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The Cytoplasmic Domain of Varicella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein H Regulates Syncytia Formation and Skin Pathogenesis

Figure 14

Proposed model for limited skin pathogenesis of VZV caused by exaggerated syncytia formation.

Schematic of human skin with the three main layers denoted: G = Granular, S = Spinous, and B = Basal. (A) Exaggerated syncytia formation by pOka-gH[Δ834-841] and pOka-gH[TL] limits the virus from being able to spread effectively and penetrate the skin, causing the lesion to remain near the surface. (B) In contrast, normal syncytia formation by pOka allows the virus to easily spread and penetrate the basal layer allowing for expansion of the lesion.

Figure 14
