware that reverse causality issues and endogeneity issues more generally affect several of our main migration variables. Also trade, which we include as a control variable, likely suffers from this problem as Ginsburgh et al. (2017) have demonstrated. Trade can affect language learning, but better language skills can also foster trade. To overcome this problem, they implement an IV strategy based on bilateral trade shares weighted by trading partners’ respective ratios of native speakers of the target language. As we are not able to do a full-fledged IV analysis taking all possible endogeneities into account, we only consider the relation of immigration and language learning in more detail.[24] This exercise can therefore only give a first indication; at the same time, it complements the arguments brought forward above.

Our instruments are based on the sectoral composition, geographic distance and tertiary education shares. The first stage of the 2-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation works well if we take the F-statistics as guide for the joint significance of the instruments (see the notes in Tables 7 and 8). Results of the second stage confirm our main FE-results: In the ‘Abroad’ specification in Table 7, the IV- and the FE-results are very close. In particular, we find that immigration affects language learning abroad in the ‘Free Move’ countries and does not do so in the ‘Restricted Move’ countries. We also find similar IV- and FE-results in the ‘Germany’ specification (Table 8). For the ‘Restricted Move’ countries, the results might require some further thoughts given the relatively large second-stage immigration coefficient.

As already noted, we see this as an exercise and not a full-fledged analysis. Two caveats are particularly important to keep in mind: First, the exogeneity of the instruments can be discussed. There are arguments in its favour: A larger share of the agricultural sector makes the economy more dependent on the weather and more generally on climatic conditions. Adverse developments might push individuals out of their home country without directly affecting their language learning incentives. In a similar vain, given a migration intention, geographic distance might affect the choice of the destination country and, only after that choice is made, the language learning incentives. Tertiary enrolment shares could be expected to affect immigration plans in particular for ‘Restricted Move’ countries as a higher education level might enable migrants to benefit from preferential visa regulations. We acknowledge that the exogeneity argument is weaker here as a higher education level could also directly affect language learning incentives for some individuals. Second, other variables might also be endogenous. We already mentioned trade. Student immigration could also be concerned in a similar way as immigration, even though one could argue that the endogeneity issue might be somewhat less relevant. Learning German in a Goethe institute by young people can of course be triggered by the wish to complement the language education at school and reflect a true interest in the language. Still it is more likely that this is done in preparation of a future stay in Germany possibly for studying purposes.

Table 7

IV estimation results for exam participation abroad.

Free Move Rest. Move

1 stage 2 stage FE 1 stage 2 stage FE
Immigration 0.42 0.32∗∗ −0.59 −0.13
(0.23) (0.14) (0.38) (0.17)
Student Imm. 0.69∗∗∗ 0.29 0.33∗∗∗ 0.23∗∗∗ 0.16 0.07
(0.18) (0.15) (0.11) (0.05) (0.12) (0.11)
Migrant Stocks 1.35 0.12 0.25 0.55∗∗∗ 0.83∗∗ 0.58∗∗∗
(0.81) (0.49) (0.54) (0.15) (0.37) (0.22)
Tertiary Enrolment × Pop. 0.86∗∗ 0.04
(0.34) (0.03)
Geographic Dist. × Pop. −6.63∗∗∗ 0.69
(1.90) (0.57)
Agriculture Sector × Pop. 3.94 0.23
(3.85) (0.37)
GDP per capita 0.74 −1.03 −0.86 0.19 0.17 0.06
(1.09) (0.59) (0.66) (0.13) (0.23) (0.22)
Trade −0.41 −0.03 −0.14 −0.01 0.30 0.31
(0.27) (0.34) (0.35) (0.13) (0.23) (0.23)
Population −38.33∗∗ 4.12 4.21 2.11 −1.41 −2.74
(16.41) (3.70) (3.78) (1.34) (1.99) (1.90)
Population City 0.24 4.06 4.25 −0.34 1.99 2.34
(0.87) (2.70) (2.54) (0.37) (1.29) (1.31)
Institute-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.98 0.93 0.93 0.98 0.70 0.71
Num. obs. 360 360 360 1035 1035 1035
Num. institutes 38 38 38 104 104 104
Num. countries 17 17 17 62 62 62
Num. years 15 15 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. Institute-fixed effects capture also country-fixed effects. All values, which are not in percentage, are in logs. Wald test comparing the model including instruments and excluding instruments shows that the instruments are jointly significant with an F-value of 58.229 (p < 2.2e-16) for the ‘Free Move’ countries, and an F-value of 45.866 (p < 2.2e-16) for the ‘Restricted Move’ countries.

