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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 19, 2008

Docking of tryptophan analogs to trytophanyl-tRNA synthetase: implications for non-canonical amino acid incorporations

  • M. Kamran Azim and Nediljko Budisa
From the journal Biological Chemistry


Non-canonical amino acids (NAA), as building blocks for peptides and proteins during ribosomal translation, represent a nearly infinite supply of novel functions. The specific selection, activation and tRNA-charging of amino acids by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) in the aminoacylation reaction are essential steps. In most cases, aminoacylation of NAA is a good indication that the related amino acid will participate in ribosomal translation as well. However, testing the translational capacity of amino acid analogs has technical limitations. Therefore, a rapid and reliable in silico test for NAA recognition by AARS would be advantageous in experimental design. We chose tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli as a model system for docking studies with various tryptophan analogs using the FlexX-Pharm strategy. We were able to calculate relative binding energies for Trp analogs in TrpRS that correlate well with their translational activities in E. coli. In particular, FlexX-Pharm predicted the binding sites of fluoro-, amino-, hydroxyl- and aza-containing Trp analogs within 1.5 Å of Trp in the homology model of E. coli TrpRS. Therefore, the use of ligand docking prior to NAA incorporation experiments might provide a straightforward means for determining NAA that can be efficiently incorporated into a protein.

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Received: 2008-1-9
Accepted: 2008-5-22
Published Online: 2008-08-19
Published in Print: 2008-09-01

©2008 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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