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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter October 5, 2018

Quasilinear elliptic systems in divergence form associated to general nonlinearities

  • Lorenzo D’Ambrosio ORCID logo and Enzo Mitidieri ORCID logo EMAIL logo


The paper is concerned with a priori estimates of positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems of equations or inequalities in an open set of ΩN associated to general continuous nonlinearities satisfying a local assumption near zero. As a consequence, in the case Ω=N, we obtain nonexistence theorems of positive solutions. No hypotheses on the solutions at infinity are assumed.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we prove a priori estimates for the solutions of elliptic systems involving quasilinear operators in divergence form in an open set ΩN. The simplest problem that we have in mind is the classical model


where f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) are given nonnegative continuous functions.

More generally, we prove a priori estimates for the solutions of elliptic systems in an open set ΩN involving two quasilinear operators in divergence form. Specifically, we shall study problems of the type


where 𝒜p,𝒜q:Ω××NN are weakly p-coercive and weakly q-coercive respectively, that is, p>1, q>1, and there exist a,b>0 such that

(𝒜p(x,t,w)w)a|𝒜p(x,t,w)|pfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N,
(𝒜q(x,t,w)w)b|𝒜q(x,t,w)|qfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N,

f,g:Ω×[0,)×[0,)[0,) are Carathédory functions, and for u and v, a weak Harnack inequality holds (for further details and definitions, see Section 2).

In this setting, we prove some a priori bounds for weak solutions of system (P). We shall use some of the ideas developed in [4], where the case of scalar problems was considered.

Our main result is Theorem 3, in which we give a sufficient condition for the nonexistence of nontrivial solutions of (P) in the case Ω=N, and the following local assumptions on f(x,u,v)=f(u,v) and g(x,u,v)=g(u,v), concerning their behavior near zero, hold. We note that this is the first attempt to study nonexistence of positive solutions for quasilinear elliptic systems in this generality. As it is well known, besides their intrinsic interest, these nonexistence theorems can be used to prove existence results for related Dirichlet problems in bounded domains via the so called blow-up technique and suitable index theorems. See, for instance, [12] and the references therein. In addition, we point out that our approach can be used to study similar quasilinear systems in the framework of Carnot groups in the same spirit as [4, 5]. For sake of brevity and in order to avoid cumbersome notations, we restrict our attention to the standard euclidean case.

Assumption 1 (Assumptions on the nonlinearities).

The functions f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous and satisfy the following conditions:

  1. There exist p10 and q1>0 such that

    (f0)lim inft+τ0f(t,τ)tp1τq1>0(possibly infinity).
  2. There exist p2>0 and q20 such that

    (g0)lim inft+τ0g(t,τ)tp2τq2>0(possibly infinity).

On the possible solution (u,v) of the system, we do not require any kind of behavior at infinity. Indeed, we only assume that it belongs to a local Sobolev function space for which the integrals of the relevant quantities make sense. Under these hypotheses, a special case of our main nonexistence theorem applied to (1.1) reads as follows:

Theorem 1.

Suppose the functions f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous and satisfy (f0) and (g0). Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (1.1) such that


If 0p1<1, 0q2<1 and


then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN. This result is sharp.

In [1, Theorem 5.3], a less general sufficient condition for the nonexistence has been proved in the case f(x,u,v)=|x|αup1vq1 and g(x,u,v)=|x|βup2vq2. While, the same sufficient condition (1.2) has been considered in [3, Theorem V.3] for radial solutions of (P) and the differential system involves the (Δp,Δq) operators, in the special case f(u,v)=up1vq1 and g(u,v)=up2vq2. In Remark 5, we prove also that condition (1.2) is sharp, in the sense that when it does not hold, we are able to construct an explicit nontrivial solution of (P) in the special case when the system involves the same p-Laplacian operator.

We emphasize that conditions (f0) and (g0) allow to study problems with singular nonlinearities. For instance, dealing with f(t,τ)=τ-1, it is easy to construct a function f~(t,τ) such that f(t,τ)f~(t,τ) and it satisfies (f0) with p1=0 and any q1>0.

