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Interfering Residues Narrow the Spectrum of MLV Restriction by Human TRIM5α

Figure 1

Stable Expression of Wild-Type or PRYSPRY V1 Mutant Forms of huTRIM5α

(A) Schematic representation of the domains present in huTRIM5α. Numbers refer to the amino acid position. V1 through V4 designate the four variable regions found in the PRYSPRY domain. The V1 amino acid sequence is shown below, with mutated amino acids (334 to 339) indicated with an asterisk (*). Below is a western blot analysis of extracts from MDTF cells stably transduced with retroviral vectors expressing HA-tagged versions of these huTRIM5α derivatives, using HA (top) and PCNA (bottom)-specific antibodies.

(B) Same analysis, with derivatives carrying the indicated amino acid substitutions or a deletion (Δ) at position 336.

Figure 1
