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Displaying recipiency in doctor-patient conversations

  • Liang Fu

    Currently teaching Chinese language and culture at Rice University, Liang Fu received her Master of Arts in Foreign Languages Applied Linguistics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China and Master of Business Administration from Miami University, Ohio. Prior to coming to Rice, she had taught language courses in colleges in both China and the US for two decades. Her teaching and research interests include language pedagogy, curriculum design, English-Chinese Translation, Business and Medical Chinese.

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A doctor’s ability to communicate with patients to ensure high-quality health care and the limited spoken materials available to teach this ability in a Chinese for Medical Purpose class call for teaching pedagogies that include authentic doctor-patient conversations to allow the access to the type of language data that properly define language use in medical professional settings. This paper introduces a teaching lesson for a Chinese for Medical Purpose course in which students are provided with a real doctor-patient conversation and guided to explore the doctor’s various ways of displaying recipiency of information from the patient as well as the socio-cultural meanings behind them. Six in-class and out-of-class activities are described in detail which include reflection on English recipient styles, comparison and analysis of Chinese and English spoken data, discussion on the social-cultural meanings and application of the learned recipient styles in oral practice. Issues and recommendations of designing and implementing the lesson plan as well as the outcomes of the lesson are discussed.


作为医生, 其语言交际技能包含了收集信息并利用这些信息准确地进行诊断、合宜地提供咨询,解释治疗方案,建立良好医患关系的能力(Duffy et al. 2004)。因此,在设计一门医学语言课程时,把语言交际能力的培养融入教学大纲中,也就不足为奇了。然而,旨在发展交际互动能力的教材却非常有限。虽然有许多教科书已经开始加入口语材料以满足对语言交际能力培养的需求,但这些材料在语言使用的真实度上却明显缺乏。比如,我们所使用的 “西医汉语听说和读写教程” (王军 2014a, 2014b, 2014c) 中所使用的医患对话录音,大多是有剧本、不自然,谈话者缺乏互动,主要功能停留在听力理解和医学名词的学习上。本文所要介绍的,就是如何使用真实谈话语音资料设计医学中文课程的教案。首先,我们探讨作为对医学汉语课程读写部分的补充,收集真实谈话语料并利用这些语料设计教案的必要性;然后,通过实例,我们展示如何利用真实谈话语料设计教学活动,指导学生进行语言及语用分析比较,帮助他们注意并掌握母语者在医患谈话中接受信息的语言技巧,以及这些技巧背后所隐含的文化因素,从而提高他们的交际互动及跨文化能力。最后,我们总结教学的积极成果,反思在设计和应用真实谈话语料设计教案和进行教学时所遇到的挑战,并提出建议。

About the author

Liang Fu

Currently teaching Chinese language and culture at Rice University, Liang Fu received her Master of Arts in Foreign Languages Applied Linguistics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China and Master of Business Administration from Miami University, Ohio. Prior to coming to Rice, she had taught language courses in colleges in both China and the US for two decades. Her teaching and research interests include language pedagogy, curriculum design, English-Chinese Translation, Business and Medical Chinese.


A Transcript 1

Transcript of Recording 1 (link to Recording 1:

Next! Liu Weilin
That’s me. How are you, doctor?
Ay, how are you? Please take a seat.
How old are you this year?
05D:哦。 以前是做什么工作的?
Oh, what did you do for a living before?
Mm, I was a teacher before. Mm, getting old,
so retired.
07D:哦。嗯, 身体感到怎么不舒服啊?
Oh. Mm, what seems to be bothering you?
Mm, since my old husband passed away last year,
I’ve been in low spirit,
Many things I’ve got no interest to do at all.
My memory has gone bad, always forgetting things.
I’m always sleepy.
My hands and legs are shaking too. Also, I’m losing hair badly.
Any, anything else?
No, nothing else.
Oh, Mm, how is your sleep usually?
Just feeling drowsy every day.
Drowsy, right? Sleepy?
Oh, Mm, then how about your appetite.
Not bad, not bad.
Oh. Mm, usually, what pastimes do you do for a hobby?
23P:嗯…, 没什么兴趣,就在家呆着
Mm… not much interest, just stay at home.。
Social activities, not much either, right?
26D:哦,嗯… 平时有心脏病吗?
Oh. Mm, do you have heart disease?
High blood pressure? Diabetes?
They are OK. Both normal.
30D:哦,嗯… 那听力怎么样?
Oh. Mm, then how is your hearing?
No problem either. No hearing problem either.
32D:哦,嗯… 就是觉得精力不够,是吧?
Oh. Mm… just no energy/spirit, right?
Yes, no interest, no interest in anything.

