Online ISSN : 2188-5923
Print ISSN : 0386-4073
ISSN-L : 0386-4073
佐藤 悠介大出 茂
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 35 巻 1 号 p. 1-11


The strontium to calcium ratio of coral aragonite is mainly controlled by three factors: (1) the strontium distribution coefficient between aragonite and seawater, (2) the Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio of the surface oceanic water, and (3) biological effects. The mean oceanic residence time of strontium and calcium are calculated to be 4.9×106 years and 1.0×106 years, respectively. Therefore, the Sr/Ca ratio in seawater is considered to be quite uniform throughout the world's surface seawater. If biological effects are considered to be negligible, Sr/Ca ratio of coral aragonite can vary as a simple function of temperature in which corals have grown. Steve Smith has clearly demonstrated, from a series of careful macrocosm experiments on Pocillopora damicornis, that a relationship exists between Sr/Ca in coral aragonite and ambient seawater temperature. The Sr/Ca ratio in coral aragonite is shown as a simple linear equation of ambient seawater temperature, classified of the "Sr/Ca thermometry". Recent high precision data of Sr/Ca analysed by mass-spectrometer, further calibrated the Sr/Ca thermometer using Porites corals. But recent studies also pointed out spatial variations (〜1%) of surface seawater Sr/Ca. In addition, biological effects such as taxonomy and growth rate are discussed in this paper. Re-evaluation of above three factors will provide a more reliable coral Sr/Ca thermometer.

© 2001 日本地球化学会