We also prove a nonexistence result for a nonautonomous system of inequalities, in which


where a,b are positive measurable functions, and f(u,v), g(u,v) satisfy conditions (f0) and (g0), respectively.

As a final remark, we note that, among others, Bourgain [2] studied a stationary Schrödinger system with critical exponents for the Bose–Einstein condensate


For earlier results concerning nonexistence of radial positive solutions of the more general model,


where p1,q1,p2,q2>0, see [6].

The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we give some useful definitions and preliminary results, focusing on the weak Harnack inequality and its consequences. Section 3 is totally devoted to the general a priori estimates for weak solutions of problem (P), while in Section 4, we prove our main results concerning the nonexistence of nontrivial solutions of (P) when f(x,u,v)=f(u,v) and g(x,u,v)=g(u,v). In Section 5, we prove a nonexistence theorem for the nonautonomous system (P) with f(x,u,v)=a(x)f(u,v) and g(x,u,v)=b(x)g(u,v).

2 Preliminaries

Let 𝒜:N××NN be a Carathéodory function, that is, for each t and wN, 𝒜(,t,w) is measurable and for a.e. xN, 𝒜(x,,) is continuous. We consider operators Lgenerated by𝒜, that is,


Our model cases are the p-Laplace operator, the mean curvature operator and some related generalizations.

Let ΩN be an open set. Let p>1, and let 𝒜p:Ω××NN be a Carathéodory function. The function 𝒜p is called W-p-C, weakly p-coercive, if there exists a constant a>0 such that

(W-p-C)(𝒜p(x,t,w)w)a|𝒜p(x,t,w)|pfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N.

The function 𝒜p is called S-p-C, strongly p-coercive, if there exist two constants a,a~>0 such that

(S-p-C)(𝒜p(x,t,w)w)a~|w|pa|𝒜p(x,t,w)|pfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N,

see [1, 8, 10] for details.

Example 1.

Clearly, if 𝒜p is S-p-C, then 𝒜p is W-p-C.

Let p>1. The p-Laplace operator Δp()=div(|()|p-2()) is generated by 𝒜p(x,t,w)=|w|p-2w, which is S-p-C. In particular, when p=2, the Laplace operator Δ() is S-2-C.

The mean curvature operator

div(()1+|()|2),generated by𝒜p(x,t,w)=w1+|w|2,

is W-2-C, but not S-2-C.

For further details and comments, we refer to [4, Section 1].

In what follows, we denote by 𝒜p a weakly p-coercive operator. Furthermore, BR stands for the ball of radius R>0, that is, BR={x:|x|<R}, and AR is the annulus B2RBR¯. Therefore, we have


where wN is the measure of the unit ball B1 in N.

Consider the system of inequalities


where ΩN is an open set, 𝒜p,𝒜q:Ω××NN are W-p-C and W-q-C, respectively, and


are Carathédory functions.

Let p1. Throughout the paper, we shall denote


Definition 1.

A pair of functions (u,v)Wloc1,p(Ω)×Wloc1,q(Ω) is a weak solution of (2.1) if


and the following inequalities hold for all nonnegative functions ϕ1, ϕ2C01(Ω):


Moreover, we say that a weak solution (u,v) is trivial if u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N.

Lemma 1 (Weak Harnack inequality [10, 11]).

If uWloc1,p(RN) is a weak solution of


𝒜p is S-p-C and N>p>1, then for any σ(0,N(p-1)N-p), there exists a constant cH>0 independent of u such that, for all R>0,


As in [4], we introduce the following definition:

Definition 2.

Let u be a weak solution of


where ΩN is an open set. We say that the weak Harnack inequality holds for u with exponent σ>0 if there exists a constant cH>0 independent of u such that, for any R>0 for which B2RΩ, we have


Remark 1.

Inequality (WH) implies immediately that uLlocσ(Ω) and that either u0 or u>0 in Ω. Moreover, we point out that, by Hölder’s inequality, if (WH) holds with exponent σ, it also holds with any exponent σ0(0,σ).

