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Lack of Bcr and Abr Promotes Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension in Mice

Figure 1

Hypoxia-treated bcr−/− and abr−/− mice have higher RVSP and more severe right ventricular hypertrophy. A,

RVSP from bcr−/−, abr−/− and wt mice with exposure to normoxia or hypoxia. B, Ratio of RV/LV+S calculated using the weight of RV, LV+S from the hearts of normoxic and hypoxic bcr−/−, abr−/− and wt mice. *p<0.05 compared to the values of mice with the same genotype at normoxia. # p<0.05 when compared to wt mice in the same exposure condition. Bars represent mean ±SD; n = 6 mice per group.

Figure 1
