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Quantitative FRET Imaging to Visualize the Invasiveness of Live Breast Cancer Cells

Figure 6

The MT1-MMP activity in MDA-MB-231 cells is correlated with the invasiveness of the cells on cross-linked collagen films.

(A) The ECFP/FRET ratio and rhodamine-collagen intensity images of a representative cell expressing AHLR-MMP biosensor 2 days after adhesion to collagen (CL)-coated cover glass, with (top) or without (bottom) GM6001 inhibition. The shape of the cells is outlined in blue dashed lines. Scale bars: 10 µm. (B) Left panel: The quantified ECFP/FRET ratio (Ratio), and right panel: the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine collagen outside (FI-outside) and inside (FI-inside) the cell body were compared between cells pretreated with (GM+) or without (GM-) GM6001 inhibition (MEAN±SEM). (*) indicates statistically significant difference with p-value<0.01.

Figure 6