B Transcript 2

Transcript of Recording 2 (Link to Recording 2:

This morning got up, then started feeling, and continue to feel
dizzy. I had ear problems before
but before, for example, suddenly dizzy, then it would go away quickly
I just needed to take some medicine. And then yesterday, as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt the head-
- ache. Now whenever I open my eyes, I will get a headache.
I have to lie down
05从昨天开始,然后,我前天晚上,正好吃了…, 然后
Since yesterday. Then, the other night, I happened to have
eaten…, then
06没有消化好,昨天,就一直吐,吐了[一整天, 吃什么都
it didn’t get digested very well. Yesterday, I just couldn’t
stop vomiting, the whole day been
08P:吐, 喝水都吐 …
vomiting everything I ate, even water
10P:然后,我刚刚起来,我到现在都没有吃东西, 我就吃…
Then, I just got up, haven’t eaten anything. I just eat…
Any fever?
12P:应该是没有吧, [我就稍微比平常热一点。
Not that I know of. I just feel a little warmer than usual.
No fever.
Uh huh. Then have you had a cold the past few days?
15P:这些都没有。过敏就是打喷嚏而已, 对!并不是太严
None. Allergy would be just sneezing. Right! It’s not that
Uh huh.
Serious. But, I just vomit. Now it’s like drinking a sip of
water and I would vomit. Then, but
I ate some apple, (and I felt) fine.
19D:那个…, 平时,你现在有吃什么药物吗?
Um…, usually, are you taking any medicine now?
No, nothing at all.
21D:什么药都没吃。嗯哼… 耳朵会觉得响吗?还是有声…
Take nothing at all. Uh huh… Do your ears feel noisy?
Or there is noi-
Sometimes will feel a little, but, nothing special.
Nothing special.
24P:对。嗯… , 所以我不确定是…
Right. Mm… so I’m not sure…
25D:嗯, 就是昨天早上开始的?
Mm, it just started yesterday morning?
26P:昨天早上开始的,一起来就头晕目眩, 就是好像房子
Started yesterday morning. As soon as I got up, I felt the
dizziness, just like the house
28P:在转, 一直到现在都这样,就是我一直要躺下来。
was spinning. I still feel this way up till now. I just need to lie
down all the time.
29D:嗯哼,OK, 你上次发,是去年七月份?
Uh huh, OK. Last time it happened, was it last July?
Right. I know, but, last time, compared to this time, was
different. Last time
31感觉是… 上次我还有自己开车来,都没事。这次我连
it felt like… last time I could drive here myself, was all OK.
This time I couldn’t even
dare to drive…
So, it’s more serious this time.
Right. It’s just dizziness all the time. Last time, it lasted a
little while, perhaps five seconds,
35会停两次, 这次就是一直在晕。
and it would stop a couple of times. This time I feel dizzy all
the time.
Uh huh, uh huh.
37D:上次给你吃的那个药, [你吃了没有?
The medicine I gave you last time, did you take it?
The medicine I took last time. I took it and then I felt OK. But
I still would like you to give me the information of that ear
41D:你有去看他吗, 那次?
Did you go to see him, that time?
Didn’t. Because I went to Taiwan in July. Then…
44D:行, 可以。就是上次的药呢,还是要吃一次, 但是
OK, all right. The medicine from last time, you will still need to
take it, but
because this time you feel even more…, ah… you vomit very
46比较厉害嘛, 你今天…
badly. Today you…
47P:今天没有吐,昨天是, [喝一口就吐很。多
Today I didn’t. Yesterday, it was like drinking a sip and I
vomited badly.
would vomit a lot.
I still need to give you that antiemetic medicine.
50P :是止吐的药。因为我以前有这样的,但是会发炎,类似
It is antiemetic medicine。Because I had this before, but would
get infected.
51的那种,好像。之前也有, 很多年前,就是前一天晚
Seems like the same kind. I had it before, many years ago. The
food I ate the night before
didn’t get digested very well…
Uh huh