Table 8

IV estimation results for course participation in Germany.

Free Move Rest. Move

1 stage 2 stage FE 1 stage 2 stage FE
Immigration 0.12 0.08 1.13 0.22∗∗
(0.32) (0.17) (0.67) (0.10)
Student Imm. 0.39∗∗ 0.40 0.42 0.06∗∗ 0.10 0.17∗∗∗
(0.18) (0.27) (0.24) (0.03) (0.08) (0.04)
Migrant Stocks 1.01 0.32 0.39 0.58∗∗∗ −0.62 −0.06
(0.61) (0.57) (0.37) (0.13) (0.46) (0.11)
Tertiary Enrolment × Pop. 0.12 0.04
(0.13) (0.02)
Geographic Dist. × Pop. −1.94 0.64
(1.47) (0.48)
Agriculture Sector × Pop. 10.21∗∗∗ 0.42
(2.16) (0.23)
GDP per capita −0.33 −0.33 −0.39 −0.12 0.31 0.24
(0.77) (0.95) (0.77) (0.10) (0.16) (0.17)
Trade −0.21 0.34 0.34 −0.09∗∗ 0.17 0.08
(0.30) (0.42) (0.42) (0.05) (0.11) (0.08)
Population −92.76∗∗∗ 0.78 0.96 −8.35 −0.72 −0.39
(27.88) (3.49) (3.37) (4.58) (0.74) (0.63)
Country-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.99 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.85 0.88
Num. obs. 236 236 236 1780 1780 1780
Num. countries 25 25 25 129 129 129
Num. years 15 15 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. All values, which are not in percentage, are in logs. Wald test comparing the model including instruments and excluding instruments shows that the instruments are jointly significant with an F-value of 47.515 (p < 2.2e-16) for the ‘Free Move’ countries, and an F-value of 36.239 (p < 2.2e-16) for the ‘Restricted Move’ countries.

Overall, we see the different arguments brought forward in this section as providing some indications about a causal relation; in light of the caveats, however, we are careful to abstain from seeing this as anything more than that.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we use a new dataset collected from the yearbooks of the German Goethe-Institut on the extent of German language learning around the world. To the best of our knowledge this is the first large-scale dataset on adult-age language learning. We use the number of language exam participants in 137 institutes located in 76 countries and the number of language course participants from 157 nationalities in Germany for the period from 1992 to 2006. Both measures vary considerably between and within institutes and countries and this variance is not explained by differences in population alone.

With these data, we investigate the determinants of course and exam participation abroad and in Germany. Our results complement those of studies based on individual-level datasets, which investigate the determinants of language skills of migrants, but not their actual learning decisions. Language skills and migration can be linked through a sorting and an incentive channel and skill-based studies cannot disentangle the two. We observe language learning rather than language skills, which may or may not have been acquired in the context of a migration decision. This allows us to focus on the incentive channel.

Using fixed-effects regressions, we find that language learning at Goethe institutes abroad is strongly associated with immigration from countries whose citizens have certain access to the German labour market, but that this is not the case for those who do not. Instead, language learning in Germany is positively associated with immigration of countries whose citizens face uncertainty regarding their access. This suggests that the certainty-of-investment mechanism plays an important role which makes preparatory language learning much more likely for immigrants from the EU and Schengen Area, whose citizens are granted certain access to Germany, than from other countries. Language learning at institutes in countries with limited access to Germany is instead strongly associated with migrant stocks in Germany.

The lack of a positive association between language learning in countries with restricted access to Germany and migration from these countries to Germany supports the notion that policy interventions may be necessary. In 2007 Germany introduced the requirement that spouses from non-EU countries must have basic knowledge of German at the A1 level before being granted a visa to live in Germany with their partners. This regulation established a minimum level of language proficiency of migrants. The focus of the Skilled Immigration Act from March 2020 is different: It aims at facilitating migration of skilled workers from third countries to Germany. In the context of our study, this can be seen as removing part of the uncertainty related to access to the German labour market and thus to the returns of investment in language skills. The evidence derived in this study points towards a positive effect on language learning before migrating to Germany and thus better prospects for economic and social integration.

