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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 9, 2014

Real factor prices and factor-augmenting technical change

  • Andreas Irmen EMAIL logo


How does technical change affect real factor prices? This paper gives a comprehensive answer for the most important benchmark used in the modern debate: technical change is factor-augmenting and materializes in a neoclassical economy with competitive firms equipped with a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) production function. I establish that the effect of labor-augmenting technical change crucially hinges on whether the economy’s capital endowment exceeds or falls short of its amount of efficient labor. This distinction determines the sign of the effect for sufficiently small values of the elasticity of substitution. In the former case, labor-augmenting technical progress must increase the equilibrium wage. In the latter case the equilibrium wage is reduced. In both cases, technical progress increases the price of capital. Overall, the analysis stresses that not only the elasticity of substitution but also the degree of diminishing returns, the distribution parameters of the CES, and the level of the efficient capital intensity matter for the effect of labor-augmenting technical change on real factor prices. Mutatis mutandis, these considerations carry over to the case of capital-augmenting technical change.

JEL Classification: J31; O33; O41

Corresponding author: Andreas Irmen, University of Luxembourg and CESifo, Munich; University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, 148, avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, e-mail:


I would like to thank Adam Lesnik, Anastasia Litina, Amer Tabakovic, Benteng Zou and two anonymous referees for helpful comments.


Proof of Proposition 1

For ease of notation, let ψ=(σ–1)/σ. Then σ→0 means ψ→–∞, and we want to prove that


Let us suppose that KAL such that ΓKμ=Γmin ⌊Kμ, (AL)μ⌋. Without loss of generality, let Γ=1. We show that


First, we note that bKψbKψ+a(AL)ψ so that

(6.1)[b1/ψK]μ[bKψ+a(AL)ψ]μ/ψ (6.1)

since μ>0>ψ. Next, observe that KAL implies Kψ≥(AL)ψ since ψ<0. Therefore, we have bKψ+a(AL)ψaKψ+bKψ=(a+b)Kψ so that

(6.2)[bKψ+a(AL)ψ]μ/ψ[(a+b)1/ψK]μ. (6.2)

Combining inequalities (6.1) and (6.2) yields


Since limψb1/ψ=limψ(a+b)1/ψ=1, the CES production function converges to Kμ which is min[Kμ, (AL)μ]. Mutatis mutandis, if KAL the same steps prove the convergence of the CES to (AL)μ=min[Kμ, (AL)μ].     ■

Proof of Proposition 2

The competitive equilibrium is defined as in Section 2. To build intuition, let me start with Claim 3. Suppose R>0 and w>0. Then, according to (2.1), there must be full employment of both factors of production, i.e., Kd=K and Ld=L. Moreover, firm i’s profit-maximizing factor demands satisfy K(i)=AL(i). Using the latter and factor market clearing delivers immediately

(6.3)Kd=01K(i)di=A01L(i)di=ALd=AL=K. (6.3)

This proves the first part of Claim 3. As to the second part observe the following. Since the production plan (0,0,0) yields zero profits, any profit-maximizing production plan with strictly positive output must generate non-negative profits, i.e.,

Γmin [K(i)μ,(AL(i))μ]wL(i)RK(i)=Γ(AL(i))μwL(i)RK(i)=AL(i)Γ(AL(i))μ1wAR0.

For μ=1, this immediately gives

(6.4)11Γ(wA+R). (6.4)

For μ<1, it becomes


or, accounting for full employment of labor,

(6.5)1[1Γ(wA+R)](AL)1μ. (6.5)

Conditions (6.4) and (6.5) assure that unit costs cannot exceed the output price. Hence, any set of production plans {Y(i), K(i), L(i)}i∈[0,1] and any pair of strictly positive factor prices (w, R) qualify as an equilibrium if they satisfy K(i)=AL(i) for all i∈[0,1], (6.3), and (6.5) for 0<μ≤1. Accordingly, the level of equilibrium factor prices remains undetermined. This completes the proof of Claim 3.

Next, consider Claim 1, where K>AL. From Claim 3 it is clear that full employment of both factors of production at strictly positive factor prices cannot be an equilibrium. Hence, if an equilibrium exists, equilibrium factor prices satisfy either R=0 and w>0, or R>0 and w=0, or R=w=0. I shall show that only the first of the three alternatives is compatible with a competitive equilibrium and that equilibrium factor prices satisfy indeed (3.3).

