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Late Neogene and Early Quaternary Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Conditions in Southwestern Europe: Isotopic Analyses on Mammalian Taxa

Figure 5

δ18OCO3 and δ18OPO4 (‰ VSMOW) values across time bins.

A) Mean and standard deviation δ18OCO3 (black circles) and δ18OPO4 (white circles) (‰ VSMOW) values. Letters indicate Tukeýs homogeneous groups. B) Mean and standard deviation δ18Ow (‰ VSMOW) and MAT (°C) values calculated by applying the equation (3) of Rozanski et al. [41]. MAT values based on pollen and micro-mammal data are from Fauquette et al. [88], [95], Hernández Fernández et al. [10] and Jiménez-Moreno et al. [11]. Chronology according to 1Domingo et al. ([16], unpublished data), 2Agustí et al. [89], 3the onset of the Quaternary according to the chronology confirmed in 2009 by the International Union of Geological Sciences. The ages of the global/regional events are not absolute, but approximate according to the MN chronology. MCR = Mediterranean Climate Regime, NHG = Northern Hemisphere glaciation, PWP = Pliocene Warm Period, MSC = Messinian Salinity Crisis, MVC = Middle Vallesian Crisis.

Figure 5