Award Identifier / Grant number: UE 124/2-1; 270886786

Funding statement: This work was supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG) (grant number UE 124/2-1; 270886786).


The authors are grateful to Matthias Huber for help with the data.

Appendix A
Figure A1 
GI in Germany.
Figure A1

GI in Germany.

Table A1

Variables description.

Variable Type Description
Exam Participants (abroad) Numerical (Log) Yearly number of exam participation at the Goethe institutes by country. Source: Uebelmesser et al. (2018b).
Course Participants (in DE) Numerical (Log) Yearly number of language course participants at the Goethe institutes in Germany, disaggregated by the nationality of the participants. Source: Uebelmesser et al. (2018c).
Immigration Numerical (Log) Yearly immigration flows (number of citizens of each country that relocate their primary residence to Germany in a given year). Source: German “Wanderungsstatistik”.
Student Immigration Numerical (Log) Number of foreign students who are enrolled in their first semester at a German university. Source: German “Hochschulstatistik”.
Migration Stocks Numerical (Log) Yearly migration stock in Germany. Source: Central Register of Foreign Nationals (“Ausländerzentralregister”, AZR).
GDP per capita Numerical (Log) Yearly expenditure-side real GDP. Source: Penn World Table (v8.0).
Trade Numerical (Log) Yearly total trade revenues (imports plus exports, including tourism) between each country of interest and Germany. Source: Destatis.
Population Numerical (Log) Population per country and year. Source: UN World Population Prospects.
Population City Numerical (Log) Population per (institute) city and year. Source: World Urbanization Prospects.
Visa Required for Germany Binary Indicates whether a visa is required for entry into Germany, as of 2000. Source: Immigration Policy Index.
Linguistic Distance to Germany Rate (0–1) Distance of native language to German by country, normalized between 0 (lowest distance) to 1 (largest distance). Source: Melitz and Toubal (2014).
Geographic Distance to Germany Rate (0–1) Distance to Germany by country, normalized between 0 (lowest distance) to 1 (largest distance). Source: CEPII’s GeoDist database.
Cultural Distance to Germany: LTO Rate (0–1) Distance in long-term orientation index to Germany by country, normalized between 0 (lowest distance) to 1 (largest distance), as of 2013 or latest year available. VSM 2013, Hofstede.
Cultural Distance to Germany: IVR Rate (0–1) Distance in indulgence-restraint index to Germany by country, normalized between 0 (lowest distance) to 1 (largest distance), as of 2013 or latest year available. VSM 2013, Hofstede.
Speakers of German (%) Rate (0–1) Percentage of population which speaks German by country. Source: Ginsburgh et al. (2017).
World Speakers of Native Language Numerical (Log) Total speakers worldwide of native language by country. In case of multiple native languages maximum is chosen. Source: Visual Capitalist, Languages.
Tertiary Enrolment % Gross Ratio of total enrollment in tertiary education, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the level of education shown, as of 2000. Source: Worldbank.
Literacy Rate Rate (0–1) Percentage of literate population aged 15 and above by country, as of 2019 or latest year available. Source: Worldbank, WorldAtlas.
Political Rights & Civil Liberties Index Scale (1–7) Political rights & civil liberties index by country, as of 2000. Source: Freedom House Index.
Agriculture Sector (%) Rate (0–1) Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) as a share of all sectors by country, as of 2000 (or closest year available). Source: Worldbank.
Industry Sector (%) Rate (0–1) Industry (including construction), value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) as a share of all sectors by country, as of 2000 (or closest year available). Source: Worldbank.
Service Sector (%) Rate (0–1) Services, value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) as a share of all sectors by country, as of 2000 (or closest year available). (Residual from Agriculture and Industry). Source: Worldbank.
Table A2

Descriptive Statistics ‘Abroad’ OLS Specification.

