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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter November 25, 2020

On the condition number of the Vandermonde matrix of the nth cyclotomic polynomial

  • Antonio J. Di Scala , Carlo Sanna EMAIL logo and Edoardo Signorini


Recently, Blanco-Chacón proved the equivalence between the Ring Learning With Errors and Polynomial Learning With Errors problems for some families of cyclotomic number fields by giving some upper bounds for the condition number Cond(Vn) of the Vandermonde matrix Vn associated to the nth cyclotomic polynomial. We prove some results on the singular values of Vn and, in particular, we determine Cond(Vn) for n = 2kp, where k, ≥ 0 are integers and p is an odd prime number.

1 Introduction

Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) was introduced by Lyubashevsky, Peikert, and Regev [1] in order to speed up cryptographic constructions based on the Learning With Errors problem [2]. Before RLWE, Stehlé, Steinfeld, Tanaka, and Xagawa [3] introduced what is now known as Polynomial Ring Learning With Errors (PLWE). The equivalence between RLWE and PLWE is studied and proved for certain families of polynomials [4, 5]. Let K = ℚ(α) be a number field of degree m and let 𝒪K be its ring of integers. The definition of short elements in K plays an essential role in RLWE and PLWE. This geometric notion derives from an appropriate choice of a norm on K by embedding the number field in a vector space. On the one hand, RLWE makes use of the canonical embedding σ, which maps each x ∈ 𝒪K to (σ1(x), . . . , σm(x)), where σ1, . . . , σm are the injective homomorphisms from K to ℂ. On the other hand, PLWE uses the coefficient embedding, which maps each x ∈ 𝒪K to the vector (x0, . . . , xm−1) ∈ ℤm of its coefficients with respect to the power basis 1, α, . . . , αm−1. As a linear map, the canonical embedding σ admits a matrix representation V ∈ ℂm×m; so that, for each x ∈ 𝒪K, we have σ(x) = V · (x0, . . . , xm−1)|. For the equivalence between RLWE and PLWE, it is important to determine when, whether ‖x‖ is small, then so is ‖σ(x)‖, and vice versa. This notion is quantified by V having a small condition number Cond(V):=V V1 ,where V:=Tr(VV) is the Frobenius norm of V and V* is the conjugate transpose of V.

When K is the nth cyclotomic number field, V = Vn is the Vandermonde matrix associated with the nth cyclotomic polynomial, that is,


where ζ1, . . . , ζm are the primitive nth roots of unity, and m = φ(n) is the Euler’s totient function of n.

Recently, Blanco-Chacón [4] gave some upper bounds for the condition number of Vn, proving the equivalence between the RLWE and PLWE problems for some infinite families of cyclotomic number fields.

Our first result is the following.

Theorem 1.1

For every positive integer n, we have


where rad(n) denotes the product of all prime factors of n.

Our second result is a formula for the condition number of Vn when n is a prime power or a power of 2 times an odd prime power.

Theorem 1.2

If n = pk, where k is a positive integer and p is a prime number, or if n = 2kp, where k, ℓ are positive integers and p is an odd prime number, then


In particular, Theorem 1.2 improves the upper bound Cond(Vn) ≤ 4(p −1)φ(n) given by Blanco-Chacón in the case in which n = pk is a prime power [4, Theorem 4.1].

Our proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are based on the study of the Gram matrix Gn:=VnVn. Regarding that, we give also the following result.

Theorem 1.3

For every positive integer n, the matrix nGn1 has integer entries.

From a number-theoretic point of view, it might be of some interest trying to describe the entries of nGn1 explicitely, or at least understand the integer sequence Tr(nGn1)n1 (which is related to Cond(Vn) by (3) below).

2 Proofs

For every positive integer n, the Ramanujan’s sums modulo n are defined by


for all integers t. It is easy to check that cn(·) is an even periodic function with period n. Moreover, the following formula holds [6, Theorem 272]

(1) cn(t)=μ(n(n,t))φ(n)φ(n(n,t)),

where μ is the Möbius function and (n, t) denotes the greatest common divisor of n and t.

Let Gn:=VnVn be the Gram matrix of Vn. By the previous considerations, we have

(2) Gn=(cn(0)cn(1)cn(2)cn(m1)cn(1)cn(0)cn(1)cn(m2)cn(2)cn(1)cn(0)cn(m3)cn(m1)cn(m2)cn(m3)cn(0))=(cn(ij))1i,jm .

In particular, Gn is a symmetric Toeplitz matrix with integer entries.

Let λ1, . . . , λs be the distinct eigenvalues of Gn, which are real and positive, since Gn is the Gram matrix of an invertible matrix, and let μ1, . . . , μs be their respective multiplicities. We have

(3) Cond(Vn)= Vn Vn1 =mTr(Gn1)=mi=1sμiλi.

Therefore, the study of Cond(Vn) is equivalent to the study of the eigenvalues of Gn.

The next lemma relates the characteristic polynomials of Gn and Grad(n).

