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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 19, 2016

Unitary spherical representations of Drinfeld doubles

  • Yuki Arano EMAIL logo


We study irreducible spherical unitary representations of the Drinfeld double of the q-deformation of a connected simply connected compact Lie group, which can be considered as a quantum analogue of the complexification of the Lie group. In the case of SUq(3), we give a complete classification of such representations. As an application, we show the Drinfeld double of the quantum group SUq(2n+1) has property (T), which also implies central property (T) of the dual of SUq(2n+1).

Funding statement: This work was supported by a Research Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Program for Leading Graduate Schools, MEXT, Japan.

A Central property (T) for discrete quantum groups

In [5], a central Haagerup property and a central completely contractive approximation property for discrete quantum groups are introduced. In this appendix we define in a similar way a central property (T). For basic definitions, we refer the reader to [5].

Let G be a compact quantum group. Let Cu(G) be the universal function algebra on G and C(G) the reduced function algebra. We denote the character algebra in Cu(G) by Cu(Char(G)).

Definition A.1.

We say G^ has central property (T) if the following holds:

If a net of central states (ωi)Cu(G)* converges to ε in the weak*-topology, then it converges in norm.

Remark A.2.

According to [14, Theorem 3.1], property (T) in the sense of [8] is equivalent to the following:

If a net of states (ωi) converges to ε in the weak*-topology, then it converges in norm.

In particular, property (T) implies central property (T).

We start with the following standard observation. For standard properties of the Fell topology on the unitary dual of a C*-algebra, we refer the reader to [6].

Lemma A.3.

Let A be a C*-algebra and χ a *-character of A. Then the following are equivalent.

  1. The character χ is isolated in the unitary dual of A.

  2. If a net of states (ωi) converges to χ in the weak*-topology, then it converges in norm.

  3. There exists a central projection pχ in A such that for any aA,



The equivalence (i) (ii) is immediate from the definition of the topology on the unitary dual. For the implication (ii) (iii) see [3, Theorem 17.2.4]. (The proof works for general C*-algebras.)

We show (iii) (i). Applying [6, Proposition 3.2.1] to A=pχA(1-pχ)A, we can decompose the unitary dual of A into a disjoint union of those of pχA and (1-pχ)A. Since the unitary dual of pχA is {χ}, χ is isolated. ∎

For ωCu(G)*, one can define a multiplier Tωu on Cu(G) by


Then since ω=εTωu, we get


If we start with a central multiplier Tu on Cu(G), that is, a completely bounded map from Cu(G) to itself which is equivariant under the left-right action of G, then ωT:=εTu is a central state. Hence we get a one-to-one correspondence between central completely bounded multipliers and central bounded functionals which preserves the norm.

In particular, we get the following.

Proposition A.4.

The following are equivalent.

  1. The quantum group G^ has central property (T).

  2. If a net of central completely positive multipliers (Tiu) on Cu(G) converges to the identity pointwisely, then it converges in norm.

In the completely same way as in [9, Proposition 6.3], we get the following.

Proposition A.5.

Let G and H be compact quantum groups which are monoidally equivalent. Then we have a one-to-one correspondence between central completely bounded multipliers on Cu(G) and Cu(H) preserving the norm and the weak*-topology.

In particular, if G^ has central property (T), so does H^.

In the Kac type case, central property (T) is equivalent to original property (T). To show this, we need the following lemma.

Lemma A.6.

Let G be a compact quantum group of Kac type. Then there exists a conditional expectation


such that



Let us consider the left and right regular representations:


Notice that


where Ω is the canonical cyclic vector in L2(G).

First, we claim


is injective. Using Fell’s absorption, we get that


is a well-defined representation. Now


shows α is injective.

Finally, consider the φφ-preserving conditional expectation


Then the image of (EΔid)α is α(Cu(CharG)) and


is the desired conditional expectation. ∎

Proposition A.7.

Let G be a compact quantum group of Kac type. Then the following are equivalent.

  1. The quantum group G^ has property (T).

  2. The quantum group G^ has central property (T).

  3. If a net of states (ωi) on the character algebra Cu(Char(G)) converges to ε in the weak*-topology, it converges in norm.


As we observed, (i) implies (ii).

To show that (ii) implies (iii), suppose G^ has property (T). Take a net of states (ωi) on Cu(Char(G)) converging to ε in the weak*-topology. By Lemma A.6, there exists a conditional expectation


Then (ωiE) is a net of central states on Cu(G) converging to ε in the weak*-topology. Hence it converges in norm. Since ωiE is nothing but ωi on Cu(Char(G)), the net (ωi) converges to ε in norm.

To show that (iii) implies (i), take the projection pεCu(Char(G)) as in Lemma A.3. We claim xpε=pεx=ε(x)pε. To see this, embed Cu(G) into B(H) for a Hilbert space H. Then


Since uiiπ is a contraction, this shows


In a similar way,


Since k(ukiπ)*ukjπ=1, we have


that is,


Taking * of the formula, we get pε is central. Again from Lemma A.3, G^ has property (T). ∎

Proposition A.8.

Suppose the Drinfeld double D(G) has property (T). Then G^ has central property (T).


Thanks to Lemma A.3, the assumption is equivalent to the following: If a net of states on 𝒪(G)cc(G^) converges to the counit εD, then it converges in norm.

Take central states ω,μ on Cu(G). Let π:Cu(G)M(C0u(D^(G))) be the *-homomorphism extending 𝒪(G)M(𝒪(G)cc(G^)). Then since ω=Indωπ, we have


In particular, for a net of central states (ωi), if (Indωi) converges to Indω in norm, then (ωi) converges to ω in norm.

Hence if we have a net of central states (ωi) converging to ε in the weak*-topology, then (Indωi) converges to εD=Indε in the weak*-topology. By assumption, it converges in norm, which turns out to be the convergence of (ωi) to ε in norm, which is desired. ∎

Corollary A.9.

The discrete quantum group SUq(2n+1)^ has central property (T).

As another application of Theorem 7.4, we get the following restriction on unitary fiber functors of Rep(SUq(3)).

Proposition A.10.

Let F:Rep(SUq(3))Hilbf be a unitary fiber functor. Let xRep(SUq(3)) be the fundamental representation of SUq(3). Then we have either



In [5], it is shown that for any compact quantum group G,


is a central state.

For a unitary fiber functor F, take the corresponding quantum group G which is monoidally equivalent to SUq(3). Then by Proposition A.5,


is a central state on SUq(3). On the other hand, the central state corresponding to νX is nothing but


Put N:=dimF(x) and find t0 such that


Then ωtρ=ωF. Therefore it is positive definite if and only if tρ is in the list in Theorem 7.4, hence t1 or t=2. ∎


The author wishes to express his gratitude to Kenny De Commer, Hironori Oya and Makoto Yamashita for many fruitful discussions. He is grateful to Kenny De Commer, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Christian Voigt, Makoto Yamashita and Robert Yuncken for many valuable comments and pointing out mistakes and typos in the draft version of this paper. He also appreciates the supervision of Yasuyuki Kawahigashi. He is also greatly indebted to the anonymous referee and Joachim Cuntz for correcting a large number of errors in an earlier version of the manuscript.


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Received: 2014-12-04
Revised: 2015-08-31
Published Online: 2016-01-19
Published in Print: 2018-09-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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