The following is a direct consequence of (WH).

Proposition 1.

If (WH) holds for two nonnegative functions u and v, then (WH) also holds for u+v. Furthermore, there exists a positive constant C independent of u and v for which


for all R>0 such that B2RΩ.


Let σ,δ>0 be the exponents for which (WH) holds for u and v, respectively. Suppose that σδ, then (WH) holds with exponent σ for both u and v. Now, for all R>0 such that B2RΩ, we get


with c:-max{1,2(1-σ)/σ}. Indeed, if σ1, inequality (2.4) is the subadditivity of the Lσ(BR)-norm, while if σ<1, (2.4) follows immediately from the fact that (u+v)σuσ+vσ and by the convexity of the power ()1/σ. Hence, by (2.4) and (WH), on u and v, we have


where CH:-ccH. That is, (WH) holds for u+v.

On the other hand,


thus, by (2.5), essinfBR(u+v)CH(essinfBR/2u+essinfBR/2v). ∎

Remark 2.

Obviously, the same conclusion of Proposition 1 holds for any finite number of nonnegative functions verifying (WH).

3 A priori estimates

In this section, we prove some integral a priori bounds of the solutions of the system of inequalities (2.1) in which we recall that ΩN is an open set, 𝒜p,𝒜q:Ω××NN are W-p-C and W-q-C, respectively, that is, p>1, q>1, and there exist a,b>0 such that

(𝒜p(x,t,w)w)a|𝒜p(x,t,w)|pfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N,
(𝒜q(x,t,w)w)b|𝒜q(x,t,w)|qfor all(x,t,w)Ω××N,

and f,g:Ω×[0,)×[0,)[0,) are Carathédory functions.

Theorem 2.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (2.1). Then, for all test functions ϕ1,ϕ2, every 0 and every α,β<0, we get



where u:-u+, v:-v+, c1:-|α|-ηp/ap, c2:-η-p/p, η>0, c~1:-|β|-μq/bq, c~2:-μ-q/q and μ>0.

If η,μ are so small that c1,c~1>0, then, for all α,β<0 and 0,



where c3:-(c2/ac1)1/p and c~3:-(c~2/bc~1)1/q.

If uα-1+p,u(1-α)(p-1)Lloc1(AR), vβ-1+q,v(1-β)(q-1)Lloc1(AR) with R>0 such that B2RΩ, then, for all α,β<0, there exist c4,c~4>0 for which



If there exist σ>p-1, δ>q-1 such that uσ,vδLloc1(Ω), then



In particular, if (WH) holds with exponent σ>p-1 for u and with exponent δ>q-1 for v, then the following inequalities hold for some appropriate constants c5,c~5>0:




We follow essentially the proof of [4, Theorem 2.1].

Fix a test function ϕ1, and set r:-dist(supp(ϕ1),Ω), Ωr:-{yΩ:dist(y,Ω)>r}. For ε(0,r) and >0, we define


where (Dε)ε is a family of mollifiers. Thus, we can choose wεαϕ1 as test function in (2.2). We have


Since wεu, wεu in Llocp(Ωr) as ε0, by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and by duality, we get


where, in the last steps, we used Hölder’s and Young’s inequalities and the (W-p-C) condition for 𝒜p. This completes the proof of the first inequality in (3.1) when >0.

Analogously, it is possible to prove the second one. Indeed, fix a test function ϕ2, and set


For ε(0,r) and >0, define


use w~εβϕ2 as test function in (2.3), and proceed as above. The case =0 follows immediately from the case >0 by an application of Beppo–Levi’s theorem and letting 0.

From now on, we only prove the inequalities concerning f, as an argument to obtain the other estimates in exactly the same way.

In order to prove (3.2), use (2.2), and consider >0. Thus, the weak p-coercivity of 𝒜p, Hölder’s inequality and (3.1) imply


Also here, it is enough to apply Beppo–Levi’s monotone convergence theorem and/or Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem to prove the remaining case =0.

