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Cryo Electron Tomography of Native HIV-1 Budding Sites

Figure 3

Filamentous actin at HIV-1 budding sites.

The 39 budding sites reconstructed by cryo electron tomography were sorted into five categories, based on the type of filamentous actin structures (if any) present in their vicinity. Top panels are a sketch of the category, showing the Gag lattice in red, the plasma membrane in blue and filamentous actin in black. The lower panels show a computational slice through one budding site from the category, and the numbers below state the number of budding sites (and the number of tomograms they were obtained from) in the category. (A) Budding site at the side of actin-filled filopodium; (B) budding site at the tip of actin-filled filopodium; (C) budding site with cortical actin parallel to the plasma membrane; (D) budding site with cortical actin directed towards or protruding into the budding site; (E) budding site at the plasma membrane, not adjacent to filamentous actin. Scale bar is 100 nm.

Figure 3