C Role play scenario

Scenario for role play at Activity 5

Patient Name: Zhu Guoqing;

Age: 52; Gender: Male;

Occupation: Computer Engineer


dizziness, chest tightness, lack of strength, numbness of limbs, insomnia.

Lifestyle:stays up late to work、loves spicy food、doesn’t exercise

Initial Diagnosis

Early stage of heart disease

Doctor’s Recommendation:

Get an EKG test;

Adjust daily routines and food

Jog 3 times a week, half an hour each time.

D Peer evaluation sheets

Peer Evaluation Sheets (Evaluate both of your group members)

Pair 1 Names:

反应词 Responses位置 position语言 language功用 function

Recipiency: Very Active Pretty Active Somewhat Active Not Active


Pair 2 Names:

反应词 Responses位置 position语言 language功用 function

Recipiency: Very Active Pretty Active Somewhat Active Not Active


E Homework Assignments

Task 1:

Video record a doctor-patient role play with a Chinese L1 speaker based on the scenario below. Make sure you play the role of the doctor.


Patient Name:Liu Youyu



Patient Liu Youyu has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, stage III. After a thorough examination, his doctor at MD Anderson Dr Yang recommended a treatment plan that includes surgery, followed by chemotherapy. However, Liu’s relatives and friends warned him that chemo does more harm than good to him because while it does kill cancer cells, it also poisons other good parts of the body. They suggest that he stay away from chemotherapy and use traditional Chinese medicines such as herbs, combined with other Chinese traditional treatments such as diet, Qigong, etc. Now, he comes to the doctor’s office and expresses his concern.

Task 2:

A). Listen to the audio. Identify and underline the response tokens used both by the doctor and the patient in this real doctor/patient conversation. (See the underlined parts for answer key)

07.D:一般就是象水一样,还是[就, 还是只是稀的呀?
08.P:[对,是,嗯,有,嗯,有。 稀的,
12.P:[没有,嗯。 我做过那个肠镜,那个肠镜他说没

B) Answer the following questions regarding the use of response tokens in this conversation.

  1. In line 8, how many response tokens did the patient use? Do they serve the same function? Do they have the same kind of linguistic forms? Why did the patient use them during the doctor’s speaking turn?

Answer key:

He used 6 response tokens. They serve two different functions: 1. Reactive Expressions (对、是、有); 2. Backchannels (嗯). The patient responded so richly during the doctor’s speaking turn probably because he was so eager to let the doctor know that his symptoms were exactly like what the doctor described that he couldn’t wait until the doctor finished his turn.