Let ϕ0C01() be such that 0ϕ01, cϕ0:-|ϕ0|p/ϕ0p-1< and


Define ϕ1(x):-ϕ0(|x/R|) so that


Hence, using ϕ1 as test function in (3.2) with =0, we get


and so, since |AR|=wN(2N-1)RN=(2N-1)|BR|, we have


which gives (3.3) with c4:-c3(2N-1)cϕ0.

Estimates (3.4) follow easily from (3.3) by applying Hölder’s inequality. Finally, if (WH) holds, by (3.4), we obtain


with c5:-c4(1-12N)(1-p)/σcHp-1. ∎

4 Some Liouville-type theorems

In this section, we shall prove the main results of this paper. Consider the problem


Throughout this section, without further mentioning, we shall assume the following:

Assumption 2.

The functions Ap,Aq:RN×R×RNRN are W-p-C and W-q-C, respectively, N>max{p,q}, (WH) holds for u with exponent σ>p-1 and for v with exponent δ>q-1, and Assumption 1 holds.

Example 2.

Besides all the functions f such that f(t,τ)ctp1τq1 for every (t,τ)[0,)×[0,), an example of a function satisfying condition (f0) is given by f(t,τ)=sin2tsin2τ in [0,)×[0,). Clearly, in this case, f satisfies (f0) with p1=q1=2.

Lemma 2 (cf. [4, Lemma 3.1]).

Let u:RN[0,) be a function such that essinfRNu=0. Assume that (WH) holds with exponent σ>0. Then, for all ε>0,


where Tεu={xRN:u(x)<ε} and AR=B2RBR¯.

Lemma 3.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0. If f(u(x),v(x))=0 for a.a. xRN, then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN. Similarly, if g(u(x),v(x))=0 for a.a. xRN, then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


Suppose that f(u(x),v(x))=0 for a.a. xN. Thanks to Proposition 1, we can apply Lemma 2 to the function u+v. Hence, by (f0), we get


for R sufficiently large and ε>0, where Tε={xN:u(x)+v(x)<ε}. Using (WH) on u and v, we conclude that u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. If g(u(x),v(x))=0 for a.a. xN, the proof is similar. ∎

Let us introduce the matrix


Lemma 4.

Let (u,v) be a nontrivial weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0. Then there exists a constant c>0 such that, for all ε>0 and R>0 sufficiently large, the following estimates hold:



where Tε={xRN:u(x)+v(x)<ε},


In particular, if q2q-1, then, for R sufficiently large,


with S=AR/2 or S=BR. If p1p-1, then, for R sufficiently large,


with S=AR/2 or S=BR.


Fix ε>0. By the first inequality of (3.5), we get


On the other hand, using (f0), we have






and so, by Proposition 1 and by Lemma 2 applied to the function u+v, we obtain


for R sufficiently large. Similarly, from the second inequality of the system, we prove the second inequality of (4.3).

By (3.5) and (g0), for R sufficiently large, it follows that


where, in the last step, we have applied Lemma 2 to the function u+v, which, thanks to Proposition 1, satisfies all the required assumptions. Similarly, working on the second inequality of (4.1), we obtain (4.5).

Combining the two inequalities in (4.3) and using the assumption q2q-1, we immediately get (4.6),


for R sufficiently large.

From (4.4) and (4.5), we obtain


with S=AR/2 or S=BR, being f and g nonnegative and AR/2BR. Since q2q-1, these two inequalities imply


Similarly, under the assumption p1p-1, we can prove (4.8) and (4.9). ∎

Theorem 3.

Let p1<p-1, q2<q-1 and


If (u,v) is a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0, then either u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.

We note that (4.10) is equivalent to


when p1<p-1 and q2<q-1. Indeed, starting from (4.10), when the minimum is the first quantity in the brackets, we get


that is,


Now, since q2<q-1, we get


Multiplying both sides by (p-1)(q-1-q2)p2q1, we have




Similarly, we can easily prove the second part of the equivalence.

Proof of Theorem 3.

