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The Advantage of Arriving First: Characteristic Times in Finite Size Populations of Error-Prone Replicators

Figure 4

Values of the characteristic time for the reduced r-model for mutation rates in the range at constant steps .

In the main figure the amplification factor of the fittest phenotype is: 5 (blue curve), 10, (green), 20 (red) and 30 (cyan). In the inset, takes the values: (blue curve), (green curve) and (red curve). In all cases, and . The points in the curves of the main picture correspond to the values mutation rate (from left to right), . These values are applied later in stochastic simulations. As expected, increasing the value of the highest peak in the sequence landscape, , reduces the characteristic time. Furthermore, as depicted in the inset, as approaches the curves tend to become monotonous and move up several order of magnitude.

Figure 4
