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Protocol for pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEḡIS apparatus

Tietje, I. C.; Amsler, C.; Antonello, M.; Belov, A.; Bonomi, G.; Brusa, R. S.; Caccia, M.; Camper, A.; Caravita, R.; Castelli, F.; Cheinet, P.; Comparat, D.; Consolati, G.; Demetrio, A.; Noto, L. Di; Doser, M.; Fanì, M.; Ferragut, R.; Fesel, J.; Gerber, S.; Giammarchi, M.; Gligorova, A.; Glöggler, L. T.; Guatieri, F.; Haider, S.; Hinterberger, A.; Kellerbauer, A.; Khalidova, O.; Krasnický, D.; Lagomarsino, V.; Malbrunot, C.; Nowak, L.; Mariazzi, S.; Matveev, V.; Müller, S. R.; Nebbia, G.; Nedelec, P.; Oberthaler, M.; Oswald, E.; Pagano, D.; Penasa, L.; Petracek, V.; Povolo, L.; Prelz, F.; Prevedelli, M.; Rienäcker, B.; Røhne, O. M.; Rotondi, A.; Sandaker, H.; Santoro, R.; Testera, G.; Toso, V.; Wolz, T.; Yzombard, P.; Zimmer, C.; Zurlo, N.

The AEḡIS collaboration’s main goal is to measure the acceleration of antihydrogen (H¯) due to gravity. The experimental scheme is to form a pulsed beam whose vertical deflection is then measured by means of a moiré deflectometer [1]. Creating pulsed H¯ is crucial since it allows a velocity measurement of the antiatoms via time of flight (ToF) necessary to deduce the gravitational acceleration ḡ from the vertical deflection Δs. The aim of this article is to outline the experimental protocol leading up to pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEḡIS experiment.
Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 10.1088/1742-6596/1612/1/012025, IOP