We shall distinguish two cases depending on whether the constant D defined in (4.2), as well as the left side of (4.11), is positive or nonpositive.

Case D>0. Suppose that


the remaining case being analogous. Without loss of generality, we prove the theorem only when


Suppose, by contradiction, that both u>0 and v>0 in N. By (4.7), we have


hence f(u,v)L1(N). Thus, by the first inequality of (4.12), letting R, we get f(u,v)=0 a.e. in N. By Lemma 3, we conclude that either u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. This contradiction proves the claim.

Case D0. Note that, in this case, condition (4.11) is trivially satisfied. Suppose, by contradiction, that both u>0 and v>0. Clearly, p(q2-q+1)-qq1<0 and q(p1-p+1)-pp2<0, since p1<p-1 and q2<q-1.

Hence, if D<0, by (4.6) and (4.8), R large and ε>0, we get




which is impossible.

Next, if D=0, then, by (4.6) and R large, it follows that


Clearly, by letting R, we reach a contradiction. ∎

Remark 3.

In Theorem 3, as well as in all the nonexistence theorems of this paper, we require that the solutions of the system have an essential infimum on N equal to zero. If, for instance, f(u,v)cup1vq1 in all of N, the assumption on the essential infimum of u and v is quite natural. Indeed, if essinfNu>0 and essinfNv>0, then every solution (u,v) of (4.1) is also a solution of


The first inequality of (4.13) does not have any weak solutions (see e.g. [4, Corollary 2.4]), therefore also system (4.1) has no weak solutions.

Furthermore, if essinfNv=0 and 𝒜p does not depend explicitly on u, we have the following result.

Corollary 1.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of the problem


with q2<q-1. If essinfRNv=0 and essinfRNu>0, then v=0 a.e. in RN.


Put u0:-essinfNu>0 and u~:-u-u0. Then (u~,v) solves the problem


Consider the functions f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) defined by


for all (t,τ)[0,)×[0,). It follows that

lim inft+τ0f(t,τ)tp~1τq1=lim inft+τ0(t+u0)p1τq1tp~1τq1=+>0for allp~1>0,
lim inft+τ0g(t,τ)tp~2τq2=lim inft+τ0(t+u0)p2τq2tp~2τq2=+>0for allp~2>0,

that is, f and g satisfy (f0) and (g0) with exponents p~1,q1,p~2,q2. Next, by choosing p~1 and p~2 so small so that p~1<p-1 and p~2q1<(p-1-p~1)(q-1-q2), we see that we can apply Theorem 3 to problem (4.15). Consequently, u-u0=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. If v=0 a.e. in N, we are done. On the other hand, if u=u0 a.e. in N, then, by the first inequality of (4.14), it follows that v=0 a.e. in N. ∎

Obviously, an analogous result as above can be obtained when essinfNu=0, essinfNv>0, p1<p-1, and 𝒜q does not depend explicitly on v.

Remark 4.

In the case p=q, p1<p-1, q2<p-1 and D>0, condition (4.11) is sharp also for systems of equations. Indeed, if


then we can construct an explicit nontrivial solution of the problem


where f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous and such that, for all (t,τ)[0,1]×[0,1],




Hence f and g satisfy (f0) and (g0) with exponents p1=0, q1=(α+1)(p-1)/β, p2=(β+1)(p-1)/α, q2=0. By straightforward calculation, it follows that the functions defined by


are weak solutions of (4.16).

Remark 5.

In the case p1<p-1, q2<q-1 and D>0, condition (4.11) is sharp for systems of inequalities. Indeed, if


then (4.1) has a nontrivial solution. Indeed, if (4.17) holds, then we can construct an explicit solution of the problem


where f and g satisfy (f0) and (g0), respectively. Consider the functions defined by


Denoting ϱ:-|x|, an easy computation shows that


By (4.17) and our assumptions p1<p-1 and q2<q-1, it follows that N>(α+1)p and N>(β+1)q. Hence, if we denote


it follows that h1(ϱ)>0 and h2(ϱ)>0 for all ϱ0. Moreover, by the definitions of α and β, we get




and similarly,


Therefore, since h1 and h2 are continuous functions, there are two positive constants C1 and C2 such that h1(ϱ)C1 and h2(ϱ)C2 for all ϱ0. Thus, we have, for all xN,


that is, (u,v) is a nontrivial solution of (4.18) with f(u,v)=C1up1vq1 and g(u,v)=C2up2vq2.

