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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter March 7, 2017

Ecological Risk Assessment Workshop for Central America

From the journal Chemistry International

Substantial amounts of pesticides are used in agriculture in Latin America, in both crops for local consumption and export crops such as bananas, plantains, and pineapples. It is important that the pesticides used do not pose a risk to human health and the environment.

Regarding the environment, it is proposed that an Ecological Risk Assessment Workshop for Central America be held in Costa Rica, in order to:

  1. promote and transfer current scientific knowledge on ecological risk assessment

  2. highlight the advantages and disadvantages of risk assessment procedures

  3. provide a guidance document on the development of ecological risk assessment

This guidance document will give participants more detailed information on risk assessment. However, it is not intended to be a comprehensive handbook, but rather to enable participants to ask the right questions when risk assessments are required.

It is intended that the workshop in Costa Rica will form an integral part of the 6th Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop (LAPRW 2017, 14-17 May,, a biennial forum for discussion in which different concepts and future developments are presented on pesticide residues in food and the environment. Key partners will be CropLife International and the Red Analitica de Latino América y el Caribe (RALACA).

For more information about this project contact the Task Group Chairs Elizabeth Carazo Rojas or John Unsworth <>

Online erschienen: 2017-3-7
Erschienen im Druck: 2017-1-1

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