  1. In line 13, what type of response token is “我做过那个肠镜”? Why?

Answer key:

It is a collaborative finish, because the patient was listening to the doctor so attentively that he could predict exactly what the doctor was going to ask, which is “肠镜”

F Transcript of a student’s video recorded role play with L1 speaker

Doctor: Cindy (student)

Patient: Nancy (L1 speaker)

1.D:刘先生, 你好!
2.P:杨医生, 你好,你好, 你好
4.P:唉,这几天, 腰疼,
8.你的时候, 我们知道你有第三期肺癌, 对吗?
9.P:唉, 对啊。这肺,不好啊, 都是老问题啊, 呼吸都不通
14.P:跟他们讲了,讲了, 他们都担心死了!都这么大年纪了, 特
15.D:(nodding) 哦 对
18.P:哦,他们跟我说啊, 像我这么大把年纪了, 还是试试看中
23.P:对对,他们说就要我吃一些中药, 然后饮食上注意点儿, 不
24.要吃得太辣, 还要多运动,练气功。
29D:那我觉得你的朋友不对,因为吃这些东西, 中药,气功,只
30.是治标不治本, 所以我们医院还是想要你做一个手术, 可以
31.摘除肿瘤, 手术完应该开始化疗, 然后, 化疗可以把你的
32.癌细胞都给杀死, 然后, 就会, 你可以就, 好得快一点。
35.P:嗯, 那这个,化疗啊, 我听我亲戚说, 会把健康的细胞杀
37.D:嗯, 那他是对的, 可是化疗,现在是最有效的方法抗癌,所
38.以我们觉得, 你做化疗的话, 这个平均存活率是最高的。
39.P:哦,这样啊。那这个化疗啊, 得要多少钱啊?
40.D:嗯, 我不知道你要付多少钱, 可是保险应该会帮你付一点。
43.P:那要多长时间, 这个化疗?
45.P:哦, 那, 嗯, 我明天把我老伴儿喊来, 我们可以再讨论一下
50.P:好,医生, 那谢谢你啦。
51.D:好的好的, 明天见, 明天见

G Answer Keys to Worksheet Tasks

Worksheet 1

    1. A Resumptive Opener (RO)

    2. A Reactive Expression (RE)

    3. A Repetition (RP)

    4. A Collaborative Finish (CF)

The Collaborative Finishes (CF) display the most active listenership because the listener is able to predict what the speaker is about to say.

The Resumptive Openers (RO) display the least active listenership because it is no more than a sound that acknowledges the understanding. Any listener can produce a sound like an RO even when he or she is not listening at all.

Worksheet 2

  1. Line #Response TokensPosition in relation to the previous turn 1. beginning 2. middle 3. endFunctions (types of responses: use acronyms annotated on worksheet 1)
    (sleepy, right?)1
    else …)1


  1. No. Even though he used many response tokens such as resumptive openers, they all happened at the end of the patient’s speaking turn and before he took the turn to speak, which means the patient didn’t receive any acknowledgement of understanding while she was speaking. While perfectly appropriate in a conversation between two Chinese L1 speakers, in many cultures, this kind of silence on the doctor’s part may result in the patient stopping to check the doctor’s response.

  2. Some of the good examples of body language are: nodding, looking into the patient’s eyes, facing the patient, or slightly leaning his/her upper body towards the patient.

  3. Perhaps he did not want the patient to feel interrupted and to stop to check with him. By not saying anything to interrupt, the doctor was giving the patient the space and the freedom to speak all she felt like speaking. It is a Chinese way of showing respect and exercising politeness.

  4. For the same reason explained in question 3. The doctor waited until the patient finished talking so she wouldn’t feel interrupted and has the freedom to speak.

  1. Types of ResponsesEnglishChinese
    reactive Expressions22
    Collaborative FinishesØ2
    Resumptive Opener13


While both Chinese and English speakers acknowledge their understanding in a conversation by using reactive expressions to provide an assessment of the speech, Chinese speakers favor resumptive openers and English rely hugely on backchannels. Also, while there are few cases of repetitions or collaborative finishes in English conversations as response tokens, we see quite a few in Chinese ones.

Chinese speakers’ lack of response during the prior turn does not mean they are lack of interest or understanding. It provides the speaker with the space or freedom to speak without feeling interrupted, especially when health condition is the center of the conversation. English speaker’s active responsiveness during the prior turn does not create interruption like a Chinese speaker would perceive. Quite the opposite, it actually serves as an encouragement for the speaker to continue speaking, also without feeling interrupted.