By our construction, it follows that 0<u(x)1 and 0<v(x)1 for all xN. Hence this counterexample works also for all continuous functions f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) such that f(t,τ)=C1tp1τq1 and g(t,τ)=C2tp2τq2 for all (t,τ)[0,1]×[0,1] and nonnegative elsewhere.

Corollary 2.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of the system


where f,g:[0,)[0,) are continuous functions satisfying the following conditions:

  1. There exists q1>0 such that

    f0´lim inft0+f(t)tq1>0(possibly infinity).
  2. There exists p2>0 such that

    g0´lim inft0+g(t)tp2>0(possibly infinity).



and essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0, then uv0 a.e. in RN.


By Theorem 3, with p1=q2=0, we have that u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. If v0, by W-q-C, for 𝒜q, we have 𝒜q(,v,v)=0 a.e. in N, and in turn, g(u)=0 a.e. in N. Thus, by (WH) on the first inequality of system (4.19), g0´ and Lemma 2, we obtain, for R large,


that is, u=0 a.e. in N. ∎

Remark 6.

Note that condition (4.20) is equivalent to


This is the assumption required in [7, Theorem 2.1], when f(v)=vq1 and g(u)=up2. In [7, Section 3], the authors prove also that the nonexistence result is sharp, in the sense that if (4.21) is not valid, they are able to construct a solution (u,v)(0,0) of (4.19). Corollary 2 in a more general setting has been studied in [5].

Remark 7.

Consider the problem


with p,q>1, p1,q20 and p2,q1>0. As pointed out in [1, Remark 5.1], it is possible to obtain a nonoptimal sufficient condition of nonexistence for (4.22), as a consequence of Corollary 2. Since -Δp and -Δq are S-p-C and S-q-C, respectively, inequality (WH) holds for both u and v. Hence, by Remark 1, either u0 or u>0 in N, and analogously, either v0 or v>0 in N. Therefore, with a change of variables, we can obtain, from problem (4.22), a system of the type (4.19). More precisely, let θ,τ(0,1). Set w:-uθ, z:-vτ. Then


where C>0. When p1<p-1 and q2<q-1, we can choose θ=1-p1p-1, τ=1-q2q-1 and find


Hence, if q1τ>q-1, p2θ>p-1 (i.e. q1>q-1-q2 and p2>p-1-p1), and if we require condition (4.20) with q1τ in place of q1 and p2θ in place of p2, that is,


then problem (4.22) has no nontrivial solutions by Corollary 2. Nevertheless, condition (4.23) is not sharp, as Theorem 3 proves.

Theorem 4.

Assume that p1p-1 and q2q-1. If (u,v) is a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0 and


then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


From Theorem 3, if p1<p-1 and q2<q-1, we already know a stronger result. Therefore, we prove this result only when p1=p-1 and q2q-1, and we omit the similar proof in the case p1p-1 and q2=q-1. Suppose, by contradiction, that problem (4.1) admits a nontrivial solution (u,v). By (4.7) and (4.9), we have, for R sufficiently large,


By hypothesis (4.24) and letting R, we get f(u,v)=0 or g(u,v)=0 a.e. in N. We complete the proof by using Lemma 3. ∎

Lemma 5.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0. If there exists z[0,1] such that


then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


By contradiction, if u>0 and v>0, from (4.4) and (4.5), we have, for R large and for all z[0,1],


and so




By (4.25), α0, β0 and γ>0, hence, by (4.26), f(u,v)=0 or g(u,v)=0 a.e. in N, and so, by Lemma 3, we have that u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. This completes the proof. ∎

Theorem 5.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0.

