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An efficient bifunctional two-component catalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution in reversible fuel cells, electrolyzers and rechargeable air electrodes

Dresp, Sören; Luo, Fang; Schmack, Roman; Kühl, Stefanie; Gliech, Manuel; Strasser, Peter

We report on a non-precious, two-phase bifunctional oxygen reduction and evolution (ORR and OER) electrocatalyst with previously unachieved combined roundtrip catalytic reactivity and stability for use in oxygen electrodes of unitized reversible fuel cell/electrolyzers or rechargeable metal-air batteries. The combined OER and ORR overpotential, total, at 10 mA cm(-2) was a record low value of 0.747 V. Rotating Ring Disk Electrode (RRDE) measurements revealed a high faradaic selectivity for the 4 electron pathways, while subsequent continuous MEA tests in reversible electrolyzer cells confirmed the excellent catalyst reactivity rivaling the state-of-the-art combination of iridium (OER) and platinum (ORR).
Published in: Energy & environmental science, 10.1039/c6ee01046f, Royal Society of Chemistry
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