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Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Assessment Identifies Individual Differences in Fear Response Magnitudes to Earthquake, Free Fall, and Air Puff in Mice

Figure 2

Response of HR dynamics to air puff.

(A) Instant HR responses of an individual mouse during three trials of air puff stimuli, trial #1, trial #4 and trial #7. The red vertical dashed lines indicate the onset of the air puff stimuli (10 psi, 0.5 s). Robust increase of instant HR after stimulus onset was noted at trial #1. (B) Poincaré plots of the same mouse’s R-R intervals of 30-s pre-stimulus (grey line) and 30-s post-stimulus (red line) period in trial #1, trial #4 and trial #7. Prominent increase in heartbeat regularity during the 30-s post-stimulus period was noted in trial #1. (C) The average HR response to air puff (1st trial). (D) The average CV of R-R intervals upon 1st trial of air puff. (E) The average RMSSD of R-R intervals upon 1st trial of air puff. The average curves of 30-s pre-stimulus period were plotted as grey lines, whereas the average curves of 90-s post-stimulus period were plotted as red lines. The shadows around the average curves indicate error bars (SEM); n = 7.

Figure 2