Free Move Restr. Move

Variable Mean Std Dev. Mean Std Dev.
Exam Participants (abroad) 247.35 516.53 134.80 221.66
Immigration ( × 10 3 ) 16.98 20.26 9.02 15.77
Migrant Stock ( × 10 3 ) 186.30 202.76 119.70 394.59
Student Imm. ( × 10 3 ) 1.36 0.93 0.58 0.88
Trade ( × 10 6 ) 56.99 35.64 11.68 22.79
GDP per capita ( × 10 3 ) 25.60 5.70 11.15 11.34
Population ( × 10 6 ) 38.19 23.61 192.78 336.23
Population City ( × 10 6 ) 2.36 2.41 4.76 4.34
Visa Required for Germany 0.52 0.50
Linguistic Distance 0.79 0.13 0.89 0.10
Geographic Distance ( × 10 2 km) 8.87 4.93 66.49 39.42
Cultural Distance: LTO 52.74 13.46
Cultural Distance: IVR 49.32 16.20
Speakers of German (%) 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.06
World Speakers of Native Lang. ( × 10 6 ) 394.57 400.25 500.42 472.13
Tertiary Enrolment (% Gross) 53.97 8.57 32.25 24.19
Literacy Rate 89.92 11.60
Political Rights Index 2.94 1.88
Civil Liberties Index 3.28 1.55
Agriculture Sector (%) 0.18 0.04 0.17 0.14
Industry Sector (%) 0.38 0.05 0.45 0.12
Service Sector (%) 0.44 0.06 0.38 0.10
Num. obs. 345 1021
  1. Note: All values are rounded to two decimal places. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. There are occurrences of zero-values in the ‘Free Move’ subsample for Speakers of German (%) (9.86 % Zeros); and in the ‘Restricted Move’ subsample for Speakers of German (%) (62.98 % Zeros), and Visa Required for Germany (47.89 % of Zeros). See Table A1 for descriptions of the variables.

Table A3

Descriptive Statistics ‘Germany’ OLS Specification.

Free Move Restr. Move

Variable Mean Std Dev. Mean Std Dev.
Course Participants (in DE) 452.84 517.20 109.47 258.87
Immigration ( × 10 3 ) 11.64 18.07 3.48 10.20
Migrant Stock ( × 10 3 ) 132.35 157.53 37.17 189.03
Student Imm. ( × 10 3 ) 0.90 0.81 0.20 0.51
Trade ( × 10 6 ) 37.19 33.80 3.32 10.59
GDP per capita ( × 10 3 ) 25.87 6.88 7.95 9.42
Population ( × 10 6 ) 21.37 21.96 45.66 156.57
Visa Required for Germany 0.69 0.46
Linguistic Distance 0.79 0.14 0.90 0.09
Geographic Distance ( × 10 2 km) 10.75 5.64 62.18 35.14
Cultural Distance: LTO 49.02 15.25
Cultural Distance: IVR 52.96 16.94
Speakers of German (%) 0.19 0.27 0.03 0.10
World Speakers of Native Lang. ( × 10 6 ) 284.59 396.02 380.59 411.70
Tertiary Enrolment (% Gross) 54.10 10.68 20.54 19.85
Literacy Rate 83.38 19.27
Political Rights Index 3.68 2.12
Civil Liberties Index 3.78 1.68
Agriculture Sector (%) 0.17 0.06 0.14 0.11
Industry Sector (%) 0.40 0.06 0.49 0.17
Service Sector (%) 0.43 0.08 0.37 0.13
Num. obs. 210 1621
  1. Note: All values are rounded to two decimal places. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. There are occurrences of zero-values in the ‘Free Move’ subsample for Language Students (in DE) (0.48 % Zeros), and Speakers of German (%) (12.86 % Zeros); and in the ‘Restricted Move’ subsample for Language Students (in DE) (9.93 % Zeros), Immigration ( × 10 3 ) (0.06 % Zeros), Student Imm. ( × 10 3 ) (8.08 % Zeros), Visa Required for Germany (30.72 % of Zeros), and Speakers of German (%) (84.82 % Zeros). See Table A1 for descriptions of the variables.

Table A4

Estimation results for exam and course participation abroad and in Germany, Free Move Countries.

