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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 1, 2006

Studies on the prevalence of human papillomavirus in pregnant women in Japan

  • Koichi Takakuwa , Takuya Mitsui , Mitsutoshi Iwashita , Iwao Kobayashi , Akira Suzuki , Takaaki Oda , Yuichi Torii , Masahiko Matsumoto , Goki Yahata , Kenichi Tanaka and Cooperative Study Group of the Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Disease in Pregnant Women by Scientific Study of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan


Aims: In order to evaluate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the pregnant population in Japan.

Methods: We examined cervical swabs of 1,183 pregnant women for HPV DNA using a PCR-RFLP method during October, 2000 and February, 2001. The overall prevalence of HPV in 1,183 pregnant women was analyzed and stratified by age.

Results: The overall prevalence of HPV in pregnant women was 12.5% (148 of 1,183 cases). The prevalence in pregnant women younger than 25 years (22.6%, 28 of 124 cases) was significantly higher compared with that in pregnant women ≥25 years (11.3%, 120 of 1057 cases, P<0.0005).

Conclusions: The data indicate a significantly higher prevalence of HPV infection in younger pregnant Japanese women.


Corresponding author: Koichi Takakuwa, MD Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Niigata University School of Medicine 1-757, Asahimachi-dori Niigata, 951-8510 Japan Tel.: +81-25-227-2320 Fax: +81-25-227-0789


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Published Online: 2006-02-01
Published in Print: 2006-02-01

©2006 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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