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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 1, 2011

Septins at the annulus of mammalian sperm

  • Aminata Toure EMAIL logo , Baptiste Rode , Gary R. Hunnicutt , Denise Escalier and Gérard Gacon
From the journal Biological Chemistry


The annulus is an electron-dense ring structure connecting the midpiece and the principal piece of the mammalian sperm flagellum. Proteins from the septin family have been shown to localize to the annulus. A septin complex is assembled early in spermiogenesis with the cochaperone DNAJB13 and, in mature sperm, associates with Testis Anion Transporter 1; SLC26A8 (Tat1), a transmembrane protein of the SLC26 family. Studies in mice have shown that the annulus acts as a barrier to protein diffusion and controls correct organization of the midpiece. Consistent with these findings, absence of the annulus is associated with flagellum differentiation defects and asthenozoospermia in humans.

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Received: 2011-4-21
Accepted: 2011-6-1
Published Online: 2011-08-01
Published in Print: 2011-08-01

©2011 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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