  1. Suppose R=0 and w>0. Then, firm i chooses K(i) and L(i) to maximize

    (6.6)Γmin[K(i)μ,(AL(i))μ]wL(i). (6.6)

    For μ=1 this gives factor demands

    (6.7)L(i)={0ifw>ΓA,andK(i)0,[0,K(i)A]ifw=ΓA,andK(i)0,K(i)Aifw<ΓA,andK(i)=. (6.7)

    Clearly, wA leads to an excess supply of labor and the factor market clearing condition for labor cannot be fulfilled for w>0. If wA, then the demand for capital is unbounded which cannot arise in equilibrium either. Hence, in equilibrium we have wA and Ld=L. Since K>AL=ALd any Kd∈[AL, K] is an equilibrium capital employment level.

    If μ<1, then factor demands satisfy K(i)≥0 and

    (6.8)L(i)=min[K(i)A,(ΓμAμw)11μ]. (6.8)

    Intuitively, as long as the firm’s demand for capital is large enough, its (unconstrained) labor demand results from the first-order condition

    (6.9)ΓμAμL(i)μ1=w. (6.9)

    Accordingly, aggregate labor demand satisfies

    (6.10)Ld=01min[K(i)A,(ΓμAμw)11μ]di=min[KdA,(ΓμAμw)11μ]. (6.10)

    Now, two cases must be considered.

    • The first case has


      and arises as long as


      Since, by assumption, w>0, the labor market clearing condition requires

      (6.11)Ld=(ΓμAμw)11μ=L, (6.11)

      and the market-clearing wage is

      (6.12)w=ΓμAμL1μ, (6.12)

      which coincides with (3.3). At this wage, it holds that Kd/ALd=L which is feasible since K>AL and Kd∈[0, K] imply KKdALd=AL. Hence, the wage given by (6.12), Ld=L, and Kd∈[AL, K] is a competitive equilibrium.

    • The second case has


      and arises as long as


      By assumption, w>0, so that the labor market clearing condition requires

      (6.13)Ld=KdA=LKd=AL (6.13)

      which implies a real wage


      However, any real wage that satisfies this inequality strictly cannot constitute an equilibrium wage. To see this, consider a configuration involving (6.13) and a wage level w_(0,ΓμAμ/L1μ). Since K>Kd=AL, there is idle capital of which individual firms may avail themselves for free. Moreover, at w_ the (unconstrained) labor demand defined by (6.9) delivers L(i)>Kd/A=L. Hence, firms would want to hire more workers provided they can increase their capital demand proportionately. Since there is idle capital, this is feasible. To put it formally, (6.13) requires A=Kd/Ld. Suppose the firms hire (1+ε)Kd<K units of capital where ε>0 but small. At the same time, they increase their demand for labor to (1+ε)Ld. This strategy increases profits and leads to an an excess demand for labor. Hence, any constellation involving (6.13) and w_ does not qualify as an equilibrium. The only real wage level to which the preceding argument does not apply is w_=ΓμAμ/L1μ which coincides with (6.12).

      Hence, the only strictly positive equilibrium wage level is given by (6.12) which restates (3.3) and includes the case wA for μ=1. Clearly, the equilibrium real wage increases in A. Moreover, with R=0, s=0, too.

  2. Next, suppose that R>0 and w=0. I show that this cannot arise in equilibrium. Firm i chooses K(i) and L(i) to maximize

    (6.10)Γmin[K(i)μ,(AL(i))μ]RK(i). (6.14)

    For μ=1 this gives factor demands

    (6.15)K(i)={0ifR>Γ,andL(i)0,[0,AL(i)]ifR=Γ,andL(i)0,AL(i)ifR<Γ,andL(i)=. (6.15)

    Clearly, R>Γ leads to an excess supply of capital contradicting R>0, whereas R<Γ implies an unbounded demand for labor. Hence, in equilibrium it must be that R=Γ and Kd=K. However, this leads to a contradiction since KdALdAL<K. Hence, R>0 and w=0 are not equilibrium factor prices for μ=1.

    If μ<1, then factor demands satisfy L(i)≥0 and

    (6.16)K(i)=min[(ΓμR)11μ,AL(i)], (6.16)

    i.e., if capital is not binding the (unconstrained) demand for capital results from the first-order condition

    (6.17)ΓμK(i)μ1=R. (6.17)

    Full employment of capital requires

    (6.18)Kd=01min[(ΓμR)11μ,AL(i)]di=min[(ΓμR)11μ,ALd]=K. (6.18)

    However, full employment of capital implies an excess demand for labor. Indeed, if Kd=ALd then Kd=ALd=KLd>K/A>L. If Kd=(Γμ/R)11μ, then KdALd=KLd>K/A>L. Hence, a constellation with factor prices satisfying R>0 and w=0 cannot arise in equilibrium for 0<μ<1 either.