Worksheet 3

  1. Answers vary. See transcript or listen to the recording.

    1. 头晕目眩,消化不好,已经吐了一整天。 她以前有过同样的问题。

    2. 上次头痛,一吃药就好,可是这次吃药不起作用了,头一直晕,需要一 直躺着。这次更严重,因为上次头痛一吃药就好,而这次吃药也不行。上次虽然头痛, 但可以自己开车来(诊所),可这次却不敢。

    3. 有没有发烧?感冒?吃了什么药?耳朵是否会觉得响?上次的药,吃了没有?

    4. 因为上次去了台湾。

Worksheet 4

  1. See transcript or listen to audio recording

Response TokensPosition in sentence 1.beginning 2.middle 3.endTypes/Functions
哦/嗯/嗯哼(Oh/uh/uh huh) (Lines 9,14,25,29)1RO
嗯哼 (uh huh) (Lines 16,36,43,53)2BC
那个 (that…) (Line 19)1RO “那个” is a filler here. It’s an RO because it kind of acknowledges the prior turn and commences a new turn.
就是(just) (Line 27)2RE “就是” here is an expression uttered during the prior turn to give acknowledgement.


  1. Yes. He constantly acknowledged his understanding during the patient’s speaking turn by using backchannels and reactive expressions.

  2. It is exactly like the “uh huh” in an English conversation, in terms of sound, function and position. Like “uh huh”, it is a backchannel serving as a “continuer” to display interest and claim understanding on the doctor’s part.

    1. See transcript or listen to audio recording

    2. Line #Response TokensPosition in sentence 1.beginning 2.middle 3.endTypes/Functions
      40对 (right)2RE
      33所以, 这次比上次更严重 (So, it’s more serious than last time)2CF See explanation at discussion question 1 below.
      13没有发烧(no fever)2RP
      21什么药都没吃 (didn’t take any medicine)2RP
      (nothing special)2RP
      48吐得比较厉害 (vomited badly)2CF It is a CF, because the patient says “今天没有吐, 昨天是…” then there is a little overlapping and she is heard saying “就吐很多”。


  1. It responded to “这次我连车都不敢开…”. The doctor initiated the topic about last time and the patient answered with “yes, but”, so we can say she meant to say something like “so this time it’s more serious”. The doctor jumped in before she said it, and he finished her turn by summarizing her description of her condition.

  2. They all happened in the middle of the prior turn, with overlapping observed between the two speakers. This shows that the doctor was listening so attentively that he could provide various kinds of response tokens in the right places at the right times.

  3. Here, the doctor played the dual roles of a listener and an information seeker. As an information seeker/recipient, he repeated those words or sentences to confirm with the patient if he understood her correctly. This was an important action for the doctor to take as his diagnosis would rely heavily on the information he received from the patient.

  1. Types of ResponsesEnglishChineseChinese American
    Reactive Expressions222
    Collaborative FinishesØ22
    Resumptive Opener133


  1. The Chinese American doctor, because throughout the whole conversation he was heard using all kinds of response tokens that are acceptable to the patient both socially and culturally.

  2. The listener’s recipient style of the Chinese American doctor comprises features of both Chinese (RO, RE, RP and CF) and English (BC and RE) practices. Here we see a case of transfer of interactional practices from one’s second language to his native language, ie, adopting BC’s in his Chinese conversations with the patient. This happened probably because the Chinese American doctor has practiced in the US for a long period time and his patient happened to be a fellow Chinese American who has lived in the US for quite some time as well.

  3. This shows that the Chinese American doctor has developed a strong intercultural competence as he clearly knows how to adapt to the cultural context in a “when in Rome” style (in this case, talking to his patient, a fellow Chinese American, in his US-based office), while still able to maintain the common practices of his native Chinese language.


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Published Online: 2018-04-26
Published in Print: 2018-04-25

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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