  1. If p1p-1, q2q-1 and


    then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N.

  2. If p1p-1, q2q-1 and


    then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N.

  3. If p1p-1, q2q-1 and


    then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N.


(i) Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (4.1). By Lemma 5, for all z[0,1] satisfying (4.25), we have that (u,v) is trivial. Now, system (4.25) is equivalent to


since p1p-1 and q2q-1. Put




then φ is nondecreasing, and we obtain the best condition taking z=0 in the second inequality of (4.30), namely,


While, if


then we have the best condition taking z=q1q1+q-1-q2 in second inequality of (4.30), that is


Finally, by an easy calculation, we see that


if and only if


This completes the proof of the first part of the theorem.

(ii) The proof is similar to the proof of (i), and it is omitted.

(iii) Let (u,v) be as in the statement. By Lemma 5, for all z[0,1] satisfying (4.25), we have that (u,v) is trivial. Now, system (4.25) is equivalent to


since p1p-1 and q2q-1. Now, if


then the function φ defined in part (i) is nondecreasing, and we obtain the best condition taking z=0 in (4.31), namely,


While, if


then we have the best condition taking z=1 in (4.31), that is,


Remark 8.

If p1=p-1 and q2=q-1, then (4.27) jointly with (4.28) give the same condition as (4.29). Moreover, in this case, this curve is equivalent to condition (4.24).

Theorem 6.

Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (4.1) with essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0.

  1. If q2<q-1, D>0 and


    then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. In particular, if q2<q-1, p1p-1 and (4.32) holds, then (u,v) is trivial.

  2. If p1<p-1, D>0 and


    then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in N. In particular, if p1<p-1, q2q-1 and (4.33) holds, then (u,v) is trivial.


(i) By contradiction, let (u,v) be a nontrivial weak solution of (4.1). By (4.4) and (4.5), for R sufficiently large, we have




By (4.34),


since q2<q-1. Combining this last inequality with (4.35), we get


and so


for R large, where


By hypothesis (i), γ0. Now, by (4.37), Nf(u,v)<, since D(p-1)(q-1-q2)>0, so that by (4.36), f(u,v)=0 a.e. in N. The contradiction follows by Lemma 3. For the second part of the statement, it is enough to note that if q2<q-1 and p1p-1, then D>0.

(ii) The proof is analogous to the proof of (i). ∎

Remark 9.

Note that, in the case p1=p-1 and q2=q-1, condition (4.25) is equivalent to (4.24). Moreover, when


then condition (4.32) is stronger than (4.27). Similarly, if


then (4.33) is stronger than (4.28).

Now we prove that conditions (4.32) and (4.33) are sharp at least when (4.38) and (4.39) hold, respectively.

For simplicity, we show a counterexample for (4.32) when p=q.

Let q2<p-1p1, p1+q1p2+q2 and


We prove that, under these assumptions, the system


where f and g satisfy (f0) and (g0), admits a nontrivial solution. Consider the functions


and denote ϱ:-|x|.

By straightforward computation, we know that




The exponents α and β are such that


hence, the expressions of h1 and h2 become simply


By (4.40) and our assumptions q2<p-1p1 and p1+q1p2+q2, it follows that N>(α+1)p and N>(β+1)q. Hence, h1(ϱ)>0 and h2(ϱ)>0 for all ϱ0.

For simplicity, we summarize the results obtained in Theorems 3, 4 and 5 for p=q.

Corollary 3.

Consider system (4.1) with p=q. Let (u,v) be a weak solution of this problem such that


Denote A1:-p1+q1, A2:-p2+q2, α=p2p2-p1+p-1, β=q1q1-q2+p-1 and


Then, under the assumptions described in Table 1, it follows that either u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.

Table 1

Conditions implying that the solutions of (4.1) are trivial.

q2=p-1A1<A2A1=A2A1>A2(4.42) (4.45)(4.45)

In problem (4.1), we have excluded the cases q1=0 or p2=0. In this final part of the section, we would like to show that these cases can be treated essentially with the tools used in [4] for the inequalities. For simplicity, we consider now problem (4.1) with p=q. Moreover, we require that the functions f,g:[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous and satisfy conditions (f0) and (g0), introduced in Section 1, with q1=0 or p2=0.

