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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 10, 2010

Nicht mit rechten Dingen, nicht mit dem rechten Ding, nicht am rechten Ort. Zur tarnkappe und zum hort im Nibelungenlied

  • Anna Mühlherr

Literary criticism regards such objects as the magical concealing cloak (tarnkappe) and the Nibelungen hoard as poorly integrated into the ›Nibelungenlied‹. It is generally accepted that these so-called fairy tale motifs in the first part of the narrative should not be taken too seriously. By way of contrast this article argues for the significance of these objects. It suggests establishing objects (»things«) as a historically reflected basic category of text analysis, a category which at present is underestimated or even ignored in narratological theories. Thus a new way of reading the ›Nibelungenlied‹ is presented: The magical cloak and the treasure should never have been separated and taken away from the ›Nibelungenland‹. Breaking this rule inevitably leads to disastrous results for human action.

Online erschienen: 2010-03-10
Erschienen im Druck: 2009-November
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