Abroad In Germany

Immigration 0.33∗∗∗ 0.66∗∗∗ 0.19 0.22
(0.12) (0.17) (0.15) (0.23)
Imm. × Mig. Stock 0.19∗∗ 0.17∗∗ −0.01 0.13
(0.09) (0.07) (0.05) (0.08)
Imm. × GDP per capita 0.27∗∗ 0.07 0.50∗∗ 0.74∗∗∗
(0.12) (0.24) (0.23) (0.21)
Student Imm. 0.43∗∗∗ 0.19 0.26 1.33∗∗∗
(0.14) (0.15) (0.19) (0.22)
Student Imm. × Mig. Stock −0.22 −0.08 −0.07 −0.10
(0.20) (0.15) (0.08) (0.12)
Migrant Stocks −0.10 0.29 −0.14 −0.97∗∗∗
(0.36) (0.21) (0.40) (0.13)
GDP per capita −1.73∗∗ −1.62∗∗∗ −1.11 1.25∗∗∗
(0.73) (0.36) (0.87) (0.42)
Trade −0.05 0.63∗∗ 0.91 −0.69∗∗∗
(0.36) (0.28) (0.47) (0.21)
Population 3.26 −2.20∗∗∗ 1.48 1.78∗∗∗
(3.02) (0.44) (3.45) (0.20)
Population City 3.36 0.74∗∗∗
(3.15) (0.09)
Linguistic Distance to Germany −1.68 −8.57∗∗∗
(1.71) (1.65)
Geographic Distance to Germany 5.45 23.71∗∗∗
(3.45) (5.33)
Cultural Distance to Germany: LTO −2.54 1.46
(1.60) (0.75)
Cultural Distance to Germany: IVR −5.70∗∗∗ −1.81
(0.73) (0.97)
Speakers of German (%) 1.25 −0.27
(1.19) (0.50)
World Speakers of Native Lang. 0.39∗∗∗ −0.27∗∗∗
(0.14) (0.04)
Tertiary Enrollment −0.75 −1.05
(0.83) (1.00)
Agriculture Sector (%) 17.65∗∗∗ −3.62
(2.09) (4.31)
Industry Sector (%) 8.02 −5.95
(4.14) (3.07)
Institute-fixed effects
Country-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.93 0.79 0.97 0.93
Num. obs. 345 345 210 210
Num. institutes 37 37
Num. countries 16 16 22 22
Num. years 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. Institute-fixed effects capture also country-fixed effects.

Table A5

Estimation results for exam and course participation abroad and in Germany, Restricted Move Countries.

Abroad In Germany

Immigration −0.20 0.22 0.27∗∗ 0.18∗∗
(0.19) (0.20) (0.12) (0.09)
Imm. × Mig. Stock −0.10 −0.03 0.03 −0.04∗∗∗
(0.09) (0.06) (0.03) (0.01)
Imm. × GDP per capita −0.03 −0.04 0.01 0.02
(0.14) (0.07) (0.06) (0.02)
Student Imm. 0.09 0.41∗∗∗ 0.15∗∗∗ 0.27∗∗∗
(0.11) (0.13) (0.05) (0.05)
Student Imm. × Mig. Stock 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03∗∗
(0.05) (0.06) (0.02) (0.02)
Migrant Stocks 0.63∗∗∗ −0.04 −0.13 −0.08
(0.24) (0.13) (0.13) (0.08)
GDP per capita 0.03 −0.33 0.40 0.32∗∗∗
(0.24) (0.20) (0.22) (0.10)
Trade 0.33 −0.00 0.09 0.02
(0.23) (0.14) (0.07) (0.06)
Population −2.79 −0.34∗∗ −0.39 0.48∗∗∗
(2.09) (0.16) (0.63) (0.09)
Population City 2.30 0.29∗∗∗
(1.30) (0.11)
Visa Required for Germany −0.52 −0.30
(0.30) (0.18)
Linguistic Distance to Germany 1.64 0.20
(2.09) (0.96)
Geographic Distance to Germany 2.19∗∗ −0.87
(1.05) (0.78)
Speakers of German (%) 0.04 −0.19
(2.22) (0.94)
World Speakers of Native Lang. 0.04 0.06
(0.07) (0.04)
Tertiary Enrollment −0.16 0.15
(0.22) (0.10)
Literacy Rate −0.00 0.01
(0.01) (0.00)
Political Rights Index 0.04 0.03
(0.10) (0.09)
Civil Liberties Index −0.06 −0.08
(0.14) (0.11)
Agriculture Sector (%) 1.10 −0.57
(1.06) (0.53)
Industry Sector (%) 1.01 −0.41
(1.34) (0.52)
Institute-fixed effects
Country-fixed effects
Year-fixed effects
Continent-fixed effects
Adj. R2 0.70 0.29 0.88 0.82
Num. obs. 1021 1021 1621 1621
Num. institutes 103 103
Num. countries 61 61 118 118
Num. years 15 15 15 15
  1. p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. Standard errors are clustered on the country level. Observations from countries that joined the EU or the Schengen area during the period of observation are assigned to the ‘Free Move’ and ‘Restricted Move’ samples, respectively, on the basis of the year of accession. Institute-fixed effects capture also country-fixed effects.

