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Human Engineered Cardiac Tissues Created Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reveal Functional Characteristics of BRAF-Mediated Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Fig 4

Investigating longitudinal changes in hECT functional phenotype.

(A) Principal component analysis and k-means clustering of tissues paced at 2 Hz on day 6 (left) and day 11 (right). (B) Developed force of the wild-type tissues increased significantly over day 6 and day 11, while mutant tissues did not. The lack of a significant change from day 6 to day 11 appeared to be due to a greater increase in diastolic force of mutants from day 6 to 11 than wild-type tissues, while systolic force increased approximately by the same amount for both tissue types. (C) Passive Young’s modulus determined by uniaxial stretch measurements on days 12–15 (n = 4 per tissue type). * p < 0.05 between tissues types, † p < 0.05 between day 6 and day 11 for wild-type tissues.

Fig 4