Lemma 2.1

For every positive integer n, we have


where n′ := rad(n), m′ := φ(n′), and h := n/n′.


We know from(2) that Gn = (cn(ij))0≤i,j<m, where we shifted the indices i, j to the interval [0, m) since this does not change the differences ij and simplifies the next arguments. Write the integers i, j ∈ [0, m) in the form i = hi′ + i′′ and j = hj′ + j′′, where i′ , j′ ∈ [0, m′) and i′′ , j′′ ∈ [0, h) are integers. By (1) we have that cn(ij) ≠ 0 if and only if h divides ij (otherwise, n/(n, ij) is not squarefree), which in turn happens if and only if i′′ = j′′. In such a case, we have (n, ij) = h(n′ , i′j′) and, again by (1), it follows that


Therefore, we have found that Gn consists of m′ × m′ diagonal blocks of sizes h × h. Precisely,


where ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. Consequently, the characteristic polynomial of Gn is


as claimed. □

Now we are ready to prove the first result.

2.1 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Let n′ := rad(n), m′ := φ(n′), and h := n/n′. Furthermore, let λ1,,λs be the distinct eigenvalues of Gn′ , with respective multiplicities μ1,,μs. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that s′ = s and that the eigenvalues of Gn are hλ1,,hλs, with respective multiplicities hμ1,,hμs. Hence, (3) yields

 Cond (Vn)=mi=1sμiλi=mi=1sμiλi=mmCond(Vn)=nnCond(Vn),

as claimed. □

We need a couple of preliminary lemmas to the proof of Theorem 1.2.

Lemma 2.2

For every odd positive integer n, the matrices G2n and Gn have the same eigenvalues (with the same multiplicities).


It is known [6, Theorem 67] that Ramanujan’s sums are multiplicative functions respect to their moduli, that is, cab(t) = ca(t) cb(t) for all coprime positive integers a, b. Moreover, it is easy to check that c2(t) = (−1)t. Thus, (2) gives


where J is the m × m matrix alternating +1 and −1 on its diagonal and having zeros in all the other entries. Therefore, Gn and G2n are similar and consequently they have the same eigenvalues. □

Lemma 2.3

Given two complex numbers a and b, the determinant of the k × k matrix


is equal to (ab)k−1(a + (k − 1)b).


Subtracting the last row from all the other rows, and then adding to the last column all the other columns, the matrix becomes


Laplace expansion along the last column gives the desired result. □

2.2 Proof of Theorem 1.2

First, let us consider n = pk, where k is a positive integer and p is a prime number. It follows from (1) that cp(t) = p − 1 if p divides t, while cp(t) = −1 otherwise. Hence, using Lemma 2.3, we have

det G p x Id p 1 = p 1 x 1 1 1 p 1 x 1 1 1 p 1 x = ( p x ) p 2 ( 1 x ) ,

so that the eigenvalues of Gp are p and 1, with respective multiplicities p − 2 and 1.

As a consequence, (3) gives

(4) Cond(Vp)=(p1)2(11p),

and, thanks to Theorem 1.1, we obtain


as claimed.

Now assume that n = 2kp, where k, are positive integers and p is an odd prime number. From Lemma 2.2 and (3) it follows at once that Cond(V2p) = Cond(Vp). Hence, Theorem 1.1 and (4) yield

Cond V 2 k p = 2 k 1 p 1 Cond V 2 p = 2 k 1 p 1 ( p 1 ) 2 1 1 p = φ ( n ) 2 1 1 p ,

as claimed. □

The next lemma is the well known orthogonality relation between the roots of unity.

Lemma 2.4

We have

= 1 n ζ k ζ ¯ h = n i f k = h , 0 i f k h ,

for k, h = 1, . . . , m.

2.3 Proof of Theorem 1.3

Let Vn1=(wi,j)1i,jm and define

Si, :=k=1mwi,kζk ,

for all integers i, with 1 ≤ im and ≥ 0. On the one hand, since Vn1Vn=Idm, for < m we have that Si, = δi,+1 (Kronecker delta). On the other hand, since ζ1, . . . , ζk are conjugate algebraic integers with minimal polynomial of degree m, for m there exist integers b0, . . . , bm−1 such that ζk=b0+b1ζk++bm1ζkm1 for k = 1, . . . , m, and consequently Si,=b0Si,0+b1Si,1++bm1Si,m1. Hence, Si, is always an integer.

Recalling that Gn=VnVn, we have Gn1=Vn1(Vn1). Hence, also *using Lemma 2.4, the (i, j) entry of nGn1 is equal to


which is an integer. □


A. J. Di Scala and C. Sanna are members of GNSAGA of INdAM and of CrypTO, the group of Cryptography and Number Theory of Politecnico di Torino. A. J. Di Scala is a member of DISMA Dipartimento di Eccellenza MIUR 2018-2022. E. Signorini is a cryptographer at Telsy S.p.A.


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Received: 2020-03-01
Accepted: 2020-05-06
Published Online: 2020-11-25

© 2020 A. J. Di Scala et al., published by De Gruyter

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