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Mesodermal Gene Expression in the Acoel Isodiametra pulchra Indicates a Low Number of Mesodermal Cell Types and the Endomesodermal Origin of the Gonads

Figure 6

Summary of mesodermal gene expression in adult I. pulchra.

Columns represent tissue types, rows the gene identity. Question marks represent detection ambiguities between standard and fluorescent in-situ hybridization protocols (see text for details). On the right side is a schematic representation of an adult worm. The tissue is color-coded according to gene expression on the left. Body wall and parenchymal muscles are in blue. Not all muscles are represented for clarity purposes. Peripheral parenchyma is in sandy-brown. Ovaries are in dark red and testes in light orange. Only single ovary and testes are represented not reflecting the real bilateral symmetric status of I. pulchra gonads. The same asymmetric representation is given for the neoblasts (dark purple). Examples of gene expression for each structure are given in the insets. bm: bodywall muscles; pm: parenchymal muscles; bn: bursal nozzle; fo: female copulatory organ; mc: male copulatory organ.

Figure 6
