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CLEC5A Regulates Japanese Encephalitis Virus-Induced Neuroinflammation and Lethality

Figure 6

Anti-CLEC5A mAb rescues JEV-induced neuronal damage.

(A): JEV-induced pathological changes were examined by H&E staining. Arrowheads indicate dysmrophic neurons in the cerebral cortex (upper panel) and damaged Purkinje cells in the cerebellum (lower panel), scale bars, 200 µm. (B) Neuronal damage induced-astrogliosis was characterized by GFAP staining, scale bars, 50 µm. For (A) and (B), tissues were harvested at day 5 post JEV infection. Five random fields of views in medium power field (original magnification (OM)×200) were photographed, and the numbers of dysmorphic neurons or GFAP+ cells in cerebral cortex and cerebellum in each sample were counted, summed up and represented as mean ± s.e.m. (under each picture) of four independent experiments.

Figure 6
