Systems and Means of Informatics

2020, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 186-197


  • A. V. Ilyin
  • V. D. Ilyin


The review presents the core of the multicurrency market digital technologies of the normalized economic mechanism (NEM). In the NEM model, the economic component of state sovereignty is determined by the system of rules for economic activity established by law, including the rules of multicurrency deals, state fees, formation, and usage of the state budget funds. The foreign trade market for any pair of countries is defined by a certain set of goods types (the exchange of which is permissible in accordance with a foreign trade agreement), by the set of currencies applicable for trade, customs rules, and rules of foreign trade fees. For each type of goods, digital technologies of the multicurrency market provide the economic activity participants with the opportunity to make transactions in any currency from the list that is the intersection of the sets of currencies allowed by the banks-regulators of the states to which the participants belong. At the same time, the commodity capacities of currencies for each product vary depending on the market situation; taxes and duties are paid in the currencies used in economic deals; and the technology of e-trade with direct lending serves as a means of stimulating sales for the national currency. An important means of the NEM security is the designated payments technology.

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