Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics

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Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. CTU in Prague Faculty of Mech. Engineering Dept. Tech. Mathematics MIO Université du Sud Toulon Var - AMU - CNRS - IRD Czech Pilot centre ERCOFTAC
Level Set Representation on Octree for Granular Material with Arbitrary Grain Shape

Duriez J., Galusinsky C.

The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is an efficient tool for modelling granular materials, usually approaching them by spherical particles. Aiming for a better description of grain shapes, the present work first illustrates the Level Set (LS) description of arbitrary surfaces in a DEM extension coined as LS-DEM. LS-DEM logically results in a massive increase in the simulation storage requirements and evaluation time, which is here illustrated with reference to DEM for the ideal case of spherical particles. Then, Level Set Quadtree/Octree data structures are proposed as algorithm improvements to alleviate the computational costs of LS-DEM.

Granular material, Level Set, Octree
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In Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020, Prague, 2020 Edited by David Šimurda and Tomáš Bodnár, pp. 64-71
ISBN 978-80-87012-74-1 (Print)
ISSN 2336-5781 (Print)
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