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The Commingled Division of Visual Attention

Fig 4

Experiment 1: Latencies in the primary (enumeration) and secondary (shape-detection) tasks.

1. Open Squares: mean reaction times when the shape was absent; 2. Filled Squares: mean reaction times when the shape was present; 3. Open Circles: mean reaction times for enumeration when the shape was absent; and 4. Closed Circles: mean reaction times for the enumerations of the number of spots when the shape was present. The error bars show 1 s.e.m.; if no bars are visible, the 2 s.e.m. range centered on the mean is smaller than the height of the marker. Means associated with open symbols are each based on approximately 2761 data points. Means associated with closed symbols are each based on approximately 224 data points.

Fig 4