Appendix B

Appendix B.1 Language course pricing

Table B1

Prices of language courses at Goethe institutes and other providers in 2015.

City Provider Course Type Price / Hour Currency
Mexico City GI Extensive 146.67 MXN
Mexico City Tecnologico de Monterrey Extensive 90.91 MXN
Buenos Aires GI Extensive A1.1 80 ARS
Buenos Aires Sprachzentrum Buenos Aires Extensive A1.1 65 ARS
Rio de Janeiro GI Extensive A1 56.21 BRL
Rio de Janeiro Baukurs Extensive A1 49.17 BRL
Lisbon GI Extensive 5.67 EUR
Lisbon ilnova Extensive 6.17 EUR
Ankara GI Extensive A1 10.16 TRY
Ankara Hitit Education Institutions Extensive A1 11.88 TRY
Tokyo GI Intensive 1541.67 JPY
Tokyo German Office Intensive 1971.43 JPY

Appendix B.2 Sample shrinkage due to missings

‘Abroad’ specification

Table B2

Sample Shrinkage due to Missings: ‘Abroad’ Specification.

Step Action Obs. Cntrs. Inst. Years
1 Complete Registration info 1992–2006 1689 87 155 15
2 Remove joint reporting cases 1594 86 152 15
3 Remove Greece 1553 85 148 15
4 Remove obs. with < 5 registrations 1527 85 147 15
5 Remove Missings: Migration Flows 1507 79 142 15
6 Remove Missings: Migration Stocks 1507 79 142 15
7 Remove Missings: Foreign First-year Students 1507 79 142 15
8 Remove Missings: Trade 1505 78 141 15
9 Remove Missings: Country Population 1505 78 141 15
10 Remove Missings: City Population 1479 76 137 15
11 Remove Missings: GDP 1479 76 137 15
  1. Joint reporting refers to cases where information about language services in the annual reports is reported jointly for two or more institutes without clarifying which of these institutes actually offered language services (see Uebelmesser et al. (2018a) for details). For historical reasons, Greece is an outlier with respect to course and exam participation.

‘Germany’ specification

Table B3

Sample Shrinkage due to Missings: ‘Germany’ Specification.

Step Action Obs. Cntrs. Years
1 Complete participants info 1992–2006 2864 201 15
2 Remove Missings: Migration Flows 2275 159 15
3 Remove Missings: Migration Stocks 2274 159 15
4 Remove Missings: Foreign First-year Students 2268 157 15
5 Remove Missings: Trade 2261 157 15
6 Remove Missings: Country Population 2261 157 15
7 Remove Missings: GDP 2261 157 15

Appendix B.3 Graphical illustration (‘Abroad’ specification): Averages per institutes

Figure B1 
Abroad specification – averages per institutes per continent and year.
Figure B1

Abroad specification – averages per institutes per continent and year.

Appendix B.4 List of countries and institutes

‘Abroad’ specification


Côte d’Ivoire: Abidjan (1995–2000, 2003–2006); Cameroon: Yaoundé (1992–2006); Egypt: Alexandria (1992–1993), Cairo (1992–1993); Ethiopia: Addis Ababa (1992–2001, 2003–2006); Ghana: Accra (1992–2006); Kenya: Nairobi (1992–2006); Morocco: Casablanca (1992–1993), Rabat (1992–1993); Nigeria: Lagos (1992–2006); Senegal: Dakar (1992–2006); South Africa: Johannesburg (1996–2006); Sudan: Khartoum (1992–1996); Tanzania, United Republic of: Dar es Salaam (1993–1997); Togo: Lomé (1995–2006); Tunisia: Tunis (1992–2005); Zimbabwe: Harare (1994)


Argentina: Buenos Aires (1992–1999, 2001–2006), Córdoba (1992–1998), Mendoza (1992–1995), San Juan (1992–1993); Bolivia (Plurinational State of): La Paz (1992–2006); Brazil: Belo Horizonte (1992–1995), Brasília (1992–1996), Curitiba (1992–2003), Porto Alegre (1992–2006), Rio de Janeiro (1992–2006), Salvador (1992–2006), Sao Paulo (1992–2003); Canada: Toronto (1992–2006), Vancouver (1993–1999); Chile: Valparaiso (1992–1993); Colombia: Bogotá (1992–2006), Medellín (1992–1993); Costa Rica: San José (1992–1999); Mexico: Guadalajara (1992–2006), Mexico City (1992–2006); Peru: Lima (1992–2006); United States of America: Ann Arbor (1994–1999), Atlanta (1992–2006), Boston (1992–2006), Chicago (1992–2006), Cincinnati (1994, 1996–1997), Houston (1992–1999), Los Angeles (1995), San Francisco (1992, 1995–2006), Washington (1999, 2002–2003); Uruguay: Montevideo (1992–2002, 2004–2006); Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of): Caracas (1992–2003, 2005–2006)


