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Chicken TREM-B1, an Inhibitory Ig-Like Receptor Expressed on Chicken Thrombocytes

Fig 4

TREM-B1 is expressed on thrombocytes.

(A) Viable PBMC were discriminated by 7-AAD staining and gated on lymphocytes/thrombocytes (R1), monocytes/NK cells (R2) or heterophils (R3) in FSC/SSC. Cells were double immunofluorescence stained with either the 1E9 (upper panel) or the 7E8 (lower panel) mab in combination with several cell surface markers as indicated. Numbers indicate the percentage of cells in the respective quadrants. Isotype-matched controls were included in each experiment. One of ten representative experiments is shown. (B) Macrophages were single stained with the TREM-B1 specific mab 7E9 and the macrophage/monocyte specific marker KUL01 (filled histograms). Isotype-matched controls are shown as open histograms and percentages of positive cells are indicated as numbers.

Fig 4