Theorem 7.

Consider system (4.1). Let q1=0 or p2=0, and suppose that p1>p-1, q2>p-1 and


If (u,v) is a weak solution of (4.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0, then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


Suppose that q1=0. If p1p2+q2, we can proceed as in the proofs of [4, Theorems 3.3 and 3.4]. Indeed, for R large and for all ε>0, we have, by (3.5) and (f0),


Hence, f(u,v)=0 a.e. in N by (4.48), since p1>p-1. Therefore, (u,v) is trivial.

If p1>p2+q2, we distinguish two cases. If u=0 a.e. in N, then we are done. If u>0 a.e. in N, then, by (3.5), (g0) and Lemma 2, we obtain, for R large enough and for all ε>0,


that is,


Now, by (4.48), we have that the exponent of R in the right side is nonpositive. Without loss of generality, we consider only the case for which the exponent of R is equal to 0, i.e., when (4.48) holds with the equality sign. Thus, since q2>p-1, we can have three cases. Either BRg(u,v)0 and BRf(u,v) as R or vice versa. In both cases, we conclude that g(u,v)=0 or f(u,v)=0 a.e. in N, and we are done. In the third case, BRg(u,v)const. and BRf(u,v)const. as R. Hence, in particular, g(u,v)L1(N), and so AR/2g(u,v)0 as R. Hence, we conclude that g(u,v)=0 a.e. in N by (4.49). In the case p2=0, the proof is analogous. ∎

5 A nonautonomous system of inequalities

In this section, we consider the problem


where we assume the following:

Assumption 3.

All conditions of Assumption 2 hold. Moreover, a,b:RNR0+ are nonnegative measurable functions.

Theorem 8.

Let p1<p-1, q2<q-1, p2q1>(p-1-p1)(q-1-q2), and suppose there exist r,s>0 such that a-rLloc1(RN{0}) and b-sLloc1(RN{0}). Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (5.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0. If one of the conditions



holds, then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


Suppose that (5.2b) holds, the remaining case being analogous. If v=0 a.e. in N, we are done. Otherwise, put r~=1+1/r and s~=1+1/s. By the first inequality of (3.5), Lemma 2 and (g0), we get, for R sufficiently large,


where, in the last step, we have used Hölder’s inequality. By the second inequality of (3.5),




Combining (5.3) and (5.4), we have


Similarly, for g, we obtain


Hence, by (5.5), we obtain


Therefore, by hypothesis (5.2b), it follows that b(x)g(u,v)=0 for a.a. xN, since


Using (WH) on the first inequality of the system and by (5.5), we get, for R sufficiently large,


Hence, u=0 a.e. in N. ∎

Remark 10.

It is worth pointing out that, in the case ab1, requesting the validity of condition (5.2a) or (5.2b) of Theorem 8 is equivalent to hypothesis (4.11) of Theorem 3.

Furthermore, if a and b are nonnegative, periodic, continuous functions, then there exists M>0 such that


see [4, Theorem 3.23] for further details. Hence, in this setting, the condition (5.2a) or (5.2b) of Theorem 8 reduces to


namely, we find again the same sufficient condition (4.11) of Theorem 3.

Corollary 4.

Let p1<p-1, q2<q-1, p2q1>(p-1-p1)(q-1-q2), and suppose that a(x)=|x|θ and b(x)=|x|η. Let (u,v) be a weak solution of (5.1) such that essinfRNu=essinfRNv=0. Put


as usual. If the condition


holds, then u=0 or v=0 a.e. in RN.


It is enough to apply Theorem 8 by taking into account that, for any r>0 such that N-θr>0 and s>0 such that N-ηs>0, it follows that


where c denotes a positive constant. ∎


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Received: 2018-07-31
Accepted: 2018-07-31
Published Online: 2018-10-05
Published in Print: 2018-11-01

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