  3. Finally, consider the case where R=w=0. Then, both factor demands become unbounded which cannot arise in equilibrium. This completes the proof of Claim 1.

Mutatis mutandis, the proof of Claim 2 involves the same steps as the one of Claim 1. It leads to the results of (3.4) and is left out for brevity.     ■

Proof of Proposition 3

From (3.1) it is straightforward to show that

(6.19)R=FK=μs1+sYKandw=FL=μ1+sYL. (6.19)

It follows that

(6.20)RA=2FKA={RA11+s(μσ1σ)μaRA>0ifσ1,ifσ=1 (6.20)


(6.21)wA=2FLA={wA11+s(σ1σs+μ)μawA>0ifσ1,ifσ=1. (6.21)

Hence, the inequalities indicated in (3.8) follow since R, w and s are strictly positive for σ>0.     ■

Proof of Proposition 4

Let me first derive an expression for limσ→0w/∂A that will be used later. From (6.19), (6.21), and Proposition 1 I deduce that

(6.22)limσ0wA=limσ0{wA11+s(σ1σs+μ)}=μALlimσ0{F(1+s)2(σ1σs+μ)}=μΓmin[Kμ,(AL)μ]ALlimσ0{1(1+s)2(σ1σs+μ)}. (6.22)

Now, I turn to the two claims of the proposition.

  1. Consider the case K>AL,

    • Then, k>1 and the relative share of capital given in (3.6) satisfies limσ→0s=0. Hence, the limit in (6.22) becomes

      (6.23)limσ0wA=μΓ(AL)μ1limσ0{σ1σs+μ}=Γμ2(AL)1μ>0, (6.23)

      since, limσ→0s(σ–1)/σ=0. Observe that the limit in (6.23) coincides with the expression for ∂w/∂A of (3.3) derived for the equilibrium with σ=0. Hence, by continuity there is σ_>0 such that for all σ(0,σ_) we have ∂w/∂A>0. To prove the existence of σ¯>0 with the properties mentioned in the proposition recall ∂w/∂A of (6.21). Then,


      since limσ→1Y is the Cobb-Douglas function. Hence, by continuity there is σ¯<1 such that ∂w/∂A>0 for all σ¯<σ<1. This completes the proof of Claim 1.(a).

    • Next, I derive the critical value (b/a)¯ and show that ∂w/∂A<0 arises if and only if b/a>(b/a)¯. To see this consider (6.21). With (3.6) I have

      (6.24)wA<0σ1σ(ba)kσ1σ+μ<0. (6.24)

      Since σ<1, a larger ratio b/a reduces the first summand. Accordingly, the critical value (b/a)¯ solves the latter inequality as an equality and is given by


      It is straightforward to show that ρ(σ, μ, k) is ∪-shaped with limσ0ρ(σ,μ,k)=limσ1ρ(σ,μ,k)=.

      Moreover, ρ(σ, μ, k) attains a minimum on (0,1) at σ*=In k/(1+In k) where ρ(σ*, μ, k)=e·μ·In k. Partial differentiation delivers (3.10). This completes the proof of Claim 1.

  2. Consider the case K<ALk<1. The relative share of capital given in (3.6) satisfies limσ→0s=∞. Hence, the limit in (6.22) becomes


    since the term in curly brackets converges to zero. Accordingly, in the limit A has no effect on w.

    To prove the existence of σ^ with the properties mentioned in the proposition recall ∂w/∂A of (6.21). Since w/A(1+s)>0 except if σ=0, critical values that determine the sign of ∂w/∂A must satisfy (σ–1)s/σ+μ=0. To find out whether such values exist, define the function g : (0, 1)→ ℝ, where

    (6.25)g(σ)=σ1σs+μ. (6.25)

    Clearly, g is continuously differentiable on its domain with dg/>0. To see that there is a single critical value, σ^, that satisfies g(σ)=0 observe that


    Hence, there is one value σ^(0,1) that satisfies g(σ^)=0 or

    (6.26)σ^1σ^(ba)kσ^1σ^+μ=0. (6.26)

    For 0<σ<σ^ we have g(σ)<0 such that ∂w/∂A<0, for σ^<σ<1 we have g(σ)>0 and ∂w/∂A>0. Implicit differentiation of (6.26) reveals the existence of the function ς(μ, b/a, k) with the derivatives signed as in (3.12).     ■


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Published Online: 2014-4-9
Published in Print: 2014-1-1

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