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The p53-Target Gene Puma Drives Neutrophil-Mediated Protection against Lethal Bacterial Sepsis

Figure 5

Pneumococcal-induced apoptosis of leukocyte subpopulations.

(A) Percent apoptosis (AnnexinV/DAPI-positive cells) of neutrophil subpopulations from wild type (white bars) and Puma−/− (black bars) mice with indicated markers harvested by bronchial lavage of mice at 36 hours post-infection with S. pneumoniae T4 (data combines two independent experiments each with five pooled mice from both genotypes). (B) Percent apoptosis (Annexin V/propidium iodide positive) of wild type (black bars), Puma−/− (white bars), and p53−/− (grey bars) progenitor cells differentiated for 72 hours and exposed to indicated concentration of hydrogen peroxide for 3.5 hours (mean ± SD of 3 experiments). ** = significantly different from wild type at p≤0.007 for Puma and <0.005 for p53. (C) Percent apoptosis (Annexin V/7-AAD positive) of wild type and Puma−/− bone marrow neutrophils treated four hours with 50 ng/ml PMA (mean ± SD of 6 experiments) *** = significantly different from wild type at p≤0.0009.

Figure 5
