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Dynamic Organization of Hierarchical Memories

Fig 6

The transient neural activity before reaching the attractor.

A-C) Transient dynamics of the neural activity under input 11 with γ = 5. The dynamics is colored before reaching the attractor in magenta and after convergence to the attractor in red. Neural activity after convergence to an attractor with a less intense strength (γ = 4) is plotted in gray, for reference. A) Time series of the overlap with the target pattern 11. B) Overlap profiles before and after convergence in magenta and red are plotted. Here, the former overlap profile is measured by averaging overlap after 50 unit-time transient up to the convergence point. The latter profile is measured after convergence. We also plot the profile for the neural activity with a less intense strength in gray as reference. C) The orbit of the neural activity dynamics in A is plotted, by projecting it into the two-dimensional space. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the overlaps with targets 8 and 11, respectively.

Fig 6
