Directory of Development Studies Courses in the Commonwealth


Commonwealth Secretariat


The proliferation of inter-disciplinary studies and the emergence of new disciplines which stand in their own right are a phenomenon of the recent explosion of knowledge. Where such a discipline has an urgent practical value as well as a political dimension, its accession to the status of a separate discipline is often rapid. One such discipline which has mushroomed in universities all over the Commonwealth is “Development Studies”.

This directory of courses in Development Studies is a result of a recommendation made by Ministers at the Eighth Commonwealth Education Conference held in Sri Lanka in August 1980. It is published in the hope that it will be a small but valuable contribution to Commonwealth co-operation in this important area and that it will facilitate the training of personnel for urgent development needs in Third World countries.

It will be useful for academics, students, planners and those responsible for training in all areas of development.



1 January 1979