Bangladesh: Dhaka (1993–2006); China: Beijing (1992–2006), Hong Kong (1993–2006); Georgia: Tiflis (1995–2006); India: Bangalore (1992–1994, 1996–2006), Chennai (1992–2006), Hyderabad (1992–1993), Kolkata (1992–2006), Mumbai (1992–2006), New Delhi (1992–2006), Pune (1992–2006); Indonesia: Bandung (1992–1999), Jakarta (1992–1996, 1998–1999), Surabaya (1992–1995); Iran (Islamic Republic of): Tehran (2006); Israel: Jerusalem (1992, 1995–1997), Tel Aviv (1992–2001, 2003, 2005–2006); Japan: Kyoto (1992–1993, 2002–2006), Osaka (1992–1993, 2002–2006), Tokyo (1992–2006); Jordan: Amman (1993–2001, 2003–2006); Kazakhstan: Almaty (1996–2006); Korea (Republic of): Seoul (1992–2006); Lebanon: Beirut (2002–2006); Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur (1992–1993, 1995–2006); Nepal: Kathmandu (1992–1996); Pakistan: Karachi (1992–1998, 2001–2002, 2005), Lahore (1992, 1994–1996); Philippines: Manila (1992–2006); Singapore: Singapore (1992–1995, 1997–2006); Sri Lanka: Colombo (1992–2006); Syrian Arab Republic: Damascus (1992–2006); Thailand: Bangkok (1992–2006); Turkey: Ankara (1992–2006), Istanbul (1992–2006), Izmir (1992–2006); Uzbekistan: Tashkent (1999–2006); Viet Nam: Hanoi (1998–2006)


Belarus: Minsk (1996–2006); Belgium: Brussels (1992–2006); Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo (2002–2006); Bulgaria: Sofia (1992–2006); Croatia: Zagreb (2006); Czechia: Prague (1993–2006); Denmark: Aarhus (1992, 1994–1995), Copenhagen (1992–1996, 1998–2005); Finland: Helsinki (1992–2006), Tampere (1992–1996), Turku (1992–1995); France: Bordeaux (1992–2005), Lille (1992–2000), Lyon (1992–2006), Marseille (1992–1997), Paris (1992–2006), Toulouse (1992–2006); Hungary: Budapest (1992–2006); Ireland: Dublin (1992–2006); Italy: Genoa (1992–1998), Milan (1992–2004), Naples (1992–2005), Palermo (1992–1996), Rome (1993–2005), Turin (1992–2005); Latvia: Riga (1994–2006); Netherlands: Amsterdam (1992–2005), Rotterdam (1992–2005); Norway: Bergen (1992–1995), Oslo (1992–2006); Poland: Krakow (1999–2006), Warsaw (1992–2006); Portugal: Coimbra (1992–1996), Lisbon (1992–2001), Porto (1992–2001); Romania: Bucharest (1992–2006); Russian Federation: Moscow (1992–2006), St. Petersburg (1996–2006); Slovakia: Bratislava (1993–2006); Spain: Barcelona (1992–2006), Madrid (1992–2006); Sweden: Gothenburg (1993–1995), Stockholm (1993–2003, 2005–2006); Ukraine: Kiev (1994–2006); United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Glasgow (1992–2006), London (1992–2006), Manchester (1992–2001)


Australia: Melbourne (1992–2006), Sydney (1992–2006); New Zealand: Wellington (1992–2006)

‘Germany’ specification


Angola (1992–2006); Burundi (1992–2006); Benin (1992–2006); Burkina Faso (1992–2006); Botswana (1992–2006); Central African Republic (1992–2006); Côte d’Ivoire (1992–2006); Cameroon (1992–2006); Congo (Democratic Republic of the) (1992–2004); Comoros (1992–2006); Cabo Verde (1992–2006); Djibouti (1992–2006); Egypt (1992–2006); Ethiopia (1992–2006); Gabon (1992–2006); Ghana (1992–2006); Guinea (1992–2006); Gambia (1992–2006); Guinea–Bissau (1992–2006); Equatorial Guinea (1992–2006); Kenya (1992–2006); Liberia (1992–2006); Lesotho (1992–2006); Morocco (1992–2006); Madagascar (1992–2006); Mali (1992–2006); Mozambique (1992–2006); Mauritania (1992–2006); Mauritius (1992–2006); Malawi (1992–2006); Namibia (1992–2006); Niger (1992–2006); Nigeria (1992–2006); Rwanda (1992–2006); Sudan (1992–2006); Senegal (1992–2006); Sierra Leone (1992–2006); Eswatini (1992–2006); Chad (1992–2006); Togo (1992–2006); Tunisia (1992–2006); Tanzania, United Republic of (1992–2006); Uganda (1992–2006); South Africa (1992–2006); Zambia (1992–1997, 1999–2006); Zimbabwe (1992–1994, 1996–2006)


Argentina (1992–2006); Antigua and Barbuda (1992–2006); Bahamas (1992–2006); Belize (1992–2006); Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (1992–2006); Brazil (1992–2006); Barbados (1992–2006); Canada (1992–2006); Chile (1992–2006); Colombia (1992–2006); Costa Rica (1992–2006); Dominica (1992–2006); Dominican Republic (1992–2006); Ecuador (1992–2006); Grenada (1992–2006); Guatemala (1992–2006); Honduras (1992–2006); Jamaica (1992–2006); Saint Kitts and Nevis (1992–2006); Saint Lucia (1992–2006); Mexico (1992–2006); Panama (1992–2006); Peru (1992–2006); Paraguay (1992–2006); El Salvador (1992–2006); Trinidad and Tobago (1992–2006); Uruguay (1992–2006); United States of America (1992–2006); Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1992–2006); Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (1992–2006)


Armenia (1998–2006); Azerbaijan (1998–2006); Bangladesh (1992–2006); Bahrain (1992–2006); Brunei Darussalam (1992–2006); Bhutan (1992–2006); China (1992–2006); Cyprus (1992–2006); Georgia (1998–2006); Indonesia (1992–2006); India (1992–2006); Iran (Islamic Republic of) (1992–2006); Iraq (1992–2006); Israel (1992–2006); Jordan (1992–2006); Japan (1992–2006); Kazakhstan (1998–2006); Kyrgyzstan (1998–2006); Cambodia (1992–2006); Korea (Republic of) (1992–2006); Kuwait (1992–2006); Lao People’s Democratic Republic (1992–2006); Lebanon (1992–2006); Sri Lanka (1992–2006); Maldives (1992–2006); Mongolia (1992–2006); Malaysia (1992–2006); Nepal (1992–2006); Oman (1992–2006); Pakistan (1992–2006); Philippines (1992–2006); Qatar (1992–2006); Saudi Arabia (1992–2006); Singapore (1992–2006); Syrian Arab Republic (1992–2006); Thailand (1992–2006); Tajikistan (1998–2006); Turkmenistan (1998–2006); Turkey (1992–2006); Uzbekistan (1998–2006); Viet Nam (1992–2006); Yemen (1992–2006)


Albania (1992–2006); Austria (1992–2006); Belgium (1992–2006); Bulgaria (1992–2006); Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993–2006); Belarus (1998–2006); Switzerland (1992–2006); Czechia (1993–2006); Denmark (1992–2006); Spain (1992–2006); Estonia (1998–2006); Finland (1992–2006); France (1992–2006); United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1992–2006); Greece (1992–2006); Croatia (1992–2006); Hungary (1992–2006); Ireland (1992–2006); Iceland (1992–2006); Italy (1992–2006); Lithuania (1998–2006); Luxembourg (1999–2006); Latvia (1998–2006); Moldova (Republic of) (1998–2006); Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) (1994–2006); Malta (1992–2006); Netherlands (1992–2006); Norway (1992–2006); Poland (1992–2006); Portugal (1992–2006); Romania (1992–2006); Russian Federation (1998–2006); Slovakia (1993–2006); Slovenia (1993–2006); Sweden (1992–2006); Ukraine (1998–2006)


Australia (1992–2006); Fiji (1992–2006); New Zealand (1992–2006)


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