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Can Immune Response Mechanisms Explain the Fecal Shedding Patterns of Cattle Infected with Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis?

Fig 2

Comparing Models to Cattle MAP Experimental Infection Data.

Through fitting the model to cattle data, all animals can be categorized into three distinct groups that correspond to three different models that predict unique immune response interactions with MAP bacteria. Group A is a set of animals with data that can be reproduced with Model A. Data for cattle in Groups B and C can be explained with Models B and C, respectively. Interactions and model equations that describe Models A, B, and C are given in Fig 3. The predicted immune interactions are different between these groups; however, within each group, different immune responses are explained by similar mechanisms with different estimated parameter values. Lines show model predicted trends, while shapes (circle, square, diamond) represent experimental data (CFU, ELISA, LPT, respectively). The red line represents the model-simulated LPT/CMI response, the green line represents the AMI response, and the black line stands for CFU kinetics